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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/28/2022 in all areas

  1. OK, yes, sure in that way absolutely. Well, that is the question. How do I solve that though? They are. I tried them the other ways just to be sure, but yes, the problem persists even when they're all set to Instrument. I was just trying it because there's a problem with running them in series as well. There is the advantage of being able to change presets, and so on with the 2nd unit in a disengaged loop, and then bringing it back online. But honestly it's not that big a deal and series works just as well (aside from that issue) because of the Snapshots - and I have two independent sets of 4 which is why I wanted to go the 3 HX Effects route. I'm mainly wondering now if the tonal change is due to the additional conversion, and if it's only slightly less when the units are in series, but still causing my issue with that tonal change. I do have an acceptable solution, but was just hoping the loop might solve it - which it actually does on 50%, but that of course causes the other problem.
    1 point
  2. 1 point
  3. If the FX Loop Mix is set to 100% then latency won't be an issue, it sounds like you've got a parallel path somewhere. Unplug the output from B and you should lose all signal, if not then it proves the parallel path.
    1 point
  4. -No portability of Models between old and current Variax. -May have a 1st generation bridge, so be certain there is a tremolo bar with it, as there are no more replacements. Gave the last one to Sinbad. Current bridge is 3rd generation, a change in how the piezo cable is routed to the main board. -Current fret end dressing spec was implemented in 2012. -Firmware updated,... after v2.00 it became HD series of product compatible, so it communicates more smoothly with HD products. -Main board version was updated for hardware in 2012. Have a JTV-69 from 2010 myself, and it's been just fine, no problems. Keep it maintained and Firmware up to date, it's great.
    1 point
  5. That makes me really happy. I just saved a TON of time, effort, and frustration, by manually editing .hlx files in a text editor. Text files are ideal, since they enable advanced editing by people who want to dive that deep, but they don't get in the way of anybody who doesn't care about the technical details. (Please please please don't change it to an opaque proprietary binary format in the future....)
    1 point
  6. Quite frankly, it doesn't matter. If you have no intentions of taking it out of your bedroom. And you made no mention of recording. Then, it simply does not matter. You design your tones around the speakers that the noise is coming from. It only makes a difference if you intend on using something different. Take me, as an example. I will use the headphones that came with my cell phone. I have $20 computer speakers (which may have been $5 twenty years ago). I have JBL Eons. I have pa systems. I have Hollywood production studio equipment (I work for ABC/Disney). My home stereo. A guitar amp. I mean, I have access to gear out the wazoo. The list of what I use is endless. But I only design my tones on certain items. Because only certain items give a clear, unbiased, tone which will translate well to any source. I can't design tones on those Samsung ear buds because there is too much bass being added. BUT, if the only thing I was ever going to use was those ear buds, then I could design my tones without the bass to compensate for the extra bass they provide. But design them that way, and then use them on the Eons, they will sound thin and tinty.
    1 point
  7. Confirmed it's JSON. Also, Setlist file (*.hls) and Bundle file (*.hlb) are 'base 64' encoded compressed (zlib) of JSON data as well. I've made this little Python app to dump the content of a Bundle file called "Bundle_VERSION_1_03.hlb": I'll come up with another Python to dump in a more formatted fashion way. #!/usr/bin/env python import json from pprint import pprint import base64 import zlib data = None compress_data = None data_bundle = None with open('Bundle_VERSION_1_03.hlb') as file_bundle: data = json.load(file_bundle) if 'encoded_data' in data: compress_data = base64.b64decode(data['encoded_data']) bundle = zlib.decompress(compress_data) data_bundle = json.loads(bundle) pprint(data_bundle) I'm not able to attached the full dump that the above app created, it's about 58000 lines. But here is the first few lines of the Python structure: {u'setlists': [{u'meta': {u'name': u'FACTORY 1'}, u'presets': [{u'device': 2162689, u'device_version': 16973856, u'meta': {u'build_sha': u'3600857', u'name': u'US Double Nrm'}, u'tone': {u'controllers': {u'@expPedal2': [{u'@dsp': 0, u'@group': u'block1', u'@max': 1.0, u'@min': 0.0, u'@param': u'Pedal'}]}, u'dsp0': {u'block0': {u'@enabled': False, u'@model': u'HD2_Looper', u'@path': 0, u'@position': 7, u'@stereo': False, u'@type': 6, u'Overdub': 0.0, u'Playback': 0.0, u'highCut': 20000.0, u'lowCut': 20.0}, u'block1': {u'@enabled': True, u'@model': u'HD2_VolPanVol', u'@path': 0, u'@position': 0, u'@stereo': False, u'@type': 0, u'Pedal': 1.0, u'VolumeTaper': False}, u'block2': {u'@enabled': False, u'@model': u'HD2_CompressorRedSqueeze',
    1 point
  8. Yes thank for the heads-up on this. A Sample for those interested: ....... "block3" : { "@bypassvolume" : 1.0, "@enabled" : true, "@model" : "HD2_AmpSoloLeadCrunch", "@path" : 1, "@position" : 7, "@type" : 1, "Bass" : 0.660, "Bias" : 0.650, "BiasX" : 0.50, "ChVol" : 0.510, "Drive" : 0.640, "Hum" : 0.50, "Master" : 0.720, "Mid" : 0.450, "Presence" : 0.670, "Ripple" : 0.50, "Sag" : 0.390, "Treble" : 0.660 }, .........
    1 point
  9. Oh yes!! I didn't even think about looking into those files. It's JSON format, it will be easy to parse and edit outside Helix. Thanks for the heads up mdmayfield!
    1 point
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