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  1. If you already own any version of the Helix book, you can download version 1.4 for free from your Sweetwater account. Here's what's new compared to version 1.3: 534 pages (45 more pages than v1.3) In-depth analysis of v3.70’s nine new Cabs In-depth analysis of v3.70’s ten new Amps Complete parameter descriptions for the new effects (Prize Drive, Regal Bass DI, Feedbacker, Dynamic Bloom, and Nonlinear) 27 new presets featuring the new models in the v3.70 update I'm particularly proud of the new presets. Even if you don't read the book, just import the presets and have fun :) All except for three of them work with HX Stomp. I also did something a little different this time. I described the preset creation process for the new presets, and why particular blocks and parameter values were used. Also, many of these are oriented toward lead sounds. I felt the book needed more of those. And of course, I'm always interested in your feedback for when I start work on v1.5!
    1 point
  2. If you own any version of the The Huge Book of Helix Tips & Tricks, it's time to go grab your free update to version 1.3! Here's what's new: 489 pages (30 more pages than version v1.2.1, 121 more pages than version v1.1) Frequency response curves and analysis of the 9 new cabs introduced in Helix v3.60, and revised frequency response curves for the cabs introduced in v3.50 Coverage of the new Grammatico GSG, Elmsley, and Agua Sledge amps Coverage of the new Dark Dove and Triple Rotary effects blocks All-new tone analysis of the 13 three-parameter distortion blocks (this doesn't relate to 3.60, it's just something I found fascinating) And as the software folks say, "additional bug fixes and enhancements" :) To obtain the revised version, download the book again from the Sweetwater site at the link above, using the code you used to download your previous version. (If you didn't save the email with the code, it's in your Sweetwater account history.) Remember there's a dedicated support forum for all my Sweetwater books on the website. I welcome suggestions for future revisions. Finally, I've mentioned before that when a book goes to a new edition that represents a significant change (like software going from version 1.X to 2.X), owners of previous editions will be able to get the new edition for half-price. However, I don't anticipate this happening for quite some time.
    1 point
  3. How does it behave on a new blank preset in snapshot view? For your "new preset" preset, the buttons should all glow in red when you activate a snapshot. You can also test the LEDs are working:
    1 point
  4. FRFRs are all terrible IMO. It will sound like a wedge monitor. It will not chug or move air. Want a guitar cabinet feel? Get a guitar cabinet and power it by a power amp. The post below goes over what works for me.
    1 point
  5. The "best" sounding FRFR (a meaningless marketing term) for anything is so subjective as to be a pointless discussion. See TGP for dozens of such. I have a PC212+, HR FRFR112 and Rokit 6 studio monitors. They all sound good for different things and at different levels. The "best" sounding FRFR speaker is the one that YOU like best for YOUR application in YOUR listening environment. Which means that YOU would have to try them ALL to know which is "best". I know, not the answer you wanted. I mostly play my Helix through my Catalyst100 without IRs. If I played more "metal" I'd get a closed back cab and separate amp. For as often as I play that style, running the XLR Out from the Cat with emulation OFF into the PC212+ with speaker emulation (not FRFR) sounds good enough. YMMV.
    1 point
  6. You've been really persistent with troubleshooting and acquiring detailed information about this. Kudos to you and thanks for sharing the information. However, I feel I need to correct some misinformation here. I am running Windows 10 with a JTV Variax. I usually use my Helix Rack as the USB interface for my JTV. I have just tested my setup using the old USB interface as pictured above. Here are my findings: - I can run Line 6 Monkey v1.77 successfully. It recognizes that I have a JTV connected. It shows driver v1.0.7.2 installed. It also shows Device USB firmware v1.03 installed on the guitar. It shows JTV firmware v2.10 installed with the latest v2.23 available. It seems it will support my updating to v2.23 though I choose not to do so since all later updates beyond v2.10 apply to Variax Standard and Shuriken. Hence your statement above that "The older USB connector cannot update your JTV to 2.0 and beyond." seems to be incorrect. Note that the Variax USB interface does not provide power to the guitar. You need to have a charged battery installed and also a 1/4' cable inserted into the guitar. This cable is the battery's on/off switch. - I can run Workbench HD successfully, connected to my JTV running v2.10. Data transfer between the guitar and Workbench HD is working as expected. Your statement above that "The old USB connector will only hook up to the original Workbench, not Workbench HD." seems to be incorrect. Apparently there are 2 usb pieces required: a USB driver on the computer (v1.0.7.2) and usb firmware on the guitar (v1.03). Monkey shows that I have the Variax usb driver v1.03 installed but it seems it is embedded in the guitar firmware and is not a general computer usb driver. I don't think I will be able to extract it from the firmware but I I will attempt to find it somewhere on my computer. If I can isolate it I will post it here for you.
    1 point
  7. We don't dump any software. It's still there on the Downloads page. To connect to Workbench HD, updating firmware to v2.00 or higher is required. --When you connect the JTV-59 to Monkey, does the JTV icon come up on the Monkey display? --And does the Flash version come up on the display? --How are you connecting it?
    1 point
  8. If the source of your mixed reviews is this forum bear in mind that is a user support forum. People who encounter problems or are dissatisfied for whatever reason come here for support. The users who are satisfied and have no issues usually don’t come here to report that. Hence this forum does not provide an objective reliable gauge of user satisfaction.
    1 point
  9. I got it! The key was Line 6 Central which regocnized it (where neither Updater nor HX Edit dit) - thanks @waymda! In case, anyone else's got this problem - this worked for: 1. Uninstall all Line 6 software and drivers. 2. Install an older driver (1.9.1 worked for me). Check if your device is listed as a soundcard in the device manager. 3. Update with Line 6 Central. Thanks again!
    1 point
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