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  1. DTedit uses MIDI ports on the DT amp only. L6 link is not supported. Jd
  2. It has to do with Security issues. Read the following. It's been over a year for me, so had to jump through a few hoops to get it to work. Jd
  3. Thanks Partev. Having said that, with a DT25 head, would the external cabinet with a 15W 16Ω VOX Blue be OK? Thanks in advance! Jd
  4. Partev, Maybe a silly question, Yes, I know you state use the same speakers, although how should one choose a cabinet/speakers for a DT50 or DT25 Head? Or even with the DT50 212 vs 112, same amp yet different wattage on the 212 speakers(90W+60W) & the 112 is a 90W speaker? This seems a little confusing. Jd
  5. I agree with Pianoguyy. I think most people whom use the mic input on a POD HD would be doing a more basic vocal chain. A thought though would be taking others guitar presets and just mute/disable the amp sim and see what you get. Hope that helps. Jd
  6. Cesarelik, Welcome to the forum. An FYI, you should be posting this under Multi-Effects Units/Helix. You'll get a better response posting it there. Dream Rig has to do with Line 6 integration of the Variax guitars, Helix or POD HD with L6-Link, and Amps with L6-Link such as PowerCab, DT series amp or StageSource speakers. Just trying to help. Jd
  7. It adds to what I posted. My post still is correct that you would use the Preamp Models with a DT amp, hence ".......or when using the L6 LINK™ connection.*" Jd
  8. From the Advanced Manual of the POD HD500x: Amp and Preamp Models We’ve included a complete set of “Preamp” versions of each Amp as well. Choose one of these to obtain the tone of just the preamp stage of the amp - recommended when feeding your POD HD500X output into an external amplifier, or when using the L6 LINKTM connection.* See above for the explanation why or why not to use "PRE". If you use the 4CM then you might want to use the "PRE" to use the modelled preamp of a specific amp to then go through the power amp section of the amp you are connecting the POD to. Jd
  9. I'm the same in that I run the POD MV at 12-1 o'clock and DT to taste, small room and in a condo so never past 11 o'clock on the DT(yes, I know I could use the LVM). Jd
  10. You would need a USB-C to USB-A to connect to your Mac. If you want to use the HD edit software there are a few hoops you have to go through to get it to work. See here for that: Using the POD HD as an interface for audio into a DAW I've found it's not stable at the moment. Check if the new driver works as one was released Sept of 2022. Jd
  11. The "Pre" refers to it being used in conjunction with a DT series amplifier via L6 cable connection. So if you are using the POD stand alone without a DT amp, don't use the "Pre" models. FYI, I've never used my POD in 4 cable method (4CM) so not sure how that might work as I have a DT25. Jd
  12. MacOS is the issue. You need to use an older version of OS. That’s why I kept my old MacBook Pro with High Sierra v10.13. With Line 6 support of older products and newer software it was inevitable. Jd
  13. That's great! But it should also be in this more specific forum page. It's more important than the pinned "Share And Download 2.0+ H D Models" in my eyes seeing how many ask this question as opposed to shared models. Just a thought. Jd
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