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variax lefthanded


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  • 4 weeks later...
15 hours ago, mr02041965 said:

Looks like left hand guitar is always overlooked. It's hard to find anything in Canada but England has a few. 


I sympathize with your plight, but it's overlooked for a reason... lefty players are a tiny percentage of all the world's guitarists. And for a niche product like the Variax, which is a tough sell to a lot of players anyway, there's just no money in producing a lefty model.


Back in my teaching days, I'd discourage any and all beginning students from starting on a lefty guitar for this reason... playing righty, even if one is naturally left handed, can be done. I was raised by one, lol... and I know several other local pro/semi-pro guys who are lefties, but play right-handed. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Maybe someone could actually say what percentage of guitarists (or guitars sold) are left handed ?  Ten percent of the population are left handed, though I am sure the percentage of left handed players is probably lower.  Most guitar shops seem to have fewer than 2% left handed in their stock.

Where are the Variax marketing men. The fact that there is no left-handed model almost demonstrates to the world that that Variax is not a mainstream instrument. The majority of successful guitar models have left handed versions. Even PRS make some left-handed models these days (though I’ll probably never buy one because of their previous anti-leftie position), I bet they are selling plenty.  I have recently been visiting guitar shops, in two of my last three visits to GuitarGuitar the only other people buying guitars in the shop at the time were left handed!

I started playing on a Yamaha Pacifica a long time ago and it is still the best setup, easiest to play guitar that I own, I’d love a new Yamaha made Variax, but instead I just spent 750GB pounds (1000 USD) on a Japanese Strat – plenty of lefty choice there, but almost certainly would have bought a left handed Variax if there had been one – I like DADGAD, Open G and Standard, but I’m rubbish at tuning. 

I’m about to buy a Helix Stomp and looking at Helix (though I am only a player that just noodles at home and with friends) it is clear to me that, as this stuff gets cheaper, more powerful,  more visible on YouTube, modelling in all its forms is the future for guitar gear, maybe with a nutube thrown in for old times sake.

Hopefully Yamaha will realise this themselves before my arthritis gets too bad and make a left handed Variax again.

PS - I see the usual stuff on this forum about persuading left handed people to be beaten in to playing right handed instruments, but in general getting a left handed guitar (in the UK) is not a problem - if you don't mind driving 50 miles to try a few.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

I've transplanted Variax Standard electronics into an Ibanez RG (nut is too narrow for me on the Standard, I learned my preference on string spacing way too late) which involved replacing the bridge. It's not simple, but it's not rocket science. i.e. if you really want a lefty variax, build it.

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  • 2 years later...

Interesting comments from everyone. Would really love to get my hands on a Variax JVT (know a music teacher/band player who loves his kit)... but am a lefty. [Interestingly, of the three guitarists in our band, two are lefties - but that's another story!] Cannot see why someone cannot take the risk and set up lefty 'production line'. The kit is so good, that - with the right marketing/advertising - it would surely take off! EXAUR mentioned GuitarGuitar - I was in there (Camden branch - great service, BTW) just before lockdown in 2020 and there were four bootiful Les Paul Custom Shop models therein. I tried the £4.3k was excellent... tried the others...good...but not as good. Went home and told she-who-must-be-ignored - who said buy it. ... slept on it for several months... then checked online...all lefty Custom Shop Les Pauls sold! But I digress... cheers all.   

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  • 3 weeks later...
4 hours ago, psarkissian said:

I believe those 2 are gone... 

I would also like the newer features.

I might have to try to transplant myself...

Might be easier to build my own body

Try and find a used one that's already has no warranty 

And use ghost saddles.


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12 minutes ago, BigJ2021 said:

I believe those 2 are gone... 

I would also like the newer features.

I might have to try to transplant myself...

Might be easier to build my own body

Try and find a used one that's already has no warranty 

And use ghost saddles.


Also what bridge type would be easier to change the saddles to left hand configuration?


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Transplants are not for the faint of heart, and left handed adds complications, so the piezo wiring and

string nut have to be flipped. Plus,... a transplant will have a different tone color EQ in a different body.

I'm the guy at Line 6 that services Variax and have done a number of mods and transplants.


Be certain you know what it is you are getting yourself into.


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I am currently transplanting and converting both a Variax Standard and a JTV-59 to lefty. The ridiculous thing is that the lefty recipient of the JTV-59 electronics was built in the same Korean factory as the JTV-59. 

My longer term goal is to do a short production run of left handed Standard bodies, so it will be a reasonably inexpensive conversion. We’re probably 3 months out on that project. 




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  • 6 months later...

Bonjour, il y a personne de chez line 6 pour faire passer nos messages ?? Moi je serais prêt à mettre le prix pour cette gratte, n'importe quel modèle même s'il faut payer du custom shop...

Et oui si il y a des conversions possibles je prends !!!!

ps : Pardon d'être gaucher. 

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Google translated :: Hello, is there anyone from line 6 to pass on our messages?? I would be ready to pay the price for this guitar,

any model even if you have to pay the custom shop ... And yes if there are possible conversions I take !!!!

ps: Sorry for being left-handed.


Don't apologize for being left handed.

Unfortunately, we do not have a custom shop. Some of us here wish we did, I would be part of it.


Google translated :: Ne vous excusez pas d'être gaucher.

Malheureusement, nous n'avons pas de boutique personnalisée. Certains d'entre nous ici souhaiteraient que nous le fassions, j'en ferais partie.


You might look into searching online for Variax 500 Electric Left hand parts an assemble one from that.

Google translated :: Vous pouvez rechercher en ligne des pièces pour main gauche Variax 500 Electric et en assembler une à partir de là.  



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  • 5 months later...
On 7/28/2021 at 7:08 PM, scottjennings said:

My longer term goal is to do a short production run of left handed Standard bodies, so it will be a reasonably inexpensive conversion. We’re probably 3 months out on that project. 


Did you ever do this Scott? I'm interested in doing a righty to lefty transplant with a variax standard. 

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  • 10 months later...

Sono un chitarrista mancino quindi trovare chitarre che mi piacciono è sempre stato difficile. Oggi più facile di una volta, ma sempre difficile. Pur possedendo 18 bellissimi strumenti, anche vintage, per curiosità sono passato al digitale acquistando un PODHD 500 che, dopo sei duri mesi di apprendimento, mi sta dando grandi soddisfazioni. Ora volevo una Variax per esplorare nuovi orizzonti con il POD, ma sfortunatamente niente. Nessun nuovo modello, nessun vecchio modello usato. Alla fine mi sono deciso, incoraggiato anche da alcuni utilizzatori di line6 che lo avevano già fatto, ho comprato una Variax 300 usata per destrimani e stamattina l'ho fatta mancina. Quattro ore di lavoro in totale: girato il capotasto, smontato il ponticello e invertito il verso del connettore dei 6 piezoelettrici (non c'è bisogno di fare altro) rimontato tutto, corde nuove, per sicurezza anche se non è necessario, ho riavvolto il firmware con line6 Monkey e ............... Incredibile!!!! I suoni acustici a 6 e 12 corde mi hanno fatto sognare ragazzi. La chitarra non è particolarmente scomoda anche se è hendrixiana. Arrivo bene al 20° tasto e con il bending di due semitoni suono un Re pieno, sufficiente per la maggior parte dei brani. I controlli sono un po' scomodi, ma non urtare il braccio durante il gioco. Con POD poi sogni: posso memorizzare i modelli ei controlli Variax nelle patch e passare da una Les Paul ringhiante con una Mesa a una Martin D12 da sogno con effetti. Fantastico come questo sia in circolazione da 15 anni e lo sto usando ora. Non venderò la mia attrezzatura analogica, ma la Variax e il POD avranno sicuramente un posto di rilievo nel mio impianto. Fai un tentativo, ne vale la pena. Buon lavoro, Tris.

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Using Google Translate from Italian,....


I'm a left handed guitarist so finding guitars I like has always been difficult. Today easier than once, but always difficult. Although I own 18 beautiful instruments, including vintage ones, out of curiosity I switched to digital by purchasing a PODHD 500 which, after six hard months of learning, is giving me great satisfaction. Now I wanted a Variax to explore new horizons with POD, but unfortunately nothing. No new models, no used old models. In the end I decided, also encouraged by some line6 users who had already done so, I bought a used Variax 300 for right-handers and this morning I made it left-handed. Four hours of work in total: turned the nut, disassembled the bridge and inverted the direction of the connector of the 6 piezoelectrics (there is no need to do anything else) reassembled everything, new strings, for safety even if it is not necessary, I rewound the firmware with line6 Monkey and ............... Amazing!!!! The acoustic 6 and 12 string sounds have got me guys dreaming. The guitar is not particularly uncomfortable even if it is Hendrixian. I arrive well at the 20th fret and with the bend of two semitones I play a full D, sufficient for most of the songs. The controls are a bit awkward, but don't bump your arm while playing. With POD you dream: I can store Variax models and controls in patches and go from a growling Les Paul with a Mesa to a dreamy Martin D12 with effects. Great how this has been around for 15 years and I'm using it now. I won't be selling my analog gear, but the Variax and POD will definitely feature prominently in my rig. Give it a try, it's worth it. Good job, Tris.



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  • 3 months later...

I know this one. He does good work. Consulted me, as I had done a left hand transplant mod for Line 6 artist Carlos Rios (circa 2014).

And like Carlos, this one is also left handed, matching a 500 electric bridge (flat on the deck) to a JTV board.


Last I recall, this one by Hamsterdan was a one-off project, and said it work pretty good. Being a former rep for us,

he well was acquainted with our product.


Both were challenging and not for the inexperienced. As the saying goes, "These are professionals. Don't try this at home."


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  • 1 month later...

reviving this thread from the dead (i think). recently switched my variax standard back to left hand guitar after a few years trying to play righty. i'm totally fine with just restringing my variax and changing the nut around, so not looking to transplant, but i was wondering if anyone could point me in a direction to where to reverse the piezo pick up. i've never dealt with this so i don't know if that's something that i could do at a random guitar center, can get a friend to do it, or if that's highly specialized work. i'm willing to send it away or drive it over to the nearest service center if that's whats necessary. any help would be appreciated

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Service center would charge you if it is out of warranty, or a modification. Mods and custom work are something authorized

service centers may, or may not do. Check with the service center.


You'd have to flip the wiring om the piezos, as each string piezo has to go to the correct input. Contrary to popular belief, the

processor knows which string is which. String piezo has to go to the input associated for that string,... or it will sound really weird.


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  • 2 months later...

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