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  1. Hi psarkissian, happy new year! Thank you for being such a great moderator and for all you do to support the community!!


    I have a JTV-69 that has a piezo saddle with a low output on the 1st string. By contrast, the saddle for the 6th string is very hot. Not a big issue as I routinely set the string volumes per preset in my Helix floor (see attached photo for typical settings). I have been considering setting the global string volumes via HD Workbench because my other JTV-69 does not have this issue. But then I had another idea, which is why I am reaching out to you.


    I wonder if I could swap the saddles for the 1st and 6th strings to better balance the string volumes? If so, how difficult it the procedure? (I am fairly competent at soldering and repaired a broken saddle wire on my old Variax 500). Are there differences between the saddles themselves?


    Any knowledge or advice you'd be willing to share would be greatly appreciated.


    Again, thank you for all you do!




    Variax String volumes-AMOR.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. amor4jc-2


      Thank you! I am glad I checked. I have Deoxit D5. But the output level of the saddle has not changed since I bought the guitar years ago, so I would be surprised if the cleaning made much of a difference. Would it be worth looking into buying a replacement?


      With gratitude,



    3. amor4jc-2




      Just checking back. Do you think I should look into buying replacement saddle(s)?


      Thank you,



    4. amor4jc-2


      Hi again,


      I found the replacement part (#11-00-0010) at Full Compass. But there's no indication about which string it is designed for. Should I go ahead and buy it? How do I specify which string it is for?


  2. Thank you so much! Very much in keeping to the process I used before. Downloading the Firmware & L6 Updater separately from the Downloads page was the info I needed. But I appreciate you taking the time to provide such detailed instructions. May your kindness return to you 100 fold!!
  3. Hey friends, I have a second Helix Floor mounted in a road case that has been mothballed since the pandemic began. As I am now preparing to begin performing again, I want to update it and install my new patches. Prior to the pandemic, I would download the firmware files, etc in advance and install from my laptop because there's no internet in that location. Recent updates use HX Edit and the update process seems to happen in real time while connected to the internet. So what is the process for updating a Helix Floor offline in 2022?
  4. I replaced the necks on both of my JTV-69s years ago. So I am ready to let go of the ones that came with the guitars. I have: • 1 original neck from a 2013 James Tyler Tobacco Sunburst JTV-69 Variax in very good condition. • 1 original neck from a 2013 James Tyler Red JTV-69 Variax in good condition. Could use a fret polish, but otherwise plays great. If you are interested please see them on or PM me.
  5. amor4jc-2

    Midi 2.0

    NOT true. I saw a couple of devices at the NAMM show that are 2.0 ready. And Roland's new flagship keyboard, for example, has 2,0 at release. it's true that 5-pin din will not work with the MIDI 2.0 standard, but USB MIDI will. So it's at least theoretically possible that some USB MIDI devices can be updated via firmware.
  6. I'm staying on 2.71 until they fix these bugs.
  7. Thank you for confirming that. As a beta tester myself, I understand what you mean. I did not have time to trouble shoot it. Recalling snapshots via MIDI is vital to my work flow. I am willing to wait for a fix. I did try restarting several times. No difference.
  8. Firmware - 2.80 Helix Floor Snapshots not working: 1) Half of my patches would not change snapshots properly. I was initially using HXEdit and it was giving me an error message. So I tried the actual switches on the Helix - I would push a switch to change snapshots and nothing would happen. The ring would stay lit around the snap that was active when the patch was loaded no matter which snap I selected and the sound did not change. I tried to sent snap change commands via cc69 but this too failed. In one of my patches, the sound WOULD change, but the snap ring would not change. Patch volumes half as loud: 2) The patch volume for every patch I tried was significantly quieter. I use meters to make sure all of my patches are consistent. So I was shocked to see that the levels were approximately HALF of what I am used to seeing. I did not take the time to determine what this difference equated to in terms of decibels, but it was half of the value I set my patches to on the meter. I know that there have been some users reporting volume fluctuations when using Jason Sadites' LA Comp at the end of their signal chain, but I am not using that technique.
  9. Yesterday I upgraded my Helix to the 2.80 firmware and had no issues with the update process. Spent some time playing with the new amps (love them) and created a few new patches. Today, I went through my setlist/patches for tomorrows set. I noticed two things when I did this: 1) Half of my patches would not change snapshots properly. I was initially using HXEdit and it was giving me an error message. So I tried the actual switches on the Helix - I would push a switch to change snapshots and nothing would happen. The ring would stay lit around the snap that was active when the patch was loaded no matter which snap I selected and the sound did not change. I tried to sent snap change commands via cc69 but this too failed. In one of my patches, the sound WOULD change, but the snap ring would not change. 2) The patch volume for every patch I tried was significantly quieter. I use meters to make sure all of my patches are consistent. So I was shocked to see that the levels were approximately HALF of what I am used to seeing. I did not take the time to determine what this difference equated to in terms of decibels, but it was half of the value I set my patches to on the meter. I know that there have been some users reporting volume fluctuations when using Jason Sadites' LA Comp at the end of their signal chain, but I am not using that technique. Since I have a gig tomorrow and needed to practice I immediately stopped and rolled my firmware back to 2.7. Anyone else experiencing these issues?
  10. yes indeed, tho mostly for recording. I have the Helix set at 11:00 and the Space station at noon (50%). If I turn the Helix up to 1 or 1:30, I can drown out the PA. (and congregant get upset about the overall volume).
  11. I've been using A Spacestation 2 for about 2 years and I love it!! I am a music minister at a local church (recently featured in mix magazine) where our sanctuary seats 700 people. I can fill that space with my Helix and the Spacestation and everyone hears a 3 dimensional image. I play JTV Variax guitars outfitted with Fishman Triple Play MIDI pickups driving VST instruments on my laptop. I feed the synths into the Helix on USB 3&4 where they have their own stereo path (where I can add processing and use snaphots) then combine and output with the guitar signal into the Spacestation. The side firing speaker projects the my stereo guitar FX & the synths in lush stereo, while my guitar signal is primarily in the front firing speakers. This is particularly nice with the ElectroHarmonix Lester-G pedal (which I have in a Helix FX loop and blend the return @50%). Sounds amazing. I highly recommend the Amp!! (As with any time you change from one amp to another, you will need to adjust your patches...)
  12. I've been using one for about 2 years and I love it!!I am a music minister at a local church (recently featured in mix magazine) where our sanctuary seats 700 people. I can fill that space with my Helix and the Spacestation and everyone hears a 3 dimensional image. I play JYV variax guitars outfitted with Fishman Triple Play MIDI pickups driving VST instruments on my laptop. I feed the synths into the Helix on USB 3&4 where they have their own stereo path (where I can add processing and use snaphots) then combine and output with the guitar signal into the Spacestation. The side firing speaker projects the my stereo guitar FX & the synths in lush stereo, while my guitar signal is primarily in the front firing speakers. Sounds amazing. I highly recommend the Amp!!
  13. Of course! It being the Helix, there are several. You could insert a volume block on each path. Leave the guitar path set to it's default. Then on the Synth path, edit the parameters for the volume pedal and set the minimum to 127 and the max to 0. Now when you move the pedal to toe down, you'll hear guitar, at heel down you'll hear synth and a blend of the two in between. Play with the response curve to see if you like the pedal throw better. Similarly, you could insert a gain block on each path. Set the gain on both channels to 0. Assign both blocks to the same footswitch. Click the footswitch to make sure it is toggling both gain blocks on and off. Once that is working, just manually toggle ONE of the gain blocks to the opposite status (on or off). Now, with one gain block off and one gain block on, when you press the footswitch it will toggle between guitar and synth. Hope that helps!
  14. Both of my JTV-69 Variaxes are outfitted with FTP pickups. I use three or four stereo signal paths in each of my Helix patches. The last one is always for my synth inputs via USB. With the software I use (GigPerformer VST host -> Loopback -> Helix), I am able to assign my synth outputs to Helix USB inputs 3&4. So the bottom signal path on my Helix is USB input 3&4. This allows me to A) add additional processing B) assign a volume pedal C) adjust my final blend at the output block and D) use the output block to assign it to different outputs based on my needs. I am using a MacBook Pro. You MIGHT be able to do the same if your partial software lets you assign USB outputs. Otherwise they will probably default to UBS 1&2. The Helix was designed to pass USB inputs 1&2 directly to the outputs. I believe the only change you can make to that signal is to attenuate the signal in the global settings menu. No other adjustments are possible and not snapshot or controllers can be assigned. Nice for simplicity perhaps, but very limiting. I wish Line6 allowed for all USB traffic to be assigned/controlled the same across the board.
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