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Everything posted by PiFromBRC

  1. Yeah, there is a reason for the delays. But we should be kept up to speed on it. They should pin the topic and allow consistent updates, including the occasional Mia Culpa, to keep those of us waiting somewhat informed.
  2. Do you have a Monkey account? If so, that is what they're asking for. If not, box it and ship it back as it is likely a returned unit that already has a Monkey account attached to it.
  3. This whole journey started on 11/3. The MF clown put in the wrong ship address. It took me a week to get him to change it over to my office instead of my doorstep. Instead of simply editing my ship address he cancelled my order and resubmitted. That threw me in the back of the line despite his insistence that it wouldn't. It recorded my new order date as 11/11. which turned to the 24th. Which turned to 12/4. Which turned to 12/11. Which turned to 1/11. MF: Get your heads out of your collective arses. L6: Start paying attention to your vendors, give them and the end users an update, and tend to your reputation. I've defended you guys for years against hardcore Digitech, Fractal, and traditional pedal users. Now you should be defending yourselves against a serious loss of credibility in terms of your ability to deliver on your word.
  4. I just posted the following in another thread: I'm getting completely hosed here. My ship date mysteriously switched to frikkin' 1/11. GC is still saying 12/11, but I'm noticing an interesting trend here. The date will show as green and then turn a few days later. Then it stays red for a day or two and then they switch the backorder date. MF's latest 'adjustment' has pretty much sealed the deal for me. If I don't get mine by the ship date they inferred on the phone yesterday I'm likely just going to let it go. I've made it this far with my current rig and I can make it further. I do hold L6 partially responsible for this. I get the corporate environment. I understand ship date snafus. But somewhere between them and the end user (meaning us), there is a prolonged disconnect. I have to imagine that the retailers are hearing projections from L6. I'm not saying that it is strictly an L6 issue, but they 100% absolutely should be giving us updates. This is a fun and informative forum. I appreciate everything Line6 Tony and Digital Igloo do here as well. Somebody in procurement needs to communicate a realistic, somewhat transparent update on these delays. The retailers are getting hammered by PO'd customers and I'm sure they would appreciate the assist from their vendor. At this point we are past unreliable and venturing in to unprofessional.
  5. I'm getting completely hosed here. My ship date mysteriously switched to frikkin' 1/11. GC is still saying 12/11, but I'm noticing an interesting trend here. The date will show as green and then turn a few days later. Then it stays red for a day or two and then they switch the backorder date. MF's latest 'adjustment' has pretty much sealed the deal for me. If I don't get mine by the ship date they inferred on the phone yesterday I'm likely just going to let it go. I've made it this far with my current rig and I can make it furthern I do hold L6 partially responsible for this. I get the corporate environment. I understand ship date snafus. But somewhere between them and the end user (meaning us), there is a prolonged disconnect. I have to imagine that the retailers are hearing projections from L6. I'm not saying that it is strictly an L6 issue, but they 100% absolutely should be giving us updates. This is a fun and informative forum. I appreciate everything Line6 Tony and Digital Igloo do here as well. Somebody in procurement needs to communicate a realistic, somewhat transparent update on these delays. The retailers are getting hammered by PO'd customers and I'm sure they would appreciate the assist from their vendor. At this point we are past unreliable and venturing in to unprofessional.
  6. Take the four to eight bucks you're saving per pack and put it in The Emphysema/Cancer/CPOD fund. I'm down to six per day and am going to try Cold Turkey again next Weds.
  7. Those of us in MF-land are going through the same thing. I had to spend an hour on the phone with a 3rd round representative. SUPPOSEDLY I am first in line for their 12/4 shipment. It has been a definite back and forth. As much as many of us are anticipating our shipments and going through the shuffle with our various retailers, one must draw upon the fact that L6 appears to be under orders to remain mum on this matter. DI mentioned in an earlier thread that there was a round of shipments rumored to be going out late November, and another in early December. My primary concern at this point is that they may be taking returned, defective models, fixing them, and shipping them back out as new. I guess it wouldn't really be a bad thing as they would likely go through a more stringent QC if they were returned units. That thought actually brings up a notion that the delay in ships is due to them fixing the early bugs. I dunno...still waiting for caffeine to hit. Oh...look...a cat! I love lamp.
  8. Yeah...I think they pull an arbitrary number out of their arse when they tell us where we are. I actually demanded a hard number when I had this last conversation. It took an hour to get that number. John gave me a verbal pinkie promise when he gave me that number, so pants on fire if it was another round of BS The PO'd Customer. I'm curious when you actually ordered yours.
  9. Thanks for the kind words. I'm in Cali and I smoke American Spirits...for eight bucks a pack. Though having caved, I wouldn't call it a full-blown relapse. Yesterday I smoked seven cigarettes. Right now I laid out six. Homebaby gets his stand in unity. Tomorrow both of my neighbors quit. If a frikkin' four year old has to give up the binks, three adults can give up the "gwomup" version of binks. We're hosting Turkey Day this week and there are going to be three grumpy adults, one naturally vegetarian toddler, and a bunch of guests who will be wondering why the lollipop they came. My kiddo is worth it. Now let's see if MF makes good on their word. I'm worth it.
  10. Yeah, I caved. F-U-LOLLIPOP-C-K. I tore MF a new one yesterday. I ordered this on 11-3. I called my gear head and he said I was number 40 in line. On the eleventh they finally corrected the shipping address (I want it to go to my office). Apparently they cancelled the order instead of simply changing the shipping address. Thanks TOM! That threw me back to the end of the list, but I wasn't informed of this little development. Kicked back once. Kicked back a second time. Then ncockerill above tells me of the 12/4 push back. Now I'm starting to sweat because I have some gigs coming up. I call Dalton at MF and he tells me I was number 7 in line. Yesterday I log on to find out it was pushed back to the first of the year. Said ciggie caving occurs. I call and end up with John at MF for a one hour discussion. He finds out that I am actually number 41 in line because of Tom's F-up way back on the eleventh. Several hold times later, and one hour in to the conversation, I find out the truth. I'm number 41. Then I learned that they currently have 40 in stock. Number 41 starts to sound really bad. John will be calling me next week with an update. If what he says holds true, my future MF purchases will be with him.
  11. The title says it all. For my son's 4th Birthday, he's giving up binkies. In a gesture of unity, I'm giving up smoking. After thirty years. Here's the timeline so far: 7:00 AM: Wake up. Habitually grab a cigarette 7:08 AM: F***! 7:30: Wake him up. Take away his binks 8:30: "I got this...I think I'm going to ace worries" 8:45 AM: "Damn..a smoke would be nice..." 9:50 AM: Down the rabbit hole.... I sincerely hope that the 12/4 ship date from Musician's Friend holds true.
  12. That doesn't seem right. That, or they need to update the interface for the 70's chorus. The original CE1 had four parameter dials (Level, Chorus Intensity, Vibrato depth, and Vibrato rate). It was also a two-channel system. I haven't seen the Heli>< version, but my understanding, and the reason I've been trying to find links to the original products, is that the interface is supposed to mirror the original units'.
  13. I wonder if it has a side-strap option.
  14. It's a moving target. My ship date from MF was just pushed back to an estimate of 12/4. Guitar Center is stating an estimate of 12/18, Zzounds is saying 11/22 and Sweetwater is perhaps the most honest with, "I dunno...we'll ship it when we get it". My guy at Bananas at Large isn't able to get any to their Santa Rosa store and they supposedly sold out of their batch prior to receiving six of them in San Rafael, CA. I understand some people across the pond are now receiving their shipments. Stood up again, and another bad case of Blue Fingers.
  15. So we're talking about scene spillover, not preset spillover. Okay, that makes sense. I'm bummed, but it makes sense. Thanks.
  16. Coming in 28 pages late here. Does DI's response above mean spillover between presets, or within presets?
  17. Personally, I am very pleased that DI posted that comment. I had the same problem with my HD500. Right now (meaning as I type this) I'm over playing heavy stuff and getting back to funk for the day. I went in to the HD500 presets and was pretty disappointed. So I just take the ones I made for heavy sounds, dialed 'em back, and letting the funk do it.
  18. I loved my SGX, but it just never quite did it for me tone-wise. It was a pioneering system insofar as multi-effects went.
  19. Keepers: Digitech 128+ for spillover Bad Stone Phase Shifter (sentimental) Cry Baby so my friends don't beat me up Ernie Ball volume because I use it straight out of my guitar before my signal chain and I want three exp pedals for other uses. Likely to keep my EQ, but not sure on that one BOSS RC-300 (pedal boards count, right?)
  20. I'm printing up the manual and cheat sheet for the Helix (c'mon....27th). I'm a documentation junkie with a serious highlighter addiction. My understanding (as read from other threads) is that the interface for specific amps and stomp boxes are modeled on the interface for the originals. In another thread I suggested that we compile a list of links for the original stomps, amps, etc., that are modeled in the Helix. Here is what I have so far. Please note that Line 6 originals are not part of this list. I've done my level best finding actual source content. I've included notes where I felt they were needed. Feel free to jump on correcting anything or adding items. If any of the L6 guys happen to feel the love, I'm number 40 in line at MF, my Gear Head is Tom at 3077, and I would LOVE to be bumped up on that list. :P Distortion Models Minotaur: Klon Centaur Compulsive Drive: Fulltone OCD Valve Driver: Chandler Tube Driver Top Secret OD: DOD OD-250 (note: Not much here) Scream 808: Ibanez TS808 Tube Screamer Hedgehog D9: MAXON SD9 Sonic Distortion Vermin Disto: Pro Co Rat Arbitrator Fuzz: Arbiter FuzzFace Triangle Fuzz: Electro-Harmonix Big Muff Pi Industrial Fuzz: Z.Vex Fuzz Factory (note: I’m not sure this is the correct one, but it is the only one I could find) Tycoctavia Fuzz: Tycobrahe Ocatavia (note: This link is for a replica. Best I could find. If somebody can find a link to the actual original, please provide) Megaphone: Megaphone (note: I’m presuming they are talking about the Voicetone X1. If not, somebody please correct) DYNAMICS MODELS Red Squeeze: MXR Dyna Comp LA Studio Comp: Teletronix LA-2A and EQ MODELS 10 Band Graphic EQ: MXR Ten Band Graphic EQ MODULATION MODELS Optical Trem: Fender Optical Tremolo Circuit (note: This is for a feature, so here is a link to an article on the circuit) 60’s Bias Trem: Vox AC-15 Tremolo (note: This is for a feature, so here is a link to the amp) Script Mod Phase: MXR Phase 90 (note: It is a flashed-base site so you need to click on the "manual" tab Ubiquitous Vibe: Shin-ei Uni-Vibe (note: I have not been able to find an actual scan of the manual. This is a site which offers one unit for sale and includes a picture of the manual's text seventh picture from left) Gray Flanger: MXR 117 Flanger Harmonic Flanger: A/DA Flanger Courtesan Flange: Electro-Harmonix Deluxe EM 70's Chorus: BOSS CE-1 (note: Click on Manual and/or schematics link to DL pdf) Trinity Chorus: DyTronics Tri-Stereo Chorus (note: I believe this is the correct one to that which they modeled)
  21. I'm number 40 on the list at MF. I will get mine out of the next batch they receive.
  22. So both MF AND GC have now pushed the ship dates back to 11/27. Sweetwater is still mum on delivery, Bananas says "in a few weeks", etc. I just wish we could get a real date from the retailers instead of the seemingly flexible ones. I get it. They're coming. They will be here. Allegedly, so will Jesus, but I'm not waiting up nights for that. </grumble>
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