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Everything posted by Digital_Igloo

  1. Yes, one. Or if you're looking for a more transparent sound, don't use the model at all—the built in mic pre is actually really good; it's the same one found in our StageScape mixer.
  2. That's actually about right. Maybe even $1900.
  3. Yes. 1. Yes 2. Yes. Currently limited to toggling. 3. Yes. • Currently no sidechaining of blocks. • Currently no.
  4. Yes. Funny aside: If you're an AxeFX user and want to get into Variax, it'll actually sound better if you add an HD Pro X (or HD Pro) in between. Variax to HD Pro X via VDI > HD Pro X to AxeFX via AES/EBU. Then run MIDI from AxeFX back into POD HD Pro X to sync preset selection, which will recall Variax settings per preset. The whole rig is 100% digital with very little latency. Any effects or amps in HD are a bonus.
  5. Fractal's FX8 has true bypass, because that sort of product should have true bypass. Fractal's AxeFX 2 XL+ does not have true bypass, because it doesn't make sense for that sort of product to have true bypass—and it makes even less sense for Helix, for the same reasons and more. I'd be very surprised if AX8 ends up with true bypass, because its 4x12-block grid and routing flexibility is closer to that of an AxeFX 2 XL+ than it is FX8, despite their similar layouts. But yeah, if one requires eight simultaneous effects and true bypass, it's hard to beat FX8 right now.
  6. When Helix first ships, the Helix application will have librarian and IR loading components. The full editor component will follow shortly thereafter. Luckily, you may not need it. The only thing that's easier to do from the editor is naming presets/setlists/custom scribble strips and maybe drawing Global EQ.
  7. You could connect up to five external mic pres to Helix (Aux In and Return 1-4 set to line). Presets will be freely interchangeable between Helix and Helix Rack. A/D/As sound very clean.
  8. I voted too. Thanks, radatats!
  9. I totally get that. But why would anyone who only needs two or three effects at a time and cares so much about true bypass be interested in something like Helix, a box with up to 4 amps, up to 32 effects, up to 4 cabs, up to 4 IRs, up to 4 stereo paths, 10 ins/12 outs (many of which are digital), and 8x8 USB audio? It's like questioning why AVID doesn't make ProTools behave more like a 4-track reel-to-reel. Sure, some people believe that analog tape sounds better (which is up for debate), but that's obviously not what ProTools is, ya' know? Besides, we already make two boxes that do 3 or 4 effects at a time, have true bypass, and are more affordable: M9 and M13. If what you're asking for is a Helix-type product that behaves more like M9 or M13, then IdeaScale is your best bet.
  10. You rang?
  11. One could always use something like the Lemur app and create their own crazy MIDI touch-controller that Helix could respond to.
  12. Do you have POD HD500X/500/ProX/Pro? You could map the volume knob to bring up an amp block's treble parameter (or EQ band). Just swap the min and max values on the controller assign page.
  13. Helix is absolutely not the type of product where true bypass would ever apply. Its routing flexibility is closer to that of a DAW than it is an M13 (which indeed has true bypass). Would you expect true bypass from Cubase or ProTools? For single stomps, M-class processors, or other effects-only one-block-per-switch devices, true bypass makes perfect sense. But for something as advanced as Helix (or AxeFX), it simply doesn't compute. Besides, all but the very cheapest modern A/D/As sound really good. We have to provide modeled cable tone for our wireless devices, because they have a more accurate high-end response than a guitar cable of any significant length! It's not like 15 years ago, when you pretty much had to buy an expensive Apogee or Prism rack A/D/A to get ultra-transparent passthrough.
  14. Helix's tuner has output routing. One of the options is "Mute."
  15. Everyone, please play nice. MI tries to be one big happy family, and we'd prefer it if no company were disparaged... ...except one, and it's not Fractal.
  16. Could someone answer this question from the other thread? True bypass makes sense in something like M9 or M13, but a product like Helix? I mean, what are you going to do when 18 of 27 blocks are assigned to 10 switches, some in opposite bypass states? Turn as many off with the switches as you can, and then manually select each of the remaining blocks and press the BYPASS button? And then pray that none of the Delays, Reverbs, or FX Loops have their Trails parameters on?
  17. Or we build DT-specific templates with the MIDI messages already preprogrammed into the Command Center page.
  18. 1) Not distortion, but many of the other pedals have mix parameters. Parallel paths are very easy to set up. Like seconds. 2) Hopefully the good guys at Mission will make a ton of money from Helix; right now, there are no imminent plans to make a new Line 6 expression pedal, but if enough people want one... 3) No auto wah at launch. 4) We'll be releasing multiple videos over the next couple of months that should get deeper into the minutia. I can answer simple questions, and plan on writing a few blogs, but right now, it's pretty nuts. Suffice to say HX is notably advanced in comparison to what we've done in the past. We didn't stop until blind A/B tests could fool our own employees.
  19. The manual went out for translation last week, but since then I've already found a couple of errors. In the meantime, I trying to answer questions as best I can. The manual will likely go live before the first Helix ships. I'm hoping to get the Cheat Sheet uploaded in the next week or two. The manual's very different from what we've done in the past—lots of step-by-step instructions and tons of color illustrations. As Helix's minutia is notably deeper that what we've done in the past, I'm expecting to write followup blogs, which should be available from a ) Not at launch. b ) 4CM, 7CM, and 10CM in Helix is at Unity level. Volume loss from an FX loop should be able to be compensated with send and return level parameters; I presume tone loss is dependent on the equipment you connect, but the sends and returns can run at either line or instrument level; some amount of manual gain staging will always be necessary.
  20. FX Loop 1: HD500X FX Loop 2: Fractal AxeFX II XL+ FX Loop 3: Kemper KPA FX Loop 4: Eventide H8000FW
  21. You'd need 4CM for that even with HD500X, as L6 LINK doesn't provide bidirectional audio.
  22. Not sure, but I'm guessing you shouldn't need a second MIDI cable.
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