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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/29/2021 in all areas

  1. And where on the frequency response curve is 31hz for that speaker?? If it measures very low in db's at 31hz (as the VAST majority of any and all speakers do), then what's the point? You can throw around specifications all day if it makes you feel better, but whether it's likely to SOUND better isn't measured with that kind of myopic and meaningless spec and that's my point. Go take a look at the Celestion web site and examine ALL their speakers and look specifically at the speaker response curves which they publish for ALL their models and examine the level of response you get at those low levels. But ultimately it all comes down to what will the audience hear and what will make them not only hear but feel the bass? That's all part of what a dedicated subwoofer does which is to specifically boost those very low end frequencies which need to be felt more than heard. As I mentioned we use a QSC KS112 subwoofer which gives everyone in the room (including stage and audience because subs are omni-directional unlike your cabinet or speaker) a more than adequate low end bass feel for ALL instruments that need the low frequency boost including the bass, the low end of the keyboard, the kick drum and lower toms even though that subwoofer is spec'd at 38Hz as it's lowest response, yet at a volume level setting of 3 all low bass frequencies can not only be heard but felt in a room with a capacity of 150 people. Have more people than that...get the next bigger sub or get multiple subs. Take a look at the forest....NOT the trees.
    1 point
  2. This update is amazing! Naming snapshots and renaming the buttons is awesome! I especially like be able to rename the “multiple(2)” buttons. Diving in over the next few nights oughta be fun!
    1 point
  3. You can view the contents of the Helix .hlx files for patches using this online site and then copy the info down and try to emulate something similar in your podgo
    1 point
  4. Try using a program called "Notepad++" to open the .hlx file. Then use the Plugin called JSON Viewer. This will make it more human readable for you.
    1 point
  5. The .hlx file is formatted text. If you open it using a basic text reader like Notepad you will see the order, names and parameter settings of all blocks. Use this to manually recreate the preset in POD Go. Of course Helix supports much more complexity in preset structures so there are limits to the extent to which recreation can be accomplished.
    1 point
  6. DUDE! That makes NO sense at all! No, I'm not going to restore your system to mine! The problem is that your system has cooties, and they spread from one system to the other due to repeated promiscuous backing up and restoring! EEWWWW!!!
    -1 points
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