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Everything posted by PeterJH

  1. You're welcome Joe. I'm glad that the video has helped you. Cheers Peter
  2. Thanks, Joe. The global eq was switched off and the global settings were left on the factory settings. Glad you enjoyed the video. Cheers, Peter.
  3. Thanks for the comments everyone. I'd love to hear from you as to how well these patches translate into your own units. Cheers, Peter.
  4. Thanks for the comments. I hope this video helps to get the perfect tones. @ jaminjimlp, yes I could have used it but as you could see that my patches are so simple there's no chance of me running out of DSP. My objective is to get the greatest core tone as simply as possible. @DarrelIIM I definitely believe in the less is more approach. I think it comes from the era where I come from. Guitar players had very little options to "load" their tones with effects. My rig in the 70s was a Plexi, a guitar and a distortion pedal. I also like the guitar to be as "in your face" as possible. The more effects in the chain, the further back the guitar ends up in the mix. Obviously these patches are guidelines which can be built up by changing certain settings, effects, etc. They worked very well in the track from Part 2 so I decided to share them. The Helix can be as simple or as complex as you like. That's the beauty of this great unit. Cheers.
  5. Hi everyone, I've finally managed to finish Part 3 in my series on the Line 6 Helix. This video demonstrates in detail how I created the patches for Part 2 in the series. I've had a lot of requests for a "loud, clean" patch with lots of headroom. I think that I've come up with a patch that should work well in that regard. It works particularly well with single coils. Incidently, the "intro music" that I made for this video was also created using this patch. I've also shared my settings and thought process in creating my Plexi "crunch" patch. The video shows how well this patch works with humbuckers and single coils without changing any settings. Lastly I covered the Jazz Rivet patch that I used in Part 2. This is quite a "lush" clean chorused tone that works with Les Paul type guitars as well as single coils. Anyway, I hope this video helps in getting these three tones. Cheers, Peter.
  6. Thanks, TriPPlex, I'm glad the videos helped you. Unfortunately I only had the Firehawk FX for about three weeks so I could only do the two videos. I did enjoy using it though. The unit has some really good tones in it. Cheers, Peter.
  7. Thanks, Guys. I've received so many requests for the patches from Part 2 of my video series on the Helix, I decided to show how I made those patches in Part 3. I'm busy with it at the moment and it should be uploaded in about a week. The patch in this clip is the same as my Strat clip in Part 2. Cheers, Peter.
  8. I was messing around in the studio with my drummer buddy and we came up with this riff. I decided to record it. Pretty happy with the tone. The Strat is just on the edge. Cheers, Peter.
  9. I put up a video a while ago on how I made my patches on the Firehawk FX. If you follow the steps your tones should sound pretty close to what I did. Cheers, Peter.
  10. In my opinion its a no brainer. I think that the HD500X is a far more versatile modeler that is capable of incredible tones. You should really concentrate on building your own patches. Watch my video series on the HD500X. It's a seven part series focusing on most of the important parts of tone building etc. If you go to Part 1 you will see the links to the next parts on Youtube. Cheers, Peter.
  11. In my experience, the POD HD500X does some of the best "Marshall" tones out there. I certainly wouldn't go out and buy the extra packs to get that tone. There are plenty in the unit as is... Cheers. Peter.
  12. I'm really glad that my videos have helped to get more out of their PODs. Remember that my HD500X patches are available to download from my website. Cheers, Peter.
  13. Thanks, DD. I'm glad that they helped you too. The tones are definitely in the HD500X. There's still a lot of life left in that unit. Cheers.
  14. You're welcome and thanks for the comment. Cheers Peter.
  15. If you watch the first four of the videos in my series on the HD500X, all of the guitars were recorded directly into the DAW. Part 2 also gives tips on how to get the guitars to fit into the mix. Cheers, Peter. Part 3 Part 4
  16. That's what I did. Successful update. No idea why the Line 6 site is so slow. Thanks for the help.
  17. I have tried the Updater but it seems that you can only use it on line. I'd like to first download the firmware file as the on line method is incredibly slow which could disrupt to update process. Thanks.
  18. I've noticed that the Line 6 servers are pathetically slow today, so I'm reluctant to try updating the firmware on line. Can someone show me where I can download it before attempting the upgrade? Thanks, Peter.
  19. I'm really glad to see that my video series has helped in the creating of tones and patches. The one bit of advice that I can give that I think is probably THE most important when creating patches etc is to take regular breaks away from the HD500X. Let your ears have a rest. If you just keep on and on with tweaking, your ears will make you start to doubt yourself. That's why you'll find that that perfect patch that you created the night before, sounds completely different the following day. Peter.
  20. Thanks for the feedback everyone. @ Duncan, thanks for your comments. I do agree that there are many ways to do things but as I said in the post, the built in IRs are pretty good on their own. I don't have the patience to sift through hundreds of IRs hoping to make that little bit of a difference to the final outcome. I basically found patches and IRs that work well and got on with using them on a number of albums that I'm working on for clients. Haven't had a single complaint - only compliments on the guitar tones. Cheers, Peter.
  21. Hi everyone, Here is the second part of my series on the Helix. This video is a demonstration of the Helix in a studio recording with a drummer. I used the Helix directly into the mixing desk and tracked all the guitars including bass though it. I also only used the Line 6 IR speaker cabs and no third party IRs. I hope this also puts to bed the “myth†IMO that the Helix only sounds good with third party IRs. There was no post processing done to the guitar parts except for levels in the final mix. I found it quite difficult to choose which amps to use for this track as there were quite a few I could have used which also sounded great. I ended up using the Plexi for the Les Paul solo parts and the Crunchy backing parts. I used the Hiwatt amp for all the Strat parts and the JC120 for the clean chorused backing parts. The bass was tracked using the Gallien Kruger amp. Cheers, Peter.
  22. I put together a video about using effects with the HD500X. I used an MI Audio Blues Pro and an MI Audio Super Crunch Box plugged into the front of the HD500X.
  23. Excellent tone and superb playing. Very well done!!! Cheers.
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