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spaceatl last won the day on January 6 2022

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  1. Metallurgy and the other two "lighter" plugs are pretty nice for larger projects where resources become challenging. Helix is a bit fat, takes a while to load. Tweaking is also really fast on those compared to helix for me. So I do find those useful from time to time...
  2. headphone out is line voltage....close enough...if you are getting phasey stuff like it sounds like you are describing, your adapter is suspect...or cables or dirty idea, just a guess....but that should work just fine...
  3. there's so value in it imo....and would be a mess on windows if you tried to stream at the same time. It would introduce massive instability on Windows...trivial on a Mac tho...but how can one make money on adding a tuner to a computer application where there are plenty of other places in the workflow?
  4. check your guitar on an empty patch...if there is no distortion, then you are likely hearing modeled signal overload...usually this is when you have a particular effect in a part of the chain that is running hot (ie: after amp block)...tape echo can get pretty nasty in a post amp position and it gets hit too hard...You might can locate the culprit by removing one block at a time until it goes away...if you need it, then you will have to lower the incoming level to the block. if it's something like the amp block feeding a tape echo, you might need to lower the channel volume a good bit, put a volume block on the other side to make up the level you want....basically, the level of each effect is modeled and you get modeled overload...sometimes it's pretty nasty...anyway, just a thought...good luck
  5. not worth it with a jc imo...just power amp in an use a rivet pre for a jc...done it with 120s many times. jc is one of the better amps for a modeler imo.
  6. Basically you need 2 loop capability. You get that with an HX FX, LT, Helix or Rack.....or 2 stomps...
  7. You could put your time-based FX between the amp and cab...time-based still gets attenuated by the cab, but you get post amp behavior that is typically preferable for time-based...
  8. I use the stereo return block. I have a C4 Synth chain that I bring in at the end of my chain. You can have separate send and rtn blocks...but I don't think you could have 2 discrete send blocks...
  9. Titles all missing but tones there. My XL came like that also. Hold C + D on power up and that should bring them back. Factory forgot to do it is what I think that is.
  10. i think control throws it into $300 range for a torpedo etc...I have thought on this and I think I would add an HX stomp dedicated to IRs. the extra 4 blocks yield tuning options and paths. just a thought. my use is a bit more bass oriented, but i use an instrument ir and a cab ir generally and it's a bit intensive on the dsp...don't need it but for a several patches it would be very handy.
  11. hx stomp: headphones output connect to amp


    You recently wrote in about this post. I have a question for you about your setup. Can you help?


    I currently use a Vox AC30 with the HX Stomp XL connected via 4CM. I would however really like to be able to play at lower volume and also not use my tubes just to mess around. So recently I've been thinking about getting a small modeling amp like the Catalyst.


    Ok I also have a dusty pair of studio monitors. They sound pretty good but don't use them (yet/much). I have hooked them up to the HX Stomp outputs in the past just to do it, but they are not ever used this way. Then I got to thinking, could I simply connect the monitors to the headphone output? In my case I'd need a splitter cable out of the HX Stomp and I think I have one somewhere.


    It seems like you do this and it works well. Is that right? Any tips? If this were to work, I could avoid getting a new amp and just use the Stomp as my modeling practice amp, right?


    Many thanks!


    1. spaceatl


      A headphone output is nearly the same as a line output. Since the impedance of the monitors is generally 10K for input, this works just as well and even better in some cases than a line output.


      Sorry for the delay in responding. I did not see this until now. All the best!

  12. Like a said, a guess...Have no idea what you mean by static...anyway, best of luck to you.
  13. A short clip would be helpful...just guessing, maybe it's modelled clipping from a stomp in the chain getting overloaded...I have heard it described as static by some people...anyhoo, good luck.
  14. The long rectangle dates back to the HD stuff and when the first HXFX came out....Pretty sure that supply is no longer available...The only suggestion I have is what I do to my own boards. I needed 5A, so I bought a 6A medical grade supply for $18...done and done...You might find some NOS on ebay...good luck on that.
  15. I know of a Midas M32 that has a screen that suddenly went upside down and mirrored...odd one...
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