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Pod HD Pro 2.6 sudden noise at max volume


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yesterday I was playing with my Pod HD Pro as usual. 


Suddently a noise came out the unit at a high high volume level, like a feedback/larsen (but it wasn't it!).
In tha back of that noise I still could hear my guitar, but this was very shocking and it could damage my speakers.


Turning master volume down didn't change anything, I had to shut down the unit...

never happended before 2.6.


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I was doing nothing particular, I was just practicing.. not even changing patch or editing anything...

I remember that this issue happened some time ago and should have been fixed by prevouis firmwares (btw I never had this iusse before..)

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yesterday I was playing with my Pod HD Pro as usual. 


Suddently a noise came out the unit at a high high volume level, like a feedback/larsen (but it wasn't it!).

In tha back of that noise I still could hear my guitar, but this was very shocking and it could damage my speakers.


Turning master volume down didn't change anything, I had to shut down the unit...

never happended before 2.6.


Could be a long shot, but did you do the global settings reset after installing the firmware?


Were you using a patch you created, or was it one you happened to download?


It could be that the bug from before has popped up again. I've informed Line 6 to let them know about this.

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Could be a long shot, but did you do the global settings reset after installing the firmware?


Were you using a patch you created, or was it one you happened to download?


It could be that the bug from before has popped up again. I've informed Line 6 to let them know about this.

No global reset, did I have to do it? I didn'know I had to do it. Could you explain me the procedure please?


Patch was created by me with previous firmware, absolutely custom.


Thanks a lot

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This happened to me as well, yesterday.


HD Pro with new FW 2.62 and all expansion packs. 


I have reset the unit after FW install, but not after installation of expansion packs.



Had to power cycle unit, then it disappeared (for now...  :angry: )


Lucky me, I'm just using it my home studio, so I'm not dependent on the Pod in a live setting. That would really be a problem  :o

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this bug was fixed on 2.31 (Released 4/8/14)...



This release addresses an issue with audio feedback that could potentially occur when changing patches with a specific combination of settings. It is strongly recommended that all users install this update as soon as possible.

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Well, I wouldn't be that optimistic here.


I was doing nothing particular, I was just practicing.. not even changing patch or editing anything...

I remember that this issue happened some time ago and should have been fixed by prevouis firmwares (btw I never had this iusse before..)



this bug was fixed on 2.31 (Released 4/8/14)...


This release addresses an issue with audio feedback that could potentially occur when changing patches with a specific combination of settingsIt is strongly recommended that all users install this update as soon as possible. 

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I ensure I wasn't doing absolutely nothing, just playing.... I use to practice with the same patch... just plugged my guitar, turned on and play...


so u say this ..."gentle-bug" is a bright-new one...

can u reproduce this noise?

r u on 2.62?

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DrFix, do you have a "normal" guitar or a Variax? 


I have a JTV Variax and used ut when it happened. 


I did not change the patch either at the time. I was just playing (using my FBV Express MKii so I could not use "stompbox" either)

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hooohhh gosh!!! happened to me too!!!


Just switched on my new HD500x (2 months old, fw 2.62, NO new expansion pack), connect my Strato with EMG pickup, select <DG SOS> patch (from CustomTone) and start some practice...... after 5 minutes of test...... THE NOISE... at very high volume...... I can't explain if it was like larsen or like white noise..... !!! something similar when you touch the tip of the guitar jack but at very high volume and tone


I was just playing my guitar and moving the pedal (for SOS effect)...... The strange thing is that I was practicing yesterday for two hours in the same condition without problem... and also.... I have switched the 500x off and on again and play without problem!! strange....


well.. the setup:

-Strato in the guitar in

-Balanced out connected to the mixer, input fader on the mixer at 5 (0db), MAIN output fader OFF

-Un-balanced out L (Mono) connected to my little Fender Amp, Amp switched OFF

-Using headphone as monitor connected to the mixer


I'm sure that the noise come off from the 500x because before to switch it off I've disconnected the headphone from the mixer and connected to the 500x, disconnected the guitar and all the cable... but.....same noise


I'll test the exact same condition in the next day... to see if it happen again (and for practing!!)


NOTE: before you ask..... I've installed new FW(s) with the option to delete all patches and after the installation I've done a global setting reset and pedal calibration, than download my previously saved setlist....    It's the first time in two months of life of my 500x......  hope it'll never happen!!!!





EDIT... forget to say ... Global EQ was/is OFF

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It's probably Line6 support's job here but anyway as we have a large audience here let's try to narrow it down ourselves (as I'm scared to wait for this to happen while gigging):


For those who experienced this issue (preferably using fw 2.62) please provide:


1) POD HD model - so far it seems as only HD Pro occurrences here or others (HD, HD 500, x models) as well? (EDIT: HD500x affected as well , so probably all models - rino2)


2) Variax over VDI or Guitar In or which input(s) were you using when it happened? (EDIT: hoped it was a Variax VDI issue, evidently not - rino2)


3) Was your POD connected to a computer over USB at the time?


4) Any digital connections (IN or OUT) over SPDIF/AES/Line6Link? (see my note below why I think this might be relevant) - (EDIT: perhaps irrelevant - rino2)


5) Amp/Cab/Mic + FX models used in the patch...


6) Global EQ on/off? (probably irrelevant as can happen when off - rino2)


I have HD Pro, using it very often (rehearsing/gigging), most of the time with [Guitar In or Variax VDI (Acoustic 700)] and XLR out only and this never happened to me. But I noticed that when I use Variax VDI and Dry Digital Out (for recording both wet and dry signals at the same time) there is a small click in the output signal from time to time like if the digital in (VDI) and digital out got out of sync or something. So perhaps it could be related.


Thanks for everybody's help here.

Edited by kronda
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1) POD HD model: Brit P-75

2) Guitar In 

3) USB Connected (pod hd pro acts as sound card for pc too)
4) No digital connections
5) Noise Gate + Screamer (turned off if I rememeber) + Brit P-75 (default cab and mic, single amp)
6) Global Eq OFF

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@ jandrio ... NO I'm sure ... I've disconnected ALL the cable before to switch off the unit... the noise was still there..... probably I forgot to disconnect the USB cable


I forgot to say... I have (normally) the USB cable connected from the unit to the computer and POD Edit opened... no MIDI, no digital and no, I don't use the HD500 as sound card


the configuration of the patch <DG SOS> downloaded from CustomTone:

Pre: Tube Comp

A: Hiway 100 + 4x12 Hiway mic 4038 ribbon - Tube Echo - Phaser (orange)

B: Volume Pedal EXP2 (I have no EXP 1) - Tube Comp - Digital Delay - Rotary Drum -

Mixer : Volume at 0db - pan center

Post: Hall (Reverb)

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Ok, thanks for the info, guys.


As you both seemed to be using POD USB-connected to computer as a soundcard at the time of the noise I now suddenly recalled: with my old POD XT I had an issue with one of my laptops that when I was using it as a soundcard and playing some backing tracks through it (not depending whether I was playing guitar at the same time or not) it from time to time suddenly bursted with huge white (or similar) noise. It was usually just for a while (seconds but not sub-second) but as I was using headphones it terrified the crap out of me. I know I solved this by some computer tweaking and it was purely something around POD not receiving the backtrack data over USB fast enough or in sync or something (possibly a USB driver thing) but there was nothing wrong with my POD and it never happened when not using it as a soundcard.


Do you think it could be similar here, i.e. only caused by the audio played on POD over USB from the computer?


(please, pretty please, let this be it so that my band fans' ears are safe...)


EDIT: ok, I see now that you, rino2, were not using it as a soundcard so perhaps not exactly the same thing but still worth checking whether this ever happened without USB connected. Isn't it still possible that your computer played a sound over POD (like a system pop-up sound or something)?

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@Kronda ... I don't think so..... all the system sounds are disabled and the one from mp3 and video player goes throught the PC integrated sound card that it's connected to my main mixer on a stereo channel. Also... I have disabled it (POD audio play and record) from the audio preference....


As I said, I have disconnected ALL the cable from the POD (Balanced, Unbalanced, guitar) but not the USB... so it could be but it sound very far from the reality...


Also, When the <fact> happened there was only the POD EDIT software opened because I was planning (but never done!!) to play with the delay setting of the patch


Anyway... I'll play (I had to!!) in the next days and I let you informed



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@Rino: sure, I might be wrong, just trying to notice any similarities in the cases.


@spawn2031: thanks for the info, we'll see.


We can hardly prove here (that's Line6 job) it's the USB connection causing it. We can only hope nobody falsifies this presumption (especially while playing a gig  :huh: )

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I'm still practicing, more or less 1 hour and 45 (in Italy are 10,30PM). Seems all are working correctly, same patch, cable rooting, connection, situation described above.....


who knows!!!!!!



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This hasn't happened to me yet, POD HD bean.


But so far I have only created patches from scratch after the fw update.


This weekend I will upload a pre 2.62 setlist and see if it glitches.


If it does that may suggest an issue with pre 2.62 patches with the new fw.

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It havent happened to mine again, but I havent had the time to play much lately either. 

Anyone have it for the second time? 


Havent heard more from Line6 on the ticket either, after describing the error. 

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  • 10 months later...

Was this ever addressed?  I've started to have this problem myself with my HD500X.  I've had it while connected to my audio interface via unbalanced TS cable using the built-in IRL cab mic sims and also while practicing with with my band using the power stack setting into my amp's power amp input.  

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By the way. I had some kind of ROAR out of my Yamaha DBR12 powered speaker, one week ago.

It was very loud and guitar sound could only heard dimmed in between this roaring / or belling noise.


I switched to another preset and the roar, for the sake of my ears, disappeared immediately.


First I thought this was a bad cable, but as I realized here, there are some issues which could be related to mine.


I will keep an open eye / ear onto this blowouts and pray for our upcoming gig to go fine  :blink:

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This hasn't happened to me yet, POD HD bean.


But so far I have only created patches from scratch after the fw update.


This weekend I will upload a pre 2.62 setlist and see if it glitches.


If it does that may suggest an issue with pre 2.62 patches with the new fw.

Me too, I've been using POD HD Bean for many gigs over the last year direct to PA with 2.6. I also create my own patches. Never had any screeching noise issues as described here.

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