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  1. It's all my presets, dozens of them in multiple setlists on two different Floor devices. I can add a Wah block to any Factory Preset, set it to Toe Down and 95%, and save it. It works while I'm on it. The Wah engages when EXP1 is on AND I'm cycling up and down the pedal range. I copy the preset, paste it into a new slot, and Toe Down will change to something else. It's reproducible. It's not a preset; it's all presets where I try to use this feature. As soon as I paste them, move them, or import them (which I do weekly between two devices), this bug appears. See the video. I've submitted the full version to Line 6, but this is a clip that shows a copy-paste action changing that setting. Helix 3.5 Wah
  2. From the 3.50 Release Notes under "Bug Fixes in 3.50". When assigning block bypass to an expression pedal, Behavior > "Heel Down" or "Toe Down" could sometimes revert to "Toggle"—FIXED This is not fixed. I have a block of presets in which I try to use this feature, because an auto-return/switchless wah is great. I powered on my unit yesterday, found all these Toe Down settings reverted back to Heel Down. I corrected them all, saved them, and found some of them changed AGAIN on second inspection. I corrected and saved them, rebooted the unit. They came up reset to Heel Down. I corrected and saved all of them. Copied them to a new set of Preset slots. Every one of them changed from my Toe Down spec to Heel Down between my fixing them and my pasting them into new slots. This is NOT fixed. It's a valuable feature that I really want to use. But I'm having to pack an external switchless wah to manage a feature Line 6 says was fixed. Where's the QC in this bug report?
  3. I use MIDI presets to send PC preset selection and CC 69 value 0-7 to choose snapshots, from Bandhelper on iOS. I found that when I requested "snapshot 4, delay ON, snapshot 2", I was instead getting "default-on-load snapshot, delay ON, snapshot 2" on some presets. At first I thought I was chasing a Snapshots bug, but I had a hunch when I saw it was making changes on the default Saved snapshot, not a snapshot number in particular. When I significantly raised the delay between MIDI sends, it changed to snapshot 4 first, then added FX, then snapshot 2. Problem solved. Question is, is there some documented minimum time needed for Helix to do certain things upon receipt of a MIDI command? It would be awesome if I could send 5 MIDI instructions, each 0.1s apart. It's turning out to be more like 0.5s apart, which adds up when you're reconfiguring a preset on-demand. I'm using this instead of building a preset for every song. Choose amp-preset, choose lead snapshot, add FX, switch to snapshot for the beginning of the song. And if I ever tire of the Placater, I need only replace that preset in slot 003 to change the sound of all the songs that used it. The design suits my needs; the timing was giving me a problem.
  4. A very specific question. I may be selling a Floor, and I wouldn't mind leaving my presets. I consider myself a bit of a power user, and I have a catalog of genre and artist and song match presets that I think could be useful to pass along. In the effort to NOT resell commercial impulse responses... because that's a thing... is there a way to bulk replace the IR blocks on either presets or setlists with a predefined Cab block? In a gesture of self-awareness, I will accept the answer "nobody cares, erase your presets" if you really think this is a waste of time. But I think it's an interesting question. I know presets are JSON files. I'm an IT professional, and I can do search and replace with some command line UNIX tools. It wouldn't be trivial, but it ought to be possible. I know setlists are BASE64 encoded blobs. I'm not sure that's possible at all without multiple re-encoding steps. I know this is actually complicated by the 2.9 (?) change to load IR presets by name instead of number, because I can no longer replace all the slots with a free internet download and just expect them to load. Once upon a time, my preset would load whatever was in IR slot 5; but no longer. That would've been easy.
  5. Note: the Edit 3.01 self-update to 3.10 mentioned in the Release Notes did not work. Running macOS Catalina. Download and manual update worked. I don't know whether 3.10 was shipped with a self-update feature that we'll see when 3.11 comes out, but here's hoping. The new feature list looks exciting. Can't wait to get through a thorough review.
  6. Speaking as an IT professional who uses version control and release management all the time, what's the deal with Line 6 skipping minor version numbers? 3.0, 3.01 (a bugfix that should have been "3.0.1", but allowable), then 3.10. There are Line 6 Ambassador/Artists posting new reviews today of "3.1", and there are users making super-premature joke inquiries about "3.2". Technically and in truth, by any web page or File Explorer that sorts according to cardinal numbering, 3.1 through 3.9 were all skipped and 3.2 would sort as older than 3.10. There's a small part of me that wants to bug about this because I'm obsessive and prescriptive by nature. But there's a larger part of me that begs the question why people think 2 comes after 10, and why one software team doesn't respect the (major version).(minor version).(patch release) format used by literally every other software team on Earth. 3.10 and 3.01 are bad form, and people asking about 3.2 illustrates that bad form feeds bad habits. This is not me being nit-picky. Some new user later this year will sort through the Downloads page and choose 3.10 over 3.2, thinking it's "newest", and will complain on the support boards for not having any of the new features. And it will not be that newbie's fault. This .xx stuff needs to go; 3.x.y is the way.
  7. Do you recall that my question was when Line 6 would update Monkey and maybe Edit for the last two releases of macOS, not about the difference between JTV and Standard? JTV, Standard, Shuriken, none of that matters. I'm inquiring when Line 6 plans to update the software for their product line to the last two releases of macOS, and the only answer I've gotten so far is to check the Downloads page (which I've obviously done).
  8. That post is about macOS 11. I'm asking about macOS 10.15, released October of 2019, 2yrs after the Shurikens came out. Honestly, a Workbench HD update with firmware management (re: HX Edit) would be a welcome solution, even on macOS 10. Can Line 6 speak to the possibility of rolling Monkey into Workbench HD, the way Updater was rolled into HX Edit?
  9. The non-rhetorical part is do the legacy Line 6 apps for Windows run as designed on Windows tablets? I'm not a Windows user and don't know if there are dotted lines between tablet and desktop in their OS support. > It's also worth noting that the JTV's are now more than a decade old. You're not wrong about the JTVs, but there were new Variax lines released in 2015 and 2017 before the Monkey product fell out of macOS in 2019. I would *love* to see Workbench HD include firmware management, like HX Edit does now. Line 6 is actually makes a strong case for buying JTVs USED instead of NEW, because used is more likely to have been updated by the previous owner while the tools still worked. I was lucky to find my new pre-owned had flash 2.15 on it, once I got it connected to Workbench HD.
  10. A pre-owned JTV-69 in beautiful condition has come to me, and I'd like to reset it to factory specs. That requires Line 6 Monkey, which is two major versions behind on macOS support. My entire music ecosystem is Apple, and Monkey is literally the only thing I can't do. Workbench HD requires a factory preset bundle to do that. The Pilot's Guide download link for that is broken. The push-button/plug-in method documented online was deprecated at JTV flash 2.0. So I need a new noun to be able to do an old verb. Please answer me any one of these questions, if you can. Does anyone have a JTV-69/59 factory bundle they can share? What is Line 6's release date for a new macOS compatible Monkey software? What's the smallest, cheapest Windows 10 device with a USB 2.0 port that you've loaded Monkey on? Conversely, have you had some W10 tablet FAIL to load Monkey and other L6 USB tools? I'm at the point of spending $250 for a tablet that will fit in my gig bag and run BandHelper and all of Line 6's support tools. That... is not a bad idea, honestly.
  11. I found apparently the last new JTV-69 in the Musicians Friend/Guitar Center network, and it's blue. The blues are super rare anymore. 9 out of 10 blues you see listed online are from Japanese sellers on ebay, all using the same stock photo. To pick a very fine point, the s&d you found at Sweetwater is a 69s. I was preferring a 69 humbucker if I could find one, just to fill a very particular need. There are a couple on the used market, but 2 of the 4 second-hand Variaxes I've handled have arrived broken. I've bought and sold a fair number of used things, but this finicky cyber-unicorn guitar was where I finally had to draw the line and get a factory warranty. I may have gotten the last new non-S 69 on the market. I hope it has a cool serial number like "10000".
  12. Since I'm no longer gigging, I have a near mint condition JTV59 in Tobacco Sunburst that I can sell if you're interested. It is my backup. Included is gig bag, battery and Workbench dongle.

  13. I’ve been shopping for a JTV-69, and the only ones available are either used with no warranties or refurbished with 90d warranties. It seems the only new Variaxes on the market are $$$ USA models and Shurikens. I’m invested in Helix and Variax, and it’s becoming harder to find a backup or replacement I don’t also have to worry about. I don’t want to pack 4 guitars again. It’d be a shame to just stop gigging with Variax for lack of support.
  14. I'm trying to decipher some of the vocabulary people use around Sag, and how they configure other params like tone and volume around changes in Sag. I understand that higher Sag replicates a lower-voltage behavior in the power section of the amp. It causes an enhanced power section breakup associated with EVH's "brown sound". I've heard different YT artists say that sag makes an amp more "spongy", more "dynamic", and "warmer". In my mind, spongy and dynamic are opposite terms. I typically expect an amp to get a little louder when played harder, and I find Sag eliminates that entirely. I'm missing the term "dynamic" used by people like Rhett Shull and Rick Beato. When I add Sag to a Helix amp, I get more breakup and a distortion that is brighter and crunchier, NOT warmer. I know one artist who raises Sag in every new preset by default. I like the sound of his presets online, but I hate the sound of higher Sag in my own equipment. I just feel like I'm missing something. I don't find Sag makes amps more dynamic; I find it compresses against volume jumps. I don't find it makes them warmer; it makes them notably brighter. When people start using holistic phrases like "it opens up" or "the tone is richer", I can't really judge those. But I can judge that my own Plexi in my own FOH disappears into the mix when I raise the Sag, at all. I've heard Tim Pierce compliment the way a Park starts to sag when it's pushed, and the stock P75 block disappears into the mix where I play. Rick and Rhett did a Marshall+Variac video and talked about the tone getting better, richer, warmer, when it wasn't clear in the video. They talked at once about it being compressed and being more dynamic, which are opposite terms. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills and missing something important. I'd welcome some sort of tone-related feedback, maybe with references to sample sounds online. Thanks.
  15. This is not permanently solved. I was able to import all my setlists again. I was moving things around. About 40 slots at the bottom of a setlist started displaying random characters, both in Edit and on the device. The paste operation failed, saying "No symbol lookup table for models and parameters". This has failed both importing a setlist and importing a folder of individual patches. It's actually getting WORSE, an hour after it rebooted all clean and perfect. My last effort to import some patches made the Helix screen light up blank white and Edit report Service is not online (code -8207).
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