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  1. If you never use your tap/tempo for anything, including tuning...... you could create a midi loop and program the button with a midi send. Setup a cable between the MIDI IN & OUT, carefully set the channels to avoid unwanted midi messaging, then discretely set the tap tempo button to send the "preset up" message back to the helix. This change is NOT GLOBAL on the button... you need to program it in every preset! I repurposed my tap tempo for a while via midi, it worked fine but it wasn't worth it because you had to program it on every preset. Also... even though your tuner could be accessed, it will always trigger the MIDI action as well. I don't need confusion on stage!
  2. The volume pedal block has an option for "linear" and "audio/log" taper. Try both settings to see if that helps. Der Lautstärkepedalblock verfügt über eine Option für „lineare“ und „Audio/Log“-Verjüngung. Probieren Sie beide Einstellungen aus, um zu sehen, ob das hilft.
  3. That defeats most of the original intent of the tube screamer. (just sayin) There is no shortage of pedals based on TS circuits out there that have already done this, and one of those may already be added to the Helix. It's not something I've dug into simply because I have no interest, but I know many people are.
  4. Not sure about where you are, but where I live I can pickup a used Windows 10 laptop for dirt cheap and could be used for a lot more than just HX edit.... moving forward you may find you will need it more and more. Even then... Microsoft moves the goal posts even further on Oct 14th 2025 when they drop support for Windows 10. NOTE: I'm not suggesting you move your stable studio setup to a cheap windows 10 laptop... I'm suggesting you use it for the things your old machine isn't allow to do anymore.
  5. You are correct... the HX Effects is not an interface and cannot be used as one. To record it you need an interface... simply plug the outputs of the HX Effects into the inputs on the interface.
  6. Have you actually tried it... or are you just reading the "compatible with" notes on the download page? If it's the latter.... you may still want to try. No harm on staying with an older machine that does what you need... but you will encounter these types of issues. Company's don't support EOL (end of life) OS systems indefinitely... it becomes a waste of resources since the user base is small & gets smaller each day. Windows 7 has been on borrowed time since Jan of 2020. If it doesn't install or won't run.. it likely has to do with necessary changes to make it work with Windows 11. Software moves on... whether we like it or not.
  7. Factory reset, then include your global settings in your restore.
  8. Just pointing out that the OP has an LT so there is no 10-button stomp mode...
  9. I wouldn't use a compressor or limiter for this job... The BOSS LS-2 would be better for this, it is a line selector. In the correct mode you could manage 3 different guitars... one would be direct in, normally that would be the primary guitar then two others would have a separate volume cut or boost.
  10. People will usually do that when they are using a traditional cab or amp/cab on stage. They don't use a different IR's, they simply put the send before any IR. FWIW, my approach is similar to yours but with an LT.
  11. My 6 year old LT has had one "complete" microswitch cleaning. That was about 2 years ago, and it's still going strong. The entire process took me about an hour... so I can't complain over the level of required maintenance I've had to endure. On the contrary, I have bags of BOSS microswitches from a variety of units. I use to have to replace those puppies on a regular basis. I wouldn't dismiss the foam theory, but outside contaminants will certainly find their way in as well. On the LT, the EXP area is a clear point of entry. Combine some humidity with some dust/dirt particles and cleaning becomes inevitable over time. Just my 2 cents... based on "my" experience with them.
  12. I always sent a MONO signal to the FOH and let the tech position it as he needs. He can add some stereo delay, or some stereo reverb if he wants, he can pan the guitar left/right/center as he feels he needs to... but he does have instructions not to go drastic. As an listener, I prefer MONO live as well. I want to hear the MIX regardless of my ticket being LEFT/CENTER/RIGHT in the room. I tend to agree, a slight separation is nice. But you don't need a stereo signal to PAN the guitar a little to the left or right!
  13. I would try the JC120 pre-amp into an Alnico Silver or Alnico Blue cab block. The cab block will give it a Vox tonal quality. For any dirt you may require... I'd just place a dirt block of choice in the chain, not try to get it from the amp.
  14. Separate the amp/cab block and put the send before the cab. YES - it does use one additional block, but it also works!
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