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Everything posted by PeterHamm

  1. I personally woud probably not use this feature, but think it's a GREAT idea.
  2. Just so you know, anyone who knows anything before you do: 1. Has signed an NDA. And/or 2. If they are a beta tester, they only hear about stuff a short while before you do in most cases. Sometimes hours, rather than days. I too hope for a POG in there (not really what you're looking for) but am concerned that the amount of horsepower it will require will necessitate me using the POG anyway. So if I were you, and the Digitech Drop really does something you want/need, just get it and put it in a loop.
  3. No offense, but it's designed to be on the floor... I would expect the pedal to work poorly with a hand. And how do you know that your desk is totally flat? If it works on the floor, it's working right. But I see that you had problems on the floor, too, at least as far as the volume pedal.
  4. If you play regularly with the same PA, the answer is always the one that sounds most like that PA.
  5. no. It is merely being used as a remote control cable. There is no data moving over that link that has any meaning except to Rack and Control. As I've mentioned before (on this thread?) if you want to expand beyond the Helix sounds, consider a totally different product or products in the loops. If you need two Helices to make your sound, you might be using way too many blocks.
  6. You could have your guitar go into path 1a, have path 1a go out SPDIF and then have 1B (or 2A or 2B, whatever) come in from SPDIF. So if you had some external processor that was worth plugging in that had SPDIF I/O you could eliminate the extra conversion. That said, you'll never hear the difference if you just use analog connections. Using SPDIF in a loop for a performance guitar processor isn't worth bothering with imho... And what processor has SPDIF I/O that you need to use that? Oh, yeah... Helix does. Honestly, if you need all the FX from two helices to make your tone, it's probably too too much anyway.
  7. Btw, if you buy IR before you have checked out EVERY cab that's in there and mixed up the mic, you should consider going back and doing that. People end up with these huge collections, and if you're like me, you might only need a small handful of cabinets for "your tone" anyway. I only regularly use about 4 (including, now, the brand new Matchless ones in 2.20). And... dual cabs... check them out!
  8. It would make more sense to add some NON-Helix devices in loops and expand functionality and tone that way. An AX8 with a Helix Rack connected to it, for instance... that would be scha-WEET!
  9. Same patch, two different songs. Works on one, not the other.
  10. Thanks. I did in fact do that, but the options are confusing. Set the same way in both songs, it didn't work. This will all become moot when Helix Native hits, because I rarely print time based effects like delays and synchronized tremolos.
  11. During the 80s I recall some folks actually building wireless units into guitars. That worked so well that they do it all the time now... (sarcasm alert). that's why we better never see any wireless receivers built into pro gear.
  12. Here's the deal (I asked this on FB, but can't find the discussion anywhere...) Same patch, Two different songs. Turned the option on for Logic to send MIDI sync out (which has unnecessarily obtuse descriptions) and in one song it works and my light blinks blue, and in the other it just doesn't. WHo's doing this (I know, brand new feature) and share some tips to help us all out!
  13. no pro I've ever known would use the G10 live. None. range too small. Putting wireless into a piece of pro gear like this will never happen. Adding wireless to an amp is a very amateur feature anyway (a GOOD one for amateurs, btw). Never gonna happen.
  14. GOLDEN stuff here. This, btw, is why when I got an FRFR monitor, I got one with an 8" driver. Better at close distances, and not so boomy. Lastly, you HAVE TO TWEAK YOUR TONES at GIG VOLUME... They will sound "off" quieter, but if you adjust them to sound great quiet, they'll be bad loud...
  15. There will almost certainly be a "next thing" at some point. But I think that since Helix shipped in 2015, that the earliest you will see whatever is next is after the R&D has paid off and the R&D for the next thing (might be happening now for all we know) is ready, and I bet that is not before 2021 at the earliest. There will never be a wireless receiver built into a pro product though, that's my prediction. Too many pros would not buy it JUST because of that. They want to do their own thing with regard to wireless.
  16. For some guys for many reasons FRFR is not the best choice, but if you are going to keep trying. Make your cuts at the cabinet, NOT the global. Global is for fixing the room. Leave it until you need it in a bad sounding room.
  17. Simple answer? YES! Tell us how it works for you. And PM me again if you want to Skype or something and work it out! I could do that.
  18. Might not be a bean form factor (which can't accommodate the screen necessary), but a single-path single-CPU Helix in a compact form like that might make sense in '18 or '19.
  19. The POD HD Bean is indeed discontinued I'm pretty sure, or close to it. But it can be had used for as little as $150US. That's a steal. And great for this kind of use.
  20. You could find a used HD 500 and add an external EXP. Use it as your guitar input to Helix Native and simply ignore the built-in sounds. Might be cheaper than other solutions actually.
  21. Used POD HD Bean. Perfect.
  22. I wonder if there won't be a bean next... That's what I think I would do. Or a GT-001 form factor with just the single signal chain (then I thought that LT would have a single signal chain and they kept both!)
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