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Everything posted by mcbeddall

  1. Try contacting your supplier, I did a few weeks ago and they agreed to a full refund despite being about 40 days over my cooling off period, in the end however I decided to stick with it because at present there are no other multi fx out there that appeals to me, I'm pretty confident line 6 will sort out the issues but I totally agree with what your saying
  2. Your right in thinking you could only control one of the delays unfortunately
  3. Well you didn't actually mention the TUNING controlled by option by name so I thought you might have overlooked it, so there
  4. Just to clarify a little, you can output from the xlr's and 1/4 inch outs at the same time but your stuck with the cab sim on when you go into your amp
  5. No you can't do that, sounds like a good idea though, I would also like to send a "studio direct" output to the pa via the xlr's and a "cab sim off" output to the amp via the 1/4 inch out Could be a good idea to put it on ideascale
  6. I don't have a variable so I'm not sure if this will be of any help but according to the manual there is a setting on the app labelled "tuning controlled by" if you can find that you need to set it to firehawk
  7. Depends entirely on what your planning to do, you can control your models and tunings from the guitar as normal if you prefer but the app is pretty essential for using the firehawk fullstop
  8. mcbeddall

    Rename Patch

    Scrub that I just tried it to be sure and I didn't have to alter anything, so here is what I just did step by step Find a tone (I got a foo fighters one) Click on the right arrow of the tone to load the one you want from the list Click on the cloud with arrow icon in the top right of the screen Click on the title of the tone to bring up the keyboard Type in a new name Click on the floppy disc icon in the top right of the screen You can then select "save to my tones" or "save as". Save as gives you another chance to save it under a different name I'm using the Android version of the app there may be some differences between that and the ios app I'm not sure though
  9. mcbeddall

    Rename Patch

    You need to alter one of the settings to make the tone your own I think, like alter the eq slightly or something
  10. mcbeddall

    Rename Patch

    For what it's worth when compared to my zoom g5 the band think the firehawk sounds richer, deeper and more juicy somehow, they certainly aren't tone aficionados or anything and I've included the drummers thoughts in this post (yes the juicy bit)
  11. mcbeddall

    Rename Patch

    Yeah I boxed it up to return and checked the forum and noticed the post about them acknowledging the problem and that they are working on it and I figured if I get a refund I'll just spend it on something rubbish as there are no other pedals I'm particularly interested in, so I'm putting my faith in these guys to get it ship shape, we've been recording some demo's with it as a band and all the guitar tracks sound really nice and that swayed me towards keeping it too, again it's just incredibly frustrating not being able to unleash my face melting fury on the general public
  12. mcbeddall

    Rename Patch

    Sorry, on the app When you go to save a screen pops up with the name of the patch and all the other details that you can fill in if you intend to upload it to the cloud Click on the name and your keyboard should pop up
  13. mcbeddall

    Rename Patch

    Just before you save click on the patch name and you'll be able to type in whatever you want
  14. Yeah totally agree with that, the tones I've created for use live through an amp sound horribly thin and weak when using headphones but great through my amp, so I created 2 versions of all my sounds, an "amp version" and a "direct" version for recording. Similarly the tones I've created for the studio sound awful and muddy when I play them through my amp. I tend to try most of the tones listed when I do a search for a starting point, I usually jump straight to the higher rated ones but more often than not I end up using something else Like any art it's entirely subjective, one man's van Halen is another man's van gogh lol
  15. Yeah you can rate them yourself, I'm constantly doing it by pressing the wrong thing when trying to load a tone
  16. Users rate the tones, people like you and me
  17. There are different modes when setting up an external expression pedal, have another look at the manual I can't explain it any better than its already written but it seems you can specify that the onboard pedal always does wah and the extra pedal does tweak
  18. I think it all comes under the same thing, the way one patch kind of morphs into the next patch is either the cause of the delay or has been put in to try and make the delay in switching seem less
  19. Interesting, I didn't have tremolo or wah on my patches but the AC30 could be a common theme
  20. That's such a relief and thanks for letting us know DI Looks like I will hang onto mine afterall, I just needed a bit of reassurance
  21. You need to submit ideas on ideascale mate, they'll get looked at there
  22. The patches I was switching between were both vox AC30 patches
  23. There are no noticeable differences with the app as far as I can tell (at work so haven't connected to firehawk yet) so hopefully they fixed something under the hood
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