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Everything posted by HonestOpinion

  1. HonestOpinion

    Tempo Lock

    Nice tip, I like the shortcut!
  2. Sorry to hear this but good attitude on the 'new' Helix thing. It might be worth sending one of your setlists to L6 customer support to see if they can figure out what went wrong or if perhaps the snapshots are still in the setlist backups and simply not restoring properly.
  3. Did you back up your presets with the 2.01 Editor or did you download the 2.11 software and unpack it before you ran your backups? If you install the new version of 'Helix' app before backing up you could conceivably be backing up with a version of the Editor on your PC that does not match your firmware. This could be a non-issue because I am not even sure if you could run a backup with the 2.11 Editor against a Helix with 2.01 firmware installed. Just wondering if you had matching 2.01 versions of the Editor and firmware on your PC when you first created your backups? You probably did this but until L6 changes the update procedure you have to leave the party with the same date you came with -- translation, make sure you create your backups with the version of the Editor that matches your current firmware before you install the next 'Helix' app (Editor, Updater, driver) on your computer.
  4. Like phil_m I use setlists to do restores after firmware updates. However, backups take up so little disk space that I think it is a good idea to save bundles, setlists, and presets. A bundle is a last resort if you end up with a corrupt setlist or forget to backup a setlist although I never use a bundle for a restore, it is only for emergencies. Saving presets is also great to have if you either have a corrupt setlist or fail to back up a setlist. I have also had setlists where the contents were not from the setlist the file was named after. Probably from user error on my part while saving them; that is also why I always save two copies of each setlist. Additionally, if you have one or more problem presets that are stopping a setlist from loading you can load the rest of the presets individually. If you accidentally delete, modify, or copy over a preset, having a backed up older version of individual presets are nice to have. Back everything up in multiple formats (bundle, setlists, presets) locally and save it in the cloud, or on two computers. Sooner or later you will be glad you did. The longer you have your Helix the more bullet-proof you want your backup process to be. Losing years worth of work and your entire refined sound for the studio or stage is something no one wants to experience and it is easy to prevent.
  5. Yes, just download and install the latest version of the 'Helix' app. Once it is installed you will have the latest version of the Updater, Editor, and driver. You are done. Do NOT run the Updater, that is the part of the operation that updates the firmware and you already did that.
  6. HonestOpinion

    Tempo Lock

    You can choose for the tempo to be stored per snapshot, per preset, or globally. Just select the option you want under Global Settings --> MIDI/Tempo --> 'Tempo Select'. Set it to 'Global BPM' while you are previewing your presets. Once you find a preset you like you could save the desired tempo in that preset and then reset the global option to 'Preset BPM' or 'Snapshot BPM'.
  7. Glad to help. Btw, sometimes there is a 'placebo effect' many have experienced where presets either sound worse or better after an update when actually there has been little to no change. However, often the cause of a real change in the sound of the presets is that after the 9&10 global reset all of the global settings go back to their defaults. So you may want to check your global settings for things like Mic/Line settings on your outputs or if you had the pad set or generally anything in your global settings that might be different after your update. The rebuilding of your presets after restoring them is normal. You will see this anytime you restore presets from a prior backup.
  8. Backup a setlist with the Editor using the 'Export Setlist' link. You can also highlight all of your presets in a setlist and hit 'Export' to have them backup as individual files all at the same time. IRs are backed up from the IR tab in the Editor. Take a screenshot so you know which slots to restore them to. Alternatively you can number them. Global settings you have to write down or remember.
  9. I think the best path with updates would be automatic backups by the update process of everything, bundle, setlists, IRs, and global settings. Short of that, nothing should be taken for granted and nothing is obvious to everyone. Some people learn the score by reading the forums but not everyone has the time or inclination for that. If it were obvious what a bundle backup included then a bundle might include IRs and be able to restore them to their correct slots, as well global settings (a bundle includes neither IRs nor global settings). The firmware instructions have to be absolutely clear and it would not hurt to at least pop up a dialog box when you went to update your firmware that asked "Have you backed up a bundle, your setlists, your presets, your IRs, and taken note of which slots the IRs are in and what your global settings are?". This would be especially helpful to new users. Pretty wordy i know but those are essentially the tasks you want to execute before every firmware update. I have been reading the forum since soon after the Helix appeared so I have been lucky and not had any mishaps with backups and updates but I think the process could be a lot better. For what its worth Line6 has indicated that they are working on improving it in the future and the release notes certainly have improved dramatically since the first firmware update. In Line6's defense they did include the instruction below in the release notes from the 2.11 firmware update. The note would have been clearer however with an explicit warning that a bundle restore would overwrite the Factory and Template lists in addition to everything else. From the 2.11 release notes: NOTE: You may want to back up individual Setlists so you can restore them to empty setlists without affecting the 2.11 factory presets.
  10. The gain block is a good alternative but it does require an extra block, potentially several depending on your routing. I can see where it might not be worth the development effort given that current available option but I think zooey is being too hard on his idea here. I think the implementation he proposes would ultimately reduce complexity and repeated adjustments, and be simpler for the user. I still like the idea and would prefer it to having to add an additional gain block. That said, there are plenty of other things that development resources could be devoted to, so I understand whenever there is a working current alternative it becomes debatable whether an enhancement should be pursued. For now I will continue to use the output block or switch to the gain block where it becomes unwieldy but I wouldn't mind if his idea made it into a firmware version at some point.
  11. I agree that the pedal steel is all about technique but that does not mean that a little slide playing with the right combination of pitch/volume effects assigned to one or more expression pedals/switches or even a new effect from Line6 made just to help model pedal steel might not render an emulation that might cause any actual pedal steel player to shudder but be a lot 'o fun for the rest of us. :)
  12. Although sometimes two or more presets could be migrated and collapsed into a single preset using snapshots, this strategy will not always work due to the way DSP is allocated on the Helix within a single preset. All blocks within a preset are pre-loaded into DSP whether active or inactive; that is why there is low latency on snapshot switches. There is usually not enough DSP to allow several presets worth of blocks within one preset unless there are very few blocks in each preset you are migrating into one. This much DSP would have required more expensive or a couple of more DSP chips. The strategy with snapshots, as has been mentioned, is that they share blocks but change the parameters or bypass/activate blocks between snapshots. There is a limit to how much you can cram into one preset due to DSP limits. So by judiciously choosing what effects, amps, cabs, etc., you put within a preset, how you route them, and with clever changing of parameters from snapshot to snapshot you can make a single preset very flexible and appear to be a multi-channel amp or even two or three amps with a generous if not huge array of effects on tap. Snapshots is a fantastic feature and there is definitely far less latency (not noticeable for the most part) between switching snapshots than presets. Snapshots also provide trails functionality for effects like delay and reverb. For many players and songs snapshots are all that is needed to provide a relatively seamless switch between song parts. It is not a cure-all or a complete substitute for switching between presets but for songs that don't require significant swapping out of effect/amp types for major tone changes it will suffice. I still think Line6 should continue to work on reducing latency between presets, provide trails between presets if the same delay/reverb effect block is used between presets, and lastly if possible should fix the recently discovered issue where certain parameter changes on effects blocks with trails activated cause a glitch between snapshots.
  13. Keep in mind pressing the record button a second time puts the looper in overdub mode where additional playing will be recorded in addition to the first loop (but still within the same loop). If you just want to stop and play the same loop without overdubbing you may want to hit the stop/play button to the right of the record button instead and hit it again when you want to play the loop.
  14. The 2.11 version of the firmware has Win7 listed in the notes as being supported so no problem there. Just go to the Line6 Downloads page, , and choose 'Helix', 'All Software', and 'Win 7' in the three search boxes at the top. This will bring up the 2.11 'Helix' app as the first download on the page. Scroll down through the notes on the 'Helix' app and hit the 'Get Download' button at the bottom. First backup your setlists, and IRs, take note of your IRs positions and your global settings. Then install the 'Helix' app which will install the Editor, Updater, and driver. Run the Updater and follow the instructions in the release notes to the letter to do the firmware upgrade. Don't forget the global reset. Try using Chrome or Firefox if it is the browser causing issues with finding or downloading the Helix app. UPDATE: I used the 'teach a man to fish' method here which you can use for future updates but I prefer phil_m & jaminjimlp's approach in the posts below (they provided the 'fish'). Just login to Line6 using a browser that doesn't cause you an issue and use his link to take you directly to the download.
  15. I am not saying it couldn't happen with some devices or with a bad USB connection but I have never had a problem leaving the USB cable plugged into the computer and starting the Helix. If you usually use the Helix with the Editor I wouldn't hesitate to leave it plugged in. Less wear and tear than constantly plugging and unplugging the USB connection.
  16. Thanks! I had seen that thread with his free IR offer, did not realize he had a website set up and so many additional IRs on offer now. Very cool!
  17. Is there a link for the free Rosen Digital IR pack? I missed that one.
  18. That would be a nice feature. If I understand you correctly you would be able to have a relative boost on the Output block that you could set for instance at +4db and it would just add 4db to whatever the output level was when boosted. A relative control would be better than the current method where for example if you have the Output block's level at 0db, you must explicitly set the 'Min'=0db and the 'Max'=4db and are forced to change both values anytime you change the Output block's level. I like this idea.
  19. I have dropped amps before and in general I don't recommend it, they make a most unpleasant sound when they hit the concrete... :D
  20. Nice use of the expression pedal with Output blocks!
  21. I would love to have a standalone feature but only if I could be sure that offline changes would be absolutely assured of syncing properly when the Helix was reconnected to the Editor. I would hate to have some glitch or corruption of the standalone Editor corrupt all my presets. I think an automatic prompt asking you if you wanted to backup your presets/setlists first would be almost compulsory before the Editor synced back to the Helix. I also have to agree with others here. The amount of work a standalone Editor might require, not only initially but in terms of maintenance when there were firmware updates takes a huge backseat to a laundry list of features and fixes I would rather see happen first. Additionally, I would hate to see firmware updates become fewer and further between, perhaps with some features not making it in due to having to modify the standalone Editor every time to stay in step with the updates. Overall great as it would be to have I not want to see resources pulled away from other efforts. I do agree with those who have been saying from the jump that they would have liked a Bluetooth or WIFI wireless tablet Editor in addition to the PC Editor but I would have been perfectly happy to have it require wireless connection to the Helix and not be a standalone. Again though, this is yet another piece of software that would have to be maintained. Awfully convenient for changing settings from a music stand or iPad holder on stage though.
  22. I am also from the school of thought that says update almost immediately but fire it up first and use it for long enough to make sure that things are basically working correctly. That way if you have a problem with the update you won't be driving yourself nuts trying to figure out if the update failed or if your device had a problem from the git-go. I wouldn't bother saving any presets as they will get overwritten in the update process and require backing up beforehand and then restoring. Better just to start designing your presets on the new firmware version unless you feel you need some practice with the backup/restore process before your next firmware update.
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