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Random Thoughts from a Helix Noob / Modeling Veteran


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I've played though a lot of digital gear over the years, logging many more hours on modelers than on tube amps.  Over the years, i've owned

  • Digitech RP-1
  • AX-2 212
  • Pod XTL
  • VG-99
  • Boss GP-10
  • AxeFx Ultra
  • AxeFx II
  • Zoom G5
  • Atomic Amplifire

Got my Helix Floor yesterday and now have enough time to start to form a few thoughts.

  1. For the love of all that is good, we need a clipping indicator! Even better than a clipping indicator (IdeaScale link) would be signal metering (IdeaScale link).  Diving straight into preset creation, using normalized IRs, I found myself (apparently) clipping something either in the modeling engine or in the output stage.  After wondering why my presets sounded like crap, it finally occurred to me to check levels using my DAW.  Once I got that sorted out, things sounded much better.
  2. The lack of clipping indicator/metering probably stands out even more in contrast with the slick UI in general.  I'm still figuring some things out but editing and assigning bypass foot switches is pretty intuitive.  It's only a hair less simple than the mythical Head Rush that I demoed at NAMM...but HX has the advantage of being a product that's available this decade.  
  3. Count me among those who think that a lot of modelers have a "signature sound".  In a blind test, I'm pretty sure I could distinguish between my Helix, Roland/Boss, Atomic, and Zoom devices.  Each has a different thing going on in the high end. Trying to figure out how I feel about the HX signature.  It's definitely different from the Atomic/Fractal toys I've been playing with in recent history and I'm not sure if it's something I can dial out.
  4.  I've never owned a modeler where I loved the factory cab sims.  The streak continues.  Not to say that they're bad but tend to be much more "present" than I prefer. Given the amount of discussion around sound of miked cab vs "in the room", I was kind of surprised by how they tended to sound more "in the room" than "in the control room". ;)
  5. I like Helix App.  I'm not a big fan of the skeuomorphism in most other apps.  Trying to turn knobs with a mouse is a losing proposition. I have some issues with the app's sliders but they're so much better than knobs.


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I've had quite of line of modelers as well over the last several years.  All I know that with the Helix it's the first modeler that I can precisely get the tone I'm after in my head.  It sometimes takes a bit of experimentation or occasionally trying something new, but I feel I can very precisely get exactly what I'm after.  But that has taken some time to develop those skills because the depth of options is so deep.  On other modelers I sometimes had to settle for things because I just didn't have the variety of built-in tools and capabilities like I have now.


As far as editing, I've always favored using the built-in editor on all of my modelers.  I've played around with the various editors, but once I've learned the editing functions on the unit I prefer to use them.  It's just faster and easier for me...especially at rehearsal or gigs.


I agree, however, that a signal level meter of some sort would be an extremely nice tool to have on the Helix.  It's no great crisis for me because I've got a small 4-channel mixer which I keep my Helix plugged into at home which gives me a good view of the signal strength, so I can easily normalize the signal strength across my all of my patches for live use.  I'm not sure if they did provide some kind of software based metering system that I'd use it.  I prefer the instant reaction time of hardware meters.  Very useful for setting up compression accurately.

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  • For the love of all that is good, we need a clipping indicator! Even better than a clipping indicator (IdeaScale link) would be signal metering (IdeaScale link). ...


Yes please, this!!





5. I like Helix App. I'm not a big fan of the skeuomorphism in most other apps. Trying to turn knobs with a mouse is a losing proposition. I have some issues with the app's sliders but they're so much better than knobs. 

First off, great word ("skeuomorphism")!!  Ironic that it is not in the spellchecker as it is used in conjunction with UI and Web design. Perhaps sliders are better than knobs for some operations but not when you have to select from dozen(s) of options and the slider only shows one choice at a time. The Helix app badly needs some of its sliders to be replaced with pull-down menus.

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A clip indicator, unless they use what's already there somehow, probably won't show up till Helix #2. 


I'd like to be proven wrong on this one however...



The way I do it is run Helix thru my mixer 1st and use those channel leds to set the clip into my interface.

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[*]I like Helix App. I'm not a big fan of the skeuomorphism in most other apps. Trying to turn knobs with a mouse is a losing proposition. I have some issues with the app's sliders but they're so much better than knobs.

I've never had an issue turning virtual knobs on a screen unless they don't respond to a mouse's scroll wheel. Most do respond and it's easy.

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It's virtually impossible to get true clipping in the unit internally... I think the only way you can really do that is with the Vintage Digital delay set to to a low bit depth and with the headroom parameter set low. That actually changes the internal signal processing through that block from 32-bit floating point to whatever it's set to, so digital clipping can actually be induced. All the other clipping from the blocks is modeled clipping. The place you're most likely to see clipping is if you're sending a hot signal from the output into a channel strip.


Anyway, I don't think a meter would be that hard for them to add... They have that really nice color screen, you know...

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Helix's display screen is fully addressable from Helix's on board firmware. There is plenty of room to display a vivid colorful pair of vertical meter indicators, each several pixels wide and with index values. It would make sense to present it similarly to what is being shown in the Signal Path portion of Helix Native's screen view:


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I try to keep all blocks close to unity gain, and create boosts by cutting first, then removing the cut when the boost is on. The Helix input takes quite a wide dynamic range and when in doubt, use the input pad switch. These simple precautions will easily eliminate any possibility of internal digital clipping. Then just just use normal gain staging into the FRFR or other amplifying device.

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