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DT25 Edit - cab models - Do you leave them on or turn them off?


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I just got my DT25 head today. I have already flashed it to 2.0 and started editing using the DTEdit. Cool!


Right now, I'm running the DT head alone (no pod hd) into a 1x12 cabinet with a Scumback M75 speaker. This speaker is really special! Think of the best high powered old school greenback...


So, I'm finding that, when editing the different cab models, they do add their own bit of flavor to the tone. But, since I'm not using the proprietary DT25 112 cab with the G12H90 speaker, I'm wondering if I should turn the cabs all off and use my speaker or add some flavor?


What have been your experiences using different speakers and the cab modeling options on the DT25?

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basically do whichever sounds best to you..

but i would use the cabs, because it's a tonal option....

and helps with the authenticity of the desired amp model.

not much proprietary about the line6 branded cab... and it's a guitar voiced speaker itself....

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Personally I found that using the cabs confused the issue, added TOO many options to the table.  (This is with the DT25 combo)  Once I decided to stick with the preamp models and let the actual speaker do it's thing, I was able to find the sounds I wanted much quicker and more reliably.


As noted above, they''re always there as an option - roll your own....

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How you play the guitar is very important.The tone can come later. when I feel like trying different cabs and other settings i go with the flow and let the tones inspire me to play the guitar. I'm using the DT50 Head, DT25 Cab and the tones you can get from this is mind blowing to say the least, so if you try to swallow all it's possibilities at once you'll choke, lol. According to my calculations I'll never get tired of this thing it will only keep me interested. Heck, I still use the Spider Jam, am only getting to like it more & more and I've had it since 2008.

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I generally use the cabs as a starting point for eq'ing tones before I even turn the EQ knobs on the amp. It gives me options to get close to the tone I want and then I use the tone knobs to dial it in exactly how I want it.

I am using the 500x, mind you, so my tweaking goes fairly quickly.


I pick which amp model I want to dink around with, strum some open chords while switching cabs, pick a cab/amp combo that pleases me, then tweak amp EQ to finish it up. I generally put an EQ block near the end of my signal chain as well just to really fine tune the output to my DT to get exactly what I want too. Not using the cabs, to me anyways, is depriving yourself of one more tone sculpting tool. YMMV.


This also includes changing the topologies. I do that and cab models before I tweak amp EQ knobs. Pod HD and DT amp together is an amazing amp factory. I thought that was marketing BS, but damn if they ain't right!

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I was under the understanding the DT25 cabinet G12H90 speaker was a custom Celestion flat Eq'd speaker, read this from this post from nickbell a product specialist


"Using the PRE-amp models are definatly the way to go with this kind of setup. To answer your question YES the DT's speaker is taken into acount with the HD's modeling to come through as genuine as possible. Its a 12" customer made flat response speaker. With this set up taking the output options into acount makes a huge difference due to the POD HD being designed for more solutions other than live use. Holding down the View button will give you output options. Since your running into a DT, using the second output option "combo stack" will give you the speaker modeling without the mic and air modeling giving you the ideal live set up. Using the simulated out in the back is another option that is modeled after the DT's cab and will only give you that tone."



So having Cabs ON the modelling would be expecting custom speaker to get the proper simulated cabinet sound. So using another speaker cabinet isn't wrong, but you would get the desired cabinet simulation with a different speaker connected. Or am I out to lunch on this?

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So having Cabs ON the modelling would be expecting custom speaker to get the proper simulated cabinet sound. So using another speaker cabinet isn't wrong, but you would get the desired cabinet simulation with a different speaker connected. Or am I out to lunch on this?


so I have the DT25 head and my own cabs with Celestions and Emminence.  Sometimes I use the cab sims and sometimes I don't.  It doesn't really make a ton of difference as far as right or wrong.  There is no right or wrong, only options.  Experiment with different cabs and mic combinations. Try it with no cab or mic.  Use your ears and listen to the differences and use what you like.  It is a very flexible system totally designed to let you, the user, mix and match to create your own sound.  Believe me, there are so many choices it can be daunting and you may spend a lot of time fiddling with it.  Even so, it's all up to you.If you are happy with your own cab and speaker by all means, let 'er rip just the way she is with what ever amp and FX you want to use... 


Just to rehash an old dog, the internal preamps in the DT have cab and mic sims turned ON so if you are trying to match the DT in the POD, just use the default settings when you choose an amp/preamp.

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts. After a couple more days with the DT25, I'm getting it dialed in closer to what I like. I'm finding that cabs ON sounds good with the clean amp sounds and cabs OFF are best with the od and heavy amp sounds.


I'll be getting the DT25 112 cab soon and will probably put my Scumback speaker in it.

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  • 4 months later...



So, I did end up buying the the DT25 112 cab and so far I like what I'm hearing with the cab emulations turned ON.


Question, so when I turn the cab emulations OFF in DT Edit, does this mean I am getting ZERO cab and mic emulation and ONLY the Digital Preamp and Tube Power to my speaker? Or is there always some residual cab or mic flavor going through this that cannot be turned off or eliminated?


The reason I ask is I am thinking about trying out my Scumback in the DT25 112 cab and going cabs OFF.

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I like the cab models...certainly, not all of them work with every amp model, but they serve as a nice starting place for matching the amp model up to the speaker resulting in a less radical tonestack setting...


I have tried a lot of different speakers in my DT50 & DT25...for that matter, I have been doing that with Line 6 amps since the AX2...What I have found is that the less character a speaker has the better the cab models translate...EV12L sounds pretty amazing in these things...V30 just has too much color to it from the git go for my taste...I really do not like that speaker at all...But then I never really like having an icepick in my forehead to start with... :-)


After countless speakers, I have arrived at the Jenson Jet Tornado...Hands down one of the best guitar speakers I have ever used...granted it has a bit more color than an EV12L, but not a lot...and weighing 4.5 lbs is a plus for me...It really does not sound like Neo at all to my ears...

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Unless I am totally mistaken, I believe to remeber that the Mic models in the DT only affect the direct out on the back and not what comes out of the DT driven speaker(s).

There may be a twist to the Mic models also when a preamp instead of a power amp model is selected in the HD, but I just can't remeber and can't check.


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I believe to remeber that the Mic models in the DT only affect the direct out on the back and not what comes out of the DT driven speaker(s)


I think your right too. Cause if you have the HD 500 connected via L6 Link everything comes from the HD500. I've tried the Direct Out and was surprised to hear how great it sounds. Amazing Amp IMO.



Wait I remember using DT Edit and I think I was getting Cab changes with it out the speaker. I can't wait to get my DT50 back to check it out again.

Edited by Brazzy
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