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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/21/2022 in all areas

  1. Thanks. Someone just brought it up on another forum and I wanted to be sure before I commit.
    2 points
  2. Remember that you can reduce latency by moving closer to your amp. Every foot shaves off a millisecond. I've thought maybe that's why guitarists are more tolerant of latency than drummers. We're always several feet away from an amp anyway, so we're used to it. Drums are right in the drummer's face.
    2 points
  3. FWIW... I used to run an HX Effects and HD500 together for several months which is a very similar set up. It worked great... without any noticeable latency.
    1 point
  4. I do often use a HXStomp with a Zoia in the FXLoop, and that in the Fxloop of a helix rack. Im very sensible to latency, but I cant feel anything wrong with that setup, despite numbers on paper. Sometimes it's just overthinking. :)
    1 point
  5. The amount of latency in the configuration you describe will be miniscule, maybe 6-8ms. Even if you're using wireless it will still be just at the 10ms average threshold of perception. Each AD/DA conversion takes <>2ms, so: G10 wireless - PG = 2ms PG - HXFX - = 2ms HXFX - PG = 2ms HXFX end to end = 2ms? PG end to end = 2ms? I'm not actually sure about the end to end numbers, as they somewhat depend on what FX are used. Unless you're Steve Vai (claims to be able to feel 2ms, but uses digital FX...), it won't be a problem.
    1 point
  6. Can't be done because of the complexity of Helix/Pod Go, the way that DSP is managed, and the fixed block design of Pod Go. Pod Go Edit is just an interface with Pod Go and is simply a reflection of what happens in Pod Go - its Pod Go's CPU that does all the processing algorithms & DSP determinations. That can't be done from a free-standing edit program. Edit programs for simpler units, like my Vox Tonelab SE/LE can do this because the DSP restrictions are built in & preset so regardless of the amp, cab, FX selected there's no impact on DSP. It also has way less models and parameters with minimal FX chain control than Helix/Pod Go so hence its a modest 'finite' model re the changes you can make. With Pod Go & Helix it's a near infinitely varying model that gets evermore complex with every upgrade. Similarly there is no freestanding edit software available for any current 'Helix type' MFX that uses similar more complex algorithms & DSP 'dynamisation'.
    1 point
  7. I don’t know if this suggestion is already on Ideascale but I’d be surprised if it isn’t. It’s a nice feature to have, and was available in the POD HD product series. it caused synchronization issues and lost updates between the memory states of the Edit program and the POD HD device, especially in situations where users would make changes using both the editor and the device during the same session. This feature was not carried forward into the Helix or POD Go products. Not to say it won’t be done again, but just to say that Line 6 made a conscious decision to drop it.
    1 point
  8. Thanks for responding. I figured out the solve. The issue is that the Helix driver is incompatible with Core Isolation memory integrity. When active, the driver fails to load. When disabled, it loads fine.
    1 point
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