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  1. Hmm… maybe I should look into “tone matching” amps to an overdrive with an ir…. I think prince ran directly into his ssl for years if I remember correctly… Cory Wong does it often too especially in early vulfpeck stuff.
  2. For reference for everyone on this post, I 100% agree buy the right products for your needs. I currently own a helix rack that’s hooked up in my studio and before that had a floor model since v1.0. I also have had an hx fx and have tried the lite and stomp. A product for my needs currently would be an hxfx with amp models and while I realize it most likely will never happen I don’t agree it shouldn’t. Scribble strips and midi command center is completely worth having the hxfx on the board I’m building alone. I do really wish the stomp did it for me but I hate the screen interface so much and having that much power in control center on a midi centric board without scribble strips or another external controller kills the power and efficiency for me On that note though the stomp initially was designed to not have control center a large thing the hxfx had going for it in the beginning because that’s not what it was meant for. Line 6 changed that. The stomp also didn’t have more that 6 blocks because it wasn’t needed because dsp limited that. Line 6 changed that. The stomp was not initially capable of having multiple switch controls to have the capability of doing much more than snapshots and presets. Line 6 came out with the club stomp. If they had an hx fx sized helix that could fit on my pedal board with scribble strips and control center id be happy to pay a premium for it. As is from a technical stand point I don’t get why after years of it being in the wild it’s gotten the least functionality upgrade of the entire line. I guess the sales never took off the way the stomp did which would be totally understandable. But a boy can dream How does adding functionality the rest of the helix line have pointless? Was adding control center and the two extra blocks in the stomp pointless as well? also The helix floor is marketed as: “Line 6 Helix Guitar Multi-effects Floor Processor” So in that line of thinking I guess it shouldn’t have amps either? I completely understand that this was not what it was initially designed for but having said that half the functionality of the helix line in its current form was not necessarily what it was initially designed for. It’s an evolving ecosystem and I love it for what it currently is and has been since version 1.0. As for the entire second half of your post I literally don’t want any of what you mentioned except amp capability. The helix is way way too big and adding a second amp pedal is course the solution available (there is a ruby sitting in my Sweetwater cart haha)currently but that adds size to a small pedal board too. And as stated earlier I hate the stomp from a ui stand point so that’s out. The correct tool for my job would literally be an hxfx with amps. I know that doesn’t exist. I was just wondering if people knew if it was a technical limitation or just a marketing decision/choice As it doesn’t seem like something that would be too hard to implement. On the flip side a small factor amp/cab only helix would be a stellar addition to the line as well… if wishes were fishes I guess
  3. I know that is not what it was initially designed for but… With the HX stomp getting command center and 8 blocks in the most recent updates Is there any reason why the HX FX couldn’t get the amp models?
  4. This is a faulty unit. I had a faulty unit when they first came out and it did the same thing but with only one of my pedals. I sent it in and they had it fixed and back to me in like three days. (Free of charge) There is a pinned topic about this on the first page of this forum. seems odd they would still have the faulty units out in the wild though. Did you buy it used?
  5. I have rearranged mine and am still waiting on 2-3 pedals. But I built this board to fit into my pt-jr case
  6. Do you have the HX effects or the full helix? Not sure if this an actual issue from your post but... Some of the earlier HX effects were made with out of spec parts and resulted in the effects loops making horrible noise with certain combinations. Mine only did it with my brothers pedal. There is a post somewhere on here about it from line 6. If that is your issue they will cover repairs and shipping and for me they got it back in less than a week after I shipped it (Shipped Thursday, received it back Tuesday)
  7. So other random question. If the HX effects is supposed to run at 3A would it be a bad idea to just get the Zuma and use 3 Current doublers and 4 500mA spots to be able to run it at 2A?
  8. phil_m, I do believe that I have the newer "classic" Jr. I know that I could fit a Pedal Power 2+ under there with no issue. Do you know what cables I would need to make this work? I'm assuming just this: but I read on the HXFX Faq page that the power supply input jack is larger than a normal power supply cable. Anyone know what cable I would need for that? Also does anyone know if the sound quality of the effects change when using a power supply?
  9. Hey phil_m, Does the HX FX work off the strymon Ojai with the current doubler cable or do I need to go with the zuma r300? If so what doubling cable(s) do I need to get? I got the HX FX to control my PT JR board and with the wall wart there is no way I can fit power on my board (especially under, where I want it) It is literally exactly too big (1/8") to fit anywhere. Honestly this is by far the worst part about this product and while I would never return it as I love the Helix products. I can see it being a huge turn off to people trying to integrate it with their boards. Also I saw you were talking about total power draw of the power supply would the Ojai be fine to power? -Chase Bliss Tonal Recall -Chase Bliss Brothers -Eventide H9 -HX FX many thanks in advanced
  10. Thanks! Tried plugging it in just to my laptop and it worked out great
  11. Title says it all The HX effects buzzes loudly when the usb is plugged in and goes away as soon as it is unplugged. Which would make editing basically useless once that is available. Anyone else having this problem? Or do i need to open a support ticket?
  12. So I see that the HX effects can be set to bypass mode by holding the tap/mode button at the same time. I purchased one and am excited to get this hooked up to my small pedal board My question is can you set this up to be pre-programmed on a per preset or even per snapshot level? Or is this only available as a manual function. I'm planning on integrating this with a few different pedals with midi function(chase bliss/eventide) and was hoping when I am not using the HX effects than it would not affect the signal at all. Because I there is only 2 effects loops I unfortunately have to set this up in a chain instead of all through HX effects. Thanks in advanced!
  13. If you're on windows go to your start button and scroll down on your program files until you find Reaper (in my case its a folder named "Reaper (x64)" click on this and you should see an application named "Reaper(x64)(create new project)" if you click on this it will start a new project and should work. The reason it is crashing is that it is looking for the plugin file in one location, but you downloaded the update and it is in another file location. I had to fix this last time I installed Native, but its been a while and I don't remember what I did to get it to work. So unfortunately I am in the same boat as you. but that should at least get reaper working again
  14. Went to downloads and it worked! Thanks
  15. Anyone else getting We're sorry.We encountered an error processing your request. when trying to download the new firmware update
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