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Found 8 results

  1. Hello! I am trying to get an expression pedal to work on my m5 by going through a midi controller. Not sure where i'm going wrong. I am using an ex-1 > decibel 11/switch dr. (cc#1) > m5 via midi. I can change presets with no problem but can't get the expression pedal to work. Any ideas out there. Your ideas and time are greatly appreciated!!
  2. I have a ticket opened with support but was wondering if anyone else is having this issue... I am using a Spider V 240 with FBV3 and the Mac and/or IOS App connected via a Relay G10T. Issue occurs using either app or none (using the amp controls only with no apps connected). Very easy to get volume to 0% or 100% (min and max work as expected - but it seems like I have to put the EX-1 to almost 40-50% to gat any volume at all - then it kinda jumps around a bit and settles. Once pedal is depressed to about 60-70% there is no further increase in volume. There seems to be about a 30% range of pedal adjustment in the middle where actual volume changes are heard, and it is extremely difficult to get the volume where I want it to be. Always either too loud or too soft. Really difficult to adjust volume and it “jumps" around. If I assign an effect to the EX-1 the volume seems to work OK on the built in pedal - but the effect percentage “jumps†too quickly using the EX-1. I also have an Amplifi 150 with an FBV Shortboard MKII connected with a cable - the issue does not seem to be as bad there when I connect the EX-1 to the MKII on the Amplifi - but still difficult to adjust volume. I have re-flashed the FBV III and the Spider V.
  3. Anyone else have this happen? I never really used the little mono cable that came with the EX-1 Pedal I got. So I used it yesterday to make my first spoken, off the cuff, little musical thing and when I tried plugging it in, the plastic that covers the cable end just shattered into tiny little pieces, lol. Then I did the other end and the same thing happened to hahahaha. Then I got the other one out (I have 2 EX-1's) and that cable was exactly the same way, lol. I couldn't believe the plastic molded around the jack was so thin and brittle. I should've took a picture of the tiny little pieces it became just by the slight pressure it takes to plug it in the jack.
  4. Hi fellow Line 6 owners, I purchased an hd500x several months ago for live use as the lead guitar player at our local church. I am very very impressed with the hd500x. It is by far the best multi fx unit I've had the pleasure of using. After searching multiple forums/posts I've come to you veterans for any advice or experience that you would be so kind to offer. I use the line 6 ex-1 exp pedal for volume and swells. I run it into the hd500x's "Pedal 2" input. It has great sound, but as many players have found, it isn't very good in the pedal-travel and durability department. So I thought, I'm gonna buy a heavier volume pedal with better travel/volume ratio. So after several hours of research I decided to try the Morley PVO+ Volume Plus Pedal. My error, I've found, is that it isn't compatible when plugged into the "Pedal 2" input on the hd500x. So I tried running my guitar into the morley, then from the morley into to the "guitar in" input on the hd500x. It works, but with inferior sound quality as compared to the ex-1 (Pedal 2 input). Not to mention I'm not impressed with it's volume taper, even after being "adjusted" multiple times with indiscernible results. So, my dilemma lies in finding a new external pedal to run into the (Pedal 2) input for volume and swells. Does anyone know of any well built pedals that are "compatible" to our beloved hd500x and its software? Any owners out there with success using other brands of volume or exp pedals in the (Pedal 2) input? I've read the forums and only found the Mission Engineering EP1-L6 For Line 6. Its nice and all, but $130? If that is my only option I'm inclined to stick with the ex-1. Thank you for patiently reading my lengthy post. Any advice or shared experiences would be very valuable to me as well as greatly appreciated. Sincerely, kkaustin
  5. Kupsik

    Hd500x And Ex-1

    I'm using HD500X with Line6 EX-1 pedal and I have this problem. Internal pedal of HD500X works without any problem, but external EX-1 pedal doesn't have that perfect "tracking" and I get 100% value when I'm let's say in 85% if compared to internal pedal and I get 0% value when I'm in 10% if compared to internal pedal. (I hope I explain it so it's possible to understand, I'm not native speaker). I don't see way how to calibrate external pedal in same way as internal pedal. Can anyone confirm this behaviour of EX-1 pedal so I know there isn't any problem with my HD500X or EX-1?
  6. Does anyone know how to fix it so that the EX-1 function as volume only as describe in the manual ? I have the FBV mk1 and the EX-1 expression pedal, the manual says the ex-1 should work as a dedicated volume, this allows you to use the fbv pedal for WAH and the ex-1 for volume, however when I plug in the ex-1 it simply mirrors the FBV pedal. in other words if the FBV is set to volume then both pedals control the volume, if I switch to WAH then both pedals control WAH,
  7. Man, I didn't really think about the possibilities avaible with such a simple add on. Like having a volume swell and mix level on chorus readily available -- or a hundred other things I haven't even thought about yet. Gotta say that sometimes the simplest things can give you a big boost in creativity.
  8. Q: What are the specs for the Line 6 EX-1 Expression Pedal? A: The Line6 expression pedal is a passive 10K ohm mono linear taper pot, using a standard 1/4 inch mono instrument cable. Q: Do I need to reprogram my changes with the EX-1 every time I plug the pedal in? A: You do not need to restart your effect unit everytime you want to reset the expression pedal. Your expression pedal settings will remain the way you set them up regardless of effect knob settings. Your expression pedal settings can be saved to the effects parameters saved by the footswitches. Q: What are the weight and dimensions of the EX-1 Expression Pedal? A: Line 6 Weights & Dimensions Q: Can I use the Line 6 EX-1 Expression Pedal to control the volume, wah, or tweak function on my Line 6 product? A: Yes. Simply plug the EX-1 Expression Pedal into either the "PEDAL 1" jack or the "EXPRESSION PEDAL" jack on the back of the device. Q: How do I use the EX-1 with a POD unit when connected to the unit or an FBV shortboard? A: Press the "Edit" button then turn the "select" knob until you see the "wah | volume" page. On the volume side, select or highlight "Assign" with the third soft button located under the main display. Turn the "Effect Tweak" knob to change from volume to Tweak. In the updated PODxt, these parameters are changed on the page after the "wah/volume" page. By changing from volume to tweak you have engaged to EX-1 to control any function that comes under "tweak". To find out what's under the tweak selection, turn the "Select" knob to the next page where you will see "FX Tweak | tempo". on the FX tweak side you may scroll through the stomp tweaks, delay tweaks, mod tweaks etc. Make sure if you select say the delay time, the delay button light must be on and so with the other effects. Q: How do I use an EX-1 Expression Pedal with a Stomp Box Modeling Pedal? A: See the following document for information on how to use the EX-1 with your Four button modeling pedal: Expression Pedal & Stompbox Modeler Pedal FAQ Q: My expression pedal just stopped working. What happened? A: If too much weight is put on the pedal when it is in the heel down position, the foot rest (top half of the pedal) can become disconnected from the control pot in the base (bottom half of the pedal). To fix this, simply unscrew the bottom plate of the pedal and push the foot rest into the heel down position, then (with your finger) push the metal plate that is connected to the control pot down until the brass pin in the foot rest clicks into the center slot of the metal plate. You may need to pull the toe end of the foot rest away from the base to do this. Be careful, as too much force could crack the foot rest. Put it back together and it should work fine.
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