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Everything posted by HonestOpinion

  1. This is a running joke based on a 'Saturday Night Live' skit about 'space pants'.
  2. 'Litigator'? Is this the John Grisham model? I intend to lawyer up and give this baby a spin, until then I will leave any reviews to the court of public opinion. ;)
  3. Agreed, what a fantastic and welcome surprise (bonus!) after reading further, I did not initially think they were any new models after only reading the Editor's release notes. :)
  4. I have always loved the Boss SD-1. I have an original Japanese made version and it is a great warm overdrive. I have done A/B tests with that pedal against some much more expensive boutique overdrive pedals including ones that actually had tubes in them and it kicked most of their a$$es. Not sure everyone is aware there are some new effects and amp models in this update. They are listed in the Downloads section under the Firmware notes, not the Editor notes.
  5. Couldn't agree more that speculation is what we have here until Line6 weighs in on the matter. I echo the sentiment that we have no idea how much effort is involved in producing mono versions of the reverbs nor do we know if the DSP savings would be significant and I have made both of those points repeatedly here. I would also add to your points regarding speculation that we don't know if mono versions would sound any better in a mono signal chain (new mono reverbs designed for the HX level of processing well might though). The only thing in your bullet points that is not speculation is that Line6 themselves have confirmed that the reverbs were indeed ported from HD. I hope and believe we will see some new reverbs specifically designed for the Helix in the future. I wold also love to see some mono versions included with them.
  6. I always prepend my IRs with the corresponding number of the IR slot it is in but screenshots is a good alternative.
  7. Someone did an absolutely fantastic job on revising the update instructions for this version of the firmware. This effort will no doubt be rewarded by fewer calls to support and fewer users with failed updates (sure there will be a few as always). Really nice job on the firmware notes and instructions!!! :)
  8. Firmware version 2.10 is here! Oh yes! :D
  9. Absolutely, not just mono spring, bring 'em all on in mono! Hope 'springs' eternal.... ;)
  10. I just saw a video with the compressor being run towards the end of the signal chain. Are people getting good results from running compressors after the amp/cab? I usually run them before distortion and amp/cab as I am used to doing on my conventional analog pedal boards.
  11. Just hope it comes soon! Carve the turkey or update my Helix, nooooooooo.... ;)
  12. I'm offering DI 40% or Silverhead, PeterHamm, and phil_m 20% of my winnings to give me the inside skinny on the release date, then I'm setting odds and taking bets. :D
  13. There are many ways to do this including using any of the milder overdrives with the 'Drive' parameter turned down or putting a volume block in front of the amp. The page has links to descriptions of all the effects on the Helix if you are looking for a little more info. Here is a good topic on transparent boosts:
  14. If you haven't upgraded your firmware yet you can download and install an old version of the Helix Editor that matches the firmware you have (I would uninstall the Helix software you just installed first), backup up your presets and IRs with the old version of the Editor, then go and download the newest version of the Helix app, upgrade your firmware, do the global reset, and then restore your presets and IRs.
  15. LOL. The graphics finally displayed properly... ;)
  16. I'm confused, was this topic injected for a little humor or is the new update out?
  17. What a great flick the first one was! I tend to like my sci-fi a little more intense but you really have to be a hater not to have appreciated this little gem. I would love to see Asimov's 'Foundation' series put to film or maybe see someone like Peter Jackson redo the 'Dune' series.
  18. "Does anyone remember laughter?" (Led Zeppelin 'Stairway To Heaven') :P
  19. Looks like you were trying to address this issue long before me. Please vote this one up ye mono signal pathers, it deserves consideration!
  20. Yep, I totally get it, two more very good reasons why it might not be a good idea in most firmware update scenarios - resources required to sort through and filter bug reports from that many people, many of which might be incorrect, and the additional possibility of obsolete bug reports that are no longer pertinent since the latest build. The obsoleted bug reports issue can be mitigated to some extent by simply attaching the build version to the bug report and sending alerts to users when the build changes. I also agree with this point, my only comment would be that the fact that Line6 may well cover a wider range of users from the extremely technically sophisticated to the relative Luddite can sometimes actually be a good justification for more public beta testing as the developers at L6 and the beta testers tend to be at the technically sophisticated end of the spectrum. I have seen this in my own software development career, where an unsophisticated user is able to find a bug within five minutes that every tester has missed over months of testing because a novice approaches the system in a way that a more knowledgeable user would never think to do. These novice users can also expose features that are lacking ease of use or intuitive implementations as well. Not saying these benefits override the challenges you have detailed to public betas just trying to point out that sometimes a wide spectrum of users including the ones who seem to be able to break every piece of software they touch out of sheer ignorance or lack of familiarity with the system can actually be beneficial to a beta test. :)
  21. Emma Peel and Black Widow teaming up, now there's a mashup I will go see any time! ;)
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