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Everything posted by datacommando

  1. Hi, Check your Global Settings > Preferences. From the Release Notes: With Cab > Dual blocks, you can now also choose whether changing the first cab automatically recalls a matching cab for the second. From the Global Settings menu, select the Preferences page. Press PAGE> until you see Link Dual Cabs. When set to "On" (default), changing the first cab automatically loads a matching cab for the second. Choose this option if you want to emulate the sound of two different mics (or two of the same mic with different angles or positions) on the same cab. When set to "Off," both cabs are completely independent of one another. Alternatively, in HX Edit (and Helix Native), click the Link Dual Cabs icon. Off (left) and On (right): ITRW, you could set up a pair of identical, (or completely different) speaker cabs - 4x12 Greenback 25s for example. On the first you want a Shure SM57 about an inch from the grille aimed at the cone, and on the second you have a Royer 121 Ribbon about 5 inches back from the front of the cab and nearer the speakers edge. Now you can blend the 2 signals to create a more distinctive sound. Generally there’s not a great deal of point in having the second cab mimic the exact settings of the first. Hope this helps/makes sense.
  2. Hi, Yep, I understand that, which is why I mentioned the extra processing power of the LT in my post. My real point is about why bother messing with porting FX presets across to the LT, when all that’s required is to use a preset created for the LT (which may already be taking advantage of that 2nd DSP), and then simply turn off, or discard the unnecessary amp and cab. The main thing is, the OP states: “When I turn off the amp and cab blocks in my own preset the guitar sounds like crap.” That prompted me to say that there must be something very wrong how he has his LT and his Genz Benz setup together. Rather than finding presets specifically designed for the HXFX, just use what you have correctly. Hope this makes sense.
  3. Hi, Try this:- Hope this helps/makes sense.
  4. Hi, That’s intriguing. Using only HX Effects presets in a Helix LT will not sound any different from a full LT preset without an amp and cab in the signal chain - the HXFX firmware is identical apart from the amp and cab modelling. If you create a preset in the Helix LT without an amp or cab it’s the same other than the fact that an LT has a second DSP chip which doubles the processing power of the HXFX. If you have a preset in your LT, and as you state, when you “turn off the amp and cab blocks in my own presets the guitar sounds like crap”, there is something very wrong in how you have things set up in the signal path. If there is a hard way of doing things, you have found it, if you think that using a preset specifically created for a HX Effects unit, is going to be any different to simply not having an amp and cab in the signal path of an LT device. This is more than weird - Bizarre! Why invest in an LT if you “don’t want, or need the amp or cab blocks” Hope this helps/makes sense.
  5. Hi, I’m a little confused about exactly what you’re asking here, because you say you have an Helix LT and downloaded a bunch of freebie Helix FX. Furthermore you intend to buy some more commercial presets - and that is where my confusion arises! Hmm… if you own an LT why would you download presets for the HX Effects which doesn’t have any of the amp and cab blocks that are in all the other Helix family of products? I guess you actually mean you have presets that were designed for the Helix floor model? If that’s correct then your freebie, and any future commercial purchases will simply load into your LT, with the caveat of - if the preset requires an IR file from a commercial supplier, you will have to purchase the IR needed. Presets designed for use with the Helix floor, Rack of LT are interchangeable. The differences between those 3 units are in the hardware. Your LT has less Send/Return options, and no Mic input for example. One other point - you mention using the presets which you have, or hope to have, to “help me get my head around writing good presets”. Well if those presets have been downloaded from CustomTone - be prepared to be disappointed. You might find the the name and/or description are far from what you may have anticipated. If you ‘re not rigged up with the same guitar, strings, pick technique, monitors and listening environment as the guy who put it together - it will sound completely different, but hey it’s somewhere to start. Hope this helps/makes sense.
  6. Hi, I realise that this may appear blindingly obvious, but did you read the article that is linked in the post above from @rd2rk. Short answer is, no you do not need 2 sets of presets to use your Helix to record and for live work. Learn how to set levels. Hope this helps/makes sense Oh, yeah - GarageBand audio levels - you might want to check this out! Plus this!
  7. Hi, The Badonk wouldn’t be my first choice for vocals, but with this stuff there are no hard and fast rules. If it works for you -great. For vocals I would start by using the Studio Tube Pre, followed by a LA Comp. You mentioned some reverb and delay - that should be fine, along with possibly a slight chorus to thicken things a little - lots of choices there, including the ADT block or a Dimensions block to taste. Also, your Super 55 Deluxe is a dynamic mic that is rated with an output impedance of 150 ohms - Low Impedance, (and as a similar thing recently came up in another thread on here), it might benefit by adding a Z-Changer between the mic and Return input. Hope this helps/makes sense.
  8. Nope - a Z changer is exactly that. It contains a bit of circuitry (matching transformer) which changes the impedance from Lo to Hi. Your XLR is simply swapping the type of connection to a jack plug. See this: Hope this helps/makes sense
  9. Good idea - a Z changer is always a handy thing to have around. Can't remember the last time I used mine, but I have had it for many years.
  10. Hi, That's weird - I just imported a Bundle of the entire contents of my Helix floor and everything is it should be. No missing cabs, or anything else, here. Mysterious. Have to you tried importing the bundle and setlists again - maybe a computer glitch?
  11. Hi, Three gain blocks all set on max is insane! Even more insane is the compressor following those blocks is adding another +9db of level, but further along is an LA Studio comp that is backing off the gain to 4.5 while the peak reduction is set to 6.5. Huh? Turn up the gain on the LA to just above 7 and it should start to howl. You probably have a good reason for setting things like this, but each to their own.
  12. Don’t worry - he was cross posting the same issue here: User error?
  13. Happy to know you have managed to get back up and running. This should not directly be part of the loss of audio signal in and out that you experienced, but something to consider, which I spotted in your reply - Helix connected to a hub. Line 6 recommends that their products are not connected via a USB hub. This has been a cause of many failed updates and numerous other bits of USB voodoo and it’s best avoided. Note: if connecting to USB on a PC, the ports on the front may also act as a type of hub connection, therefore it’s advisable to use one of the rear ports - these are probably mounted directly to the board. Hope this helps/makes sense.
  14. Hi, I just double checked the Release Notes for 3.50, because I understood that the “Boot Failure - Entered Update Mode” was to be expected, but the notes specify that this is on HELIX/RACK/LT only. This is also the case with v2.80 when the Core was modified.
  15. Oh, not so much bored by the issues, more bored by the constant steam of whiny “update bricked my Helix” posts. The vast majority of these are a result of people failing to follow the instructions, and/or a flakey USB connection. Most of these situations can be avoided by taking a little more time and paying attention to what is happening. The “unnecessary aggro” you mention is generally self inflicted! Bet you were really elated to get your brand new Stomp and update it immediately - in your excitement you may have overlooked some minor detail. But, hey! It’s not the end of the world - it’s only software and it can be reinstalled, and as you have discovered - now everything works. Enjoy your new toy! Hope this helps/makes sense
  16. Well, what now - is stop cross posting - I just replied to your post in another thread!
  17. Hi, You’re not going to like this, but this sort of thing happens when you don’t follow the installation instructions to the letter. You have only just got your new HX Stomp, and tried to update to the latest firmware, but you didn’t say what version of the firmware was installed on your device when you plugged it in. I mention this because v.2.80 made a major change to the Core of the Helix engine. When updating to that version the update would appear to fail about 50% of the way through. This is mentioned in the Release notes for the firmware. This “Boot Failure” message was very upsetting for many users who failed to follow the instructions and screwed up the installation. Luckily, for most this was recoverable - it’s only software after all. IIRC, the update to 3.50 also had this if you were updating from prior to 2.80 the update would produce the “Boot Failure - Entered Update Mode”. Do not panic -this is normal! Anyhow, I seriously suggest you go here and follow the instructions - do not deviate from the instructions. if you need them - find the reset options for your unit here. Hope this helps/makes sense.
  18. Hi, You don't give us much to go on here with just a "Me Too" post. It's a big help to know what your HX unit is and your computer/OS. Also you have and to make sure that you actually have a full install of v3.50 and you followed the installation instructions to the letter. You say that you are getting no signal from any of the 1/4" inputs, but does it work via USB? Does the screen light up, and can you edit any of the presets. Have you tried a different connection to the main power. Too many unknowns here. I understand your frustration with the fact that you cannot get any sound from your device, although you say, - "I need that equipment for concerts and work and it can just blow a fuse like this ? at this price ?" - this can happen to any piece of equipment at any time. It's the nature of things and they usually happen at the worse possible times. If you were using a pedalboard and a tube amp you could still have something in the signal chain that fails in the middle of a gig. Rule one with anything like this is, Fail Safe - always have a back up! It's no-ones fault, at any price - sh!t happens. If you have tried a re-install of the firmware, followed all the reset procedures and you still have no signal, it probably indicates a hardware failure that is beyond the scope of anyone here. You should really should contact Customer Support. Hope this helps/makes sense.
  19. Hi, There was similar discussion going on in this thread (see link) where Helix Native is the suggested as the usual solution, BUT see the reply from contributor Craig Anderton where he says that it is possible to have both a Helix (floor/rack, whatever) and a Stomp both hooked up to HX Edit via USB at the same time. This allows you to drag and drop your edited presets between the 2 HX Edit windows, which apparently is not possible with Native. Link: Hope the helps/makes sense.
  20. Hi, As noted in the link I provided regarding updating HX Edit if you don't see the new stuff - on some Macs, it is sometimes the case that when installing the new version of HX Edit an older version may still be launched by clicking on an "alias" to the previously installed version. It's always wise to double check. Enjoy your new cabs.
  21. Hi, Along with the other users who have posted comments, I looked at the manual for the B. Beat and all references to MIDI are associated with MIDI files, which I would imagine are the SMF (Standard MIDI Files) that are used to play back sequences on 16 channels as there are lots of mentions of 16 channel audio, yet the physical connections for audio out are 6 mono jacks sockets. Without downloading the Manger App, I cannot find any information on how you change what is transmitted on any given MIDI channel. Therefore, as suggested by others, I think you need to contact tech support at M-Live. One thing that I do know is - MIDI implementation on the Helix is fairly limited, and it certainly doesn’t handle SYSEX. Hope this helps/makes sense.
  22. There are others around if you search, here’s another. And another. plus another of dubious merit from way back! Oh, IIRC, the presets are all JSON files and there are a whole bunch of editors available to modify the text in the source files. Have fun file chopping.
  23. Hi Carl, I keep on saying this, but the Manual is your friend! HX Stomp XL 3.0 Owner's Manual - Rev B - Page 58 - Global Settings> Footswitches Stomp XL Owner's Manual - Rev B - English .pdf Also, this keep on cropping up - but here ya go! Hope this helps/makes sense.
  24. Hi, It's not a bug! There is a "sticky" thread on here entitled: Seriously, if you don’t see the new amp and effects models after updating, it means you need to update HX Edit. If you feel you need to re-install the firmware there is also this thread: Hope this helps/makes sense.
  25. Hi soundog, I guess you have been using these forums long enough to realise this Line 6 staff don’t monitor the posts and very rarely visit here. If you want your suggestion to have any chance of been seen by anyone who may take any notice, you need to submit your suggestion about HX Edit to IdeaScale. Before doing that, I would also ask that you take note of the post from @DunedinDragon above. HX Edit is simply a remote control for the hardware unit (Floor, Stomp or whatever), which needs to be connected to modify your presets. There is actually no “brain” in the Editor, which is why you cannot use it without a HX device being attached. As you have discovered - the general solution (workaround) to editing files for use on different hardware boxes is Helix Native which uses the Hardware Compatibility Mode. As for dozens of other “elegant solutions”… don’t hold your breath. Hope this helps/makes sense.
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