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Am I using setlist correctly?


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I'm only puzzled by this b/c I feel like I might not be using "setlist" correctly.  I want to use my helix as each preset is used for a different song.  So therefore to me I want to have a 42 song setlist that I can use for the next gig.  


The issue I have is that if I have a few setlists is that a memory burden to have the same presets copied over and over in different setlists?  The setlist USER2 is going to have the next gig's listing of songs.   Is this the smartest way to do that?  If we have a gig the following night and its a new setlist, I can just use USER3 and have all 42 songs in a different order, right?

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There's no memory burden other than the total limit of setlists you can have loaded at one time.

I also do a preset for every song, but I don't copy them over and over.  I keep every preset exported to my computer hard drive individually and build them into a setlist as needed.  There are times I may have more than one setlist loaded if we're doing different shows together on the same weekend for example.  But setlists are pre-allocated storage on the Helix so the only thing that's actually loaded into working, active memory on the Helix is the preset you're currently using in a song.

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On 3/19/2022 at 8:06 PM, lespool79 said:

ok thanks.  So where do you rearrange the setlist?  Do you copy and paste and move them around?  Is there an easier way?  

It depends on what I need to do.  I do all my editing in HX Edit.  I can clear out what's in the setlist and start from scratch dragging and dropping exported presets from my computer directory, or I can just drag them around in the setlist if I want to change the order.  Or simply drag a preset from my PC directory over the one I want to replace, or add to the end of the list.  It's all very simple operations using HX Edit.  I keep all my exported presets in a single directory and I can order them alphabetically or by modified date.  I even have some presets that are the same song but customized to different guitars.  In those cases I just add the guitar to the end of the preset name.  It's really a very flexible way of working and pretty much unlimited.

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I used to have 1 set list as a library for al changes and maintenance of patches, and copy from there to each upcoming gig setlist using HX Edit. I reserved one setlist for testing/building new patches. I have cleared the factort setlists to make space and make facotry reset/rebuilds quicker, I only restore the Library and Test/build setlists. I started using this approach with a HD500x after trashing a few good patches by not managing them well enough and having a single master list that I moved the order of patches.


However, I now only maintain the Library and use an app to control patch changes via bluetooth. As I sing as well, having lyrics, even as prompts is necessary so I have a tablet with the app in front of me. As well as the set lists for the night, there is a final catch-all set list on the app with everything else in alpha order so we can do requests super quick. Find the song in that set and bang, lyrics and the patch.

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I have 2 copies of all my presets in 2 folders, just in case I manage to screw something up accidentally I have a copy of everything.... 


Before the the show I rearrange all my presets in a desired order.  In global settings I have my presets show up as numbers as opposed to 1A 1B 1C, etc...


So if you know the order of the set, then you can simply rearrange all your presets in HX Edit.  I use the "0" preset as my sound check preset where I test out various potentially problematic sounds like stereo delay etc, and off I go.  It's also very easy to rearrange the presets on the Helix itself--you just go to a specific preset and using a knob move it up/down in the list. 



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For me... "SETLIST" is just an arbitrary name that Line 6 uses. To me the are just "banks of storage". 

  • I use one setlist (called "LIVE") to hold all my tones... organized in a way that works for me, but certainly is not a "setlist" of songs. 
  • I use another setlist (called "BACKUP") to hold copies of all my tones, just in case I screw something up in my LIVE setlist. 

The others are just working spaces.... 


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To repeat what others have said.... 


Me kicking around at home or the studio, I don't really worry about 'setlists' and just deal with whatever patch space I am on. 


But for live performances: 

I have each patch saved as a song title (yes, I sometimes have the same patch saved multiple times under different titles). And I will import them (via EDIT) in the order I need them for any given night. 

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