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Everything posted by codamedia

  1. That does not sound like normal behavior to me, so something is amiss. Sorry, I have nothing else to try. I'd ask for you to share your patch but I own a Helix not a Stomp so I can't test it.
  2. Odd... try this to see if it fixes the problem. Unplug the pedal, set the volume to 100% then save the patch. Now run your tests to see if it works... but don't save anything other than what I suggest above.
  3. How do you have EXP2 setup in the Global Settings? Options are Preset, Snapshot, Global? If it is set to "per preset" or "per snapshot" then it will load the default value that is stored at each preset/snapshot when the pedal is not plugged in. This can be any number between 0 and 100%. When it is set to "global" it should load at 100% when a pedal is not plugged in.
  4. Another great reason why I sneak into this forum daily to see what's being discussed.... I didn't realize you could set parameter min/max values with a stomp switch, now I know!
  5. Don't use me as the pawn to attack someone else! He was joking with me.... he wasn't telling me to stfu, he was just suggesting that I don't waste my time by being polite to you. He's not wrong! I fully get it. I'm just having fun :)
  6. I posted that image because you claimed everything was "scooped".... sorry, I didn't realize the goal posts have been moved.... again. If you want a hump like the one your graph shows simply do one or more of these.... turn up the mids add an eq with a slight bump at the frequency you want place a low gain overdrive (eg: Minotaur or TS-808 are decent choices) in front of the amp... This is the practice that Guthrie Govan does by the way... (I only mention that because of the clip you posted).
  7. I beg to differ.... let me re-post my image that you didn't seem to acknowledge yesterday. Marshall Plexi Jump > stock settings > stock cab > stock mic. If you don't mess with it... there is no shortage of mids.
  8. Did you try a 1 to 1 comparison before you sold it, or are you relying on your memory?
  9. I know I responded to you directly, but I don't want people to think I am ignoring this thread.... Please understand that I won't share my JD Aura IR's... if I post them here I don't think that is fair to Fishman or even more so to Jerry Douglas who likely has a licensing deal with Fishman. I didn't create the IR (Fishman calls it an image), I merely made a copy of it for my own use... from a product I own. It is not difficult to create an IR (especially from something like an AURA) if you take the time to learn. If you have a computer there is freeware (legal) software you can use to create them and no shortage of you tube videos to walk you through it.
  10. Marshall Plexi Jump.... stock settings, stock cab... stock mic.... We must not view "scoop" the same way.... a slight bass bump maybe, but nothing that a single notch on the bass control wouldn't take care of.
  11. Just add a Gain Block to the first block or the signal chain and turn it up to +6db. Alternatively, and EQ block will work, or you can add the kinky boost and crank it up a little. I'm suggesting this to TEST the unit... not as as a permanent fix. Adding gain before the overdrives should increase their gain substantially. If it doesn't... there is definitely something wrong.
  12. Solid State amps "generally" are not effected by impedance other than potential volume differences. Higher speaker should result in lower power. The hint as to why this is happening has already been mentioned... The power amp has been sitting for 10 years. Every electrolytic capacitor in that amp has dried up then jolted back into service. Under normal use it likely would have been fine at 15 years old.... but not being turned on for 10 years is almost certain death (or at least harm) to those caps. Are you running in mono or stereo. If you are in stereo... try a mono setup using one side of the amp, then try the other side just to see if both are behaving the same.
  13. It's a deep subject that can be debated forever with zero resolution :) The difference is between "listening" and "creating". You can listen to a finished album on a budget set of speakers but that album could not be created on that budget set of speakers. I find the same to be true when setting up tones. When you use good speakers (in a proper environment and volume) to setup your tones, your tones will translate back to budget speakers and volume levels with grace. When you use budget speaker to setup your tones, you will over correct the deficiencies. You are not likely to ever get the tone you really want, and when heard back on better systems your over corrections will be exposed... often with negative results. I don't disagree with the principle, but I do think this is an over simplification of what is really happening. Did you listen to some of the videos on both threads? Do you hear the same things he is hearing? When "niarolf" hears thin, someone else believes it's thick and warm. So what gives? As I stated elsewhere, I do not question niarolf's ears.... I don't doubt they he is hearing a deficiency. But why don't all of us hear it, and why do some of us hear it in reverse? Personal taste can account for what people like or don't like, but it can't make one person hear "thin and harsh" while the other hears "thick and warm". That is in the delivery... aka, the speakers. IMO - you need to start with a trustworthy monitoring environment... and based on that I believe niarolf does not have speakers he should trust for creating and monitoring his tones.
  14. Try this.... Make sure the EXP is plugged into EXP 1 Remove the WAH block from the patch and save Play the guitar while moving the pedal.... make sure that pedal is NOT adjusting anything else in the patch. Add the wah block back in... it should auto assign itself to EXP1 (IIRC all HX devices auto assign wah to EXP1... but I don't own an HX effects to test this) What happens now? If that fails, try inserting a wah on an empty patch to see what happens.
  15. It sounds like an input gain problem to me. The drive pedals are not being pushed hard enough. That fact that you don't notice this with other effects such as delay, reverb or modulations would be normal. Overdrives and compression would be two effects you would notice this on. I no longer own an HX Effects (went to a Helix) but when I did I never had this problem. I tend to play Tele and Strat single coil setups so my pickups are never hot. Naturally a Tele or Strat will not produce the gain of a Les Paul or other Humbucking guitars but you should still get enough to work with. Have you tried a different cable between the guitar and HX? (don't just assume it's fine because it worked with pedals, there could still be impedance issues) Do you have any effect in the signal flow "before" the overdrives? Something potentially lowering the gain or changing the interaction (eg: compressor or ???) What happens if you put a GAIN BLOCK as the first in he chain (signal flow chain, not necessarily footswitch chain) and set it to +6db? Do you get usable (or even too much) gain on the drives?
  16. FYI: Earlier in the thread you said you use Logitech speakers.... please don't confuse those as studio monitors. So far we have... Headphones with no mention of make or model Logitech "Studio Monitors" Behringer "FRFR" IMO the reason for a lack of focus in the tone is obvious.
  17. Just a couple of things to check... In the HX MASTER settings.... make sure the INPUT is set to "Instrument Level"... not line level. Make sure your guitar is turned up full. Turning the volume down will "clean up" the signal. That's fine for when you want it, but for initially setting up an overdrive, keep it full. If an overdrive effect has a "blend" or "mix" control, make sure it is set to 100% or the clean signal will be blending. Make sure you didn't inadvertandly setup a "path B" around the overdrives... which effectly sends a parrallel dry signal around the overdrives just like the scenario in #3 above.
  18. Next question... how do you setup your tones? Also - what brand of FRFR do you have? Best practice is to setup your tones on the device you will use live... at the volume you will use it live. EG: If you setup your tones on the headphones or logitechs, they are not going to translate to an FRFR.... therefore the FRFR will get the blame. You don't setup a high gain amp on a set of headphones or computer speakers.... don't do it with a modeler. Generally speaking, this is exactly what happens when a tone is developed at lower volumes than it should be.... it's the Fletcher-Munson curve. At lower volumes we tend to push lows and highs to make it "appear" louder (same thing a loudness switch does on a stereo) but when we put it through something at louder volumes the tone will get thin/harsh and possibly even boomy. It will be too loud but you won't hear it... as you say, it will lack focus. Can you share one of your patches... it might make it easier for us to make some specific suggestions.
  19. I saw the title and was coming in to say just this.... you beat me to it :)
  20. How do you monitor your Helix? If you monitor it in different ways for different situations (eg: home, rehearsal, live) we need to know that as well.
  21. Line 6 has agreements with their distributors they must follow. I live in Canada and must go through my distributor for any problems as well. They do not hide this fact on their website. However, they do want to know when a distributor is unreasonable.. and sometimes they will intervene (by communication only) when needed. I don't know about Manila, but around here those power cables (IEC / Kettle Cords) are about $2 - $5 and are very easy to find. I have a box of them because they outlive every device they come with. Don't get me wrong.... I'm sorry your distributor is giving you the run around, and they should send you a new one... but I sure wouldn't be losing any sleep over an IEC Cable, I'd just plug in different one and move on.... maybe that's just me.
  22. How are you contacting Line 6.... Email? Or Ticket System? For the record... use their Ticket System. I have always had a response within 1 business day when I submit something through the Ticket System. I may not always like the answer, but they have always responded. Also - if you do use the ticket system, do not rely on Email for a response, or notification. Check your accounts tickets for a response.
  23. I setup my tones at about 90db using two sets of studio monitors. When it get it sounding good on both, the tone translates really well to FOH and Monitor systems. 90db is really loud in a small music room, but on a stage it is pretty normal... maybe even a little quiet. IME, the Fletcher-Munson curve is a non-issue by the time you reach 85db. I should also mention that I set my DB meter to "Slow" and "C Weighted" and take a measurement from where I stand... usually about 4-6 feet from the speakers which is similar to how far a monitor would be when I'm standing in front of it... or an amp would be if it were beside/behind me.
  24. I just tested this persons problem and I believe it is directly related to the hum of the amp like yours was. I inserted a DOUBLE VERB NRM amp. I set the partical verb to 100% dwell, 100% mix and "stable" position and trails on I set the amp HUM to 0 Faded in a chord Turned off the reverb RESULT: The verb hung forever with a nice clean spacious chord. I could play over top without any additional low end I set the amp HUM to default of 5 Even before I faded in the chord I could hear a low end hum Faded in a chord (low end still increasing) Turned off the reverb RESULT: The low end did not get worse once the reverb was turned off, but it was over powering and would fluctuate in volume... appearing at times to get worse.
  25. Note that If the previous owner already purchased a copy of Helix Native at the discount rate, you will not have access to that offer. He can "gift" you his copy through his account, but Line 6 is not obligated to sell you a 2nd copy tied to that units purchase.
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