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Everything posted by datacommando

  1. Hi, I know this may sound obvious, but have you checked the Globals to see if the LED brightness is set to “Off”. Something that I have never felt the need to use, although it seems the option is there. There is also this in the manual To customize the footswitch’s LED color, turn Knob 5 (Switch LED) to select the desired color (or turn it off). Normally, you should leave this set to “Auto Color. Hope this helps makes sense
  2. Hi, Well, I have to say that I’m really happy to know that you finally resolved the issues you were encountering, and have managed to successfully update to the latest firmware. Just to clarify a couple of points that you raise in you recent post. Nope, you’re not nuts in thinking your Stomp sounds better. It’s possibly because with FW. 3.10 there was a modification that increased the “Oversampling Rate”, which resulted in higher fidelity and less aliasing artifacts giving smoother decay trails. This was possibly more obvious to you as you had previously been running earlier/older firmware. With regard to your reference of the image on page 29 of the HX Edit Pilot’s Guide. You are correct in that it differs from your screenshot, but you should also note that the one in the guide actually does show a Helix device with this caption below the image:- “The Extract Files From Backup window (Helix device)”. Then, in the accompanying text below the image, at point 2 it actually states quite clearly:- “select which items from the backup you wish to extract - In this lower portion of the window, check the desired assets. Note that when extracting from a Backup created from a Helix Floor/Rack/LT type device, you can check individual setlists (as pictured above) to choose only the setlists you want.”. My guess is that because HX Edit is the common editor/librarian app across the HX range of devices, they didn’t bother to include an image of each possible option and the description in the text shold have been enough to qualify the point. Ah, yes - legacy presets. There is a certain type of user (me) who thinks all factory presets suck, and think you are better off creating your own. This will give you a greater insight into how your device works. You could check out CustomTone from the menu above for something that may be useful. I have no idea which ones you are seeking, but forum user “Malhavok” (Ben Vesco) keeps an archive of older factory presets as .zip files on his site - I’m not sure if any of these are specific to HX Stomp, but you can check here (scroll down to the bottom of the page). Anyhow, now you can enjoy your newly updated, fully loaded HX Stomp to the max. Have fun! Also you may find this is a useful resource:- Hope this helps/makes sense.
  3. Hi, There are a whole bunch of “early adopters” in here, along with several beta testers, so the answer is more than likely “yes”. I’m not sure what you mean when you say - “been hearing some mixed reviews”. The term “mixed” give the impression of both good and bad. I don’t think I’ve come across any really negative comments, other than the usual gripes of having waited a year and all you get is 6 new amps, 4 new cabs plus 1 effect for bass - this is to be considered normal from some corners. There are alway ingrates who feel they are entitled to more and more free stuff, and complain loudly if their favourite boutique pedal is not in there. I have to say that it looks like a lot of work went into modelling those new items, and they actually fulfilled a lot of user requested amps. As for bugs, well really there shouldn’t be any after testing and being released into the wild, and anything significant is usually jumped on pretty quick. In fact if you read the firmware Release Notes you will generally find the last bullet point covers any known issues. For v3.80 it is a minor problem on certain Apple computers, and Line 6 are rumoured to be working on a hot fix. The notes also list various bug fixes that have been dealt with in the current release. If you do find a bug, this forum contains a sticky thread where you can post a report. Other users will then see if they can replicate the instance and if it is a bug then it should be forwarded to Tech Support - they cannot fix something they are unaware of. Anyhow, I’m surprised to hear that you are having trouble with the presets, but it would be helpful if you could clarify exactly what the problems are. There are many experienced users in here who are happy to assist in solving most things Helix related, from live to recording, even for the bedroom noodler. If you ever do need to ask for assistance from Forum users it's a really good idea to supply as much information as possible regarding the computer and operating system, HX unit and DAW, you are using. in fact the more information you supply the easier it will be to troubleshoot. As for my experiences, let’s say I’m a studio rat and I have been using my Helix almost daily since late 2015, and added Helix Native when it became available. No complaints here, it just gets better and better. Hope this helps/makes sense.
  4. Well, if you did actually bother to check the manual, right there on Page 4 is a list of about half a dozen terms that may be unfamiliar to some users. Plus I guess newbie, or not, if you are going to buy into a particular product you might be expected to put in a little research. That way you wouldn't later be surprised by some of the terminology used for how to work with the damn thing. Also from the same page in the manual:- Welcome to HX Stomp “68 pages for a pedal? Man, I hate reading manuals!” I know, right?! We’re not overly fond of writing them either, especially when so few people read them. What if we make a handful of super-short videos that get you up and running with HX StompTM in minutes, and you promise not to jump online and complain about having to read a lengthy manual for a pedal. Agreed? Go here, The Helix has been available for almost 10 years now, and the Stomp was launched in late 2018, so pretending to be baffled by some of the "tech speak" certainly appears fake, especially when you admitted that you checked out the manual for a Fractal FM3. Did you find a reference to "Scenes"? Ooh, I wonder what they might be? You see, many years ago in the 1980s, before they invented the internet someone created MIDI keyboards, drum machines and synth modules, and there weren't too many people to ask about how it all worked, plus it seems it was wired together like a mad woman knitting. So you went to a library and found a book and then taught yourself how to do it. That's how how we become wise old grey beards - now take this ring to Mount Doom, little hobbit. And instead of pi$$ing and moaning that operating a 6 year old digital guitar multi-FX unit has too many complicated words to figure out, simply look them up. It's easy enough - just use this - The world is your lobster! Seek and ye shall find I usually don't mind helping folk out in here, but when they start to take the pi$$, it's very annoying.
  5. Hi again, Should have taken the blue pill. Hmm… are you really sure that you have made the right decision here. I mean, you wouldn’t go out and buy a Lear Jet without having had a few flying lessons and have a basic knowledge of how the thing worked. Any digital multi-fx product, be it from Kemper, Fractal, Line 6, or even the likes of Mooer will have a learning curve. Strap in and start learning, and remember the HX Stomp 3.80 Owner’s Manual is your friend and a really good place to begin. Find it by clicking this link below. Stomp 3.80 Owner's Manual - English .pdf Over the past 9 or 10 years since the Helix landed, there has been a bunch of contributors in here who have been more than willing at assist people having difficulties with this stuff. Ye Gods, John Boy Walton and his entire family could not have done more, and in several languages, but it usually entails a bit of effort from the side of the person with the issue. I could resort to the “Let me Google that for you” option, but I really would expect a little input from the person seeking the information. There you have it - think of a Snapshot as a Preset within a Preset. As someone once said - “The truth is out there”. Hope this helps/makes sense.
  6. Hi, Seems like you’re a little late to the party. You could start with these short videos from the good folks at Line 6. Here’s one. Follow on the series from this one, plus check out tutorial videos on YouTube from Jason Sadites. Hope this helps/makes sense.
  7. Now I’m really stunned - you want to revert back to v.2.80 firmware from 2019 - I fail to see what you hope to achieve with this, as the backup and restore routines are identical. I would say you are making a mountain out a molehill - but by mixing my metaphors, I feel the retrograde step could put you into a deeper hole than the one you’re already in. This stuff is only as complicated as you decide to make it - for example there is a Line 6 Helix User Group over on Facebook with in excess of 45,000 members - the majority of which seem to get by with dealing with this stuff. Happy trails.
  8. It is - especially when I gave you the link to the Pilot’s Guide that explains all of this stuff. It becomes really tiresome to keep typing out information that is freely available in the documentation. Suffice to say, regarding the .hxb files, they are complete device backups that contain not only your presets, but also your global settings, default settings and Favorites. Think of this as an archive from which you can extract anything you may require. Furthermore .hlx files are simply Presets! That’s it - it couldn’t be simpler! I cannot understand why you cannot understand the screenshot you supplied that actually states in the save window - “Create a Helix Backup (.hxb) to store all your presets, IRs and Global Settings in a single file”. Please go and read, study and inwardly digest the information given on pages 27-29 of the Guide. Ye gods! I despair! Hope this helps/makes sense.
  9. Hi, First up - Line 6 Monkey is not designed to work with Helix. You communicate with Helix via USB using the latest version of HX Edit. This is the Preset edit and management system for the device. I also have JTV59 and that requires Variax Workbench HD 2.15 for editing. I also have a Variax 600, but I can't recall the last time that was plugged in to edit anything. You might want to check this out. Hope this helps/makes sense.
  10. Hi, Note: I have 2 external EXP pedals on my Helix that are available to me as EXP2 and EXP3. From you recent post is appears that you have a Helix LT with an additional external EXP. O.K. let's see if we can fix this. On page 8 of the Helix LT 3.80 Owner's Manual it states: Expression Pedal Move the expression pedal to control volume, wah, or a combination of amp and/or effects parameters. Activate the hidden toe switch to toggle between EXP 1 and EXP 2. (The LEDs above tell you which one is active.) If an external pedal is connected to the rear panel EXP 2 jack, the built-in pedal becomes EXP 1 only. See “Controller Assign” Plus:- NOTE: Adding a Wah, Pitch Wham, or Poly Wham block automatically assigns its Position parameter to be controlled by EXP 1. Adding a Volume Pedal or Pan block automatically assigns its Position to be controlled by EXP 2. You state that - "In global it says exp2 is set to IN" - Having read the manual section for "Global Settings > EXPPedals" the only thing I can find that you refer to as "IN" is the Polarity "Inverted" option which is for use when your EXP pedal seem to be working backwards. Furthermore you comment regarding the Wah working and set to EXP2 and the Vol is not working seems to indicate that your settings have got screwed up somewhere. As you can see from the note above Wah, Pitch etc are always assigned to EXP1 and Vol blocks are assigned to EXP2. You can set the Volume to be controlled by EXP1 and Wha as EXP2 by highlighting the Vol block and via the Controller Assign Menu set the Parameter to Position and Controller to EXP Pedal 1 with Min Value at 0% and Max at 100%. Repeat for the Wha to be assigned to EXP 2. Also, be aware that you can set the EXP pedal position to be recalled per Preset, Globally or by Snapshot. So, if you have a Volume pedal set Global but it's sweep is inverted (IN) you may think it is at 100% although because it's reversed it is actually 0. It might be advisable to download the Owner's Manual and have a read through the EXP pedal options. LT 3.80 Owner's Manual - English .pdf Hope this helps/makes sense. If not the usual advice is to do a Factory Reset and perform a clean install of the latest Firmware.
  11. Hi, You do seem to be having problems navigating and managing how to save and restore presets from your HX Stomp. It's really not that complicated and when you're in HX Edit if you click on the "Question Mark" icon in the lower left of the GUI window, you can select "Pilot's Guide" from the pop out menu and you can download a pdf of the user handbook that explains all the various functions and options available through HX Edit. Or even easier click here: Edit Pilots Guide 3.80 - English .pdf All the details for dealing with preset file management can be found on page 23 in the "Working in the Editor" section. Also, to spare me from lots more typing - have a look at this video - it covers version 3.0, but the information should be good for any backup/update. Hope this helps/makes sense.
  12. Hi, Apart from the fact you have put a random post into a thread that went to sleep 6 years back, you don’t give much to go on. When seeking assistance from Forum users it's a really good idea to supply as much information as possible regarding the computer and operating system, HX unit and DAW, you are using. Simply stating that something is no longer working doesn’t help. You say this started with the 3.80 update, but don’t say when you did the update. Also you didn’t clarify if you followed all the update routines - such as the Factory Reset, Rebuilding Presets, and Restoring from Backup. Check all these instances, especially the Restore part to ensure that you actually restored your Global Settings which may account for this problem with the EXP assignments. Hope this helps/makes sense.
  13. HI, Even if you think that you did update your HX Edit, please ensure that you did by checking the version number from under the About menu option. It its not uncommon for 2 versions to still be active, and the older version launches by mistake, although this is more common on Mac OS machines. Furthermore, when you said that you had "updated to 3.80 which went 'ok'", you didn't mention if your HX Stomp had gone through the "Rebuilding Presets" routine when your Stomp restarted? This is a normal part of the update and brings all old presets up to the latest format. You may want to keep a note of these Reset Options for your device - HX Stomp Hold these button combinations while powering up the HX Stomp: FS1, 2 & 3: clears all presets/IRs FS1+2: resets presets and IRs FS 2+3: factory restore (globals, presets, IRs) Page >: update mode. This update mode is helpful if the update is interrupted, and the HX Stomp will not boot properly. You will see a blank screen (no visual feedback on the display). Upper & Lower Knobs: Rebuild presets. Wait for "Will Rebuild Presets..." to appear and let go. Hope this helps/makes sense.
  14. Hi, DETAILS MATTER: Use detail in your post. When seeking assistance from Forum users it's a really good idea to supply as much information as possible regarding your computer and operating system plus which HX device and DAW you are using. It is only now in your second post that you mention you are updating a HX Stomp! You also failed to mention what version of the firmware you were updating from! The links that @silverhead provided are for the v3.70 firmware Factory Presets for the Helix, Rack and LT units, and they cannot be loaded into the HX Stomp which has only a single DSP chip available. The other models have 2 DSP processors inside. I seriously suggest that you follow this link and read the section entitled - Updating Helix/HX Hardware Take special notice of the points listed at 3, 4 and 5. These explain how to load the new factory presets that are included in the v3.80 update. If you previously had v3.7xx installed with the original Factory Presets still in their original state, then the backup you made prior to installing the update should still contain them as untouched. Restore from back up will put them back as they were. Also note the section entitled: I updated but why don't I see [Model X] in HX Edit? You are strongly advised to read and study the Release Notes BEFORE attempting a Firmware Update. Be prepared! Hope this helps/make sense.
  15. Hi, Have you considered something like this - a pull out platform from under the desk. It should work a treat. When I bought my Helix floor (the Rack was unavailable at the time) it was strictly for studio use and I bought an adjustable mixer stand for it. More floor space, but it is always right there beside me at desktop height. Hope this helps/makes sense.
  16. True enough - I still have a POD XT Live, and a POD 500HD along with POD Farm and a full complement of Model Packs (plus a rack full of vintage sampler, synth and multi-fx modules). Since my XT is from 2006, and the HD is from 2010, they sit in the corner of the studio collecting dust. I don’t think I’ve ever felt the need to resurrect and/or rework any files that are that old. Having said that, I have been known to revisit some old 4 track tapes from way back in the mid 80s, looking for possible ideas that never got finished. Sadly, some of the old Cubase ARR files from Atari ST, or material from the Yamaha CX5 are beyond recovery, but I did manage to salvage a lot of the stuff that had been exported to MIDI files. Yay! Isn’t technology fun?
  17. Hi, What you’re asking is not really an option - the Helix is a completely different beast, with no equivalence whatsoever, other than the manufacturer. If you are using a Helix floor the best starting point is in the factory presets that have the prefix BAS: You could also trawl the CustomTone section looking for contributions from Bass players. The main caveat to bear in mind with this is -all presets suck! Learn to program your own and you will find out how everything works. Hope this helps/makes sense. EDIT: Your X3 Live preset ‘60s R&B was based on an Ampeg B15 Flip Top amp. You can find the Helix model listed as Ampeg B-15NF, start with this and it’s equivalent cabinet and tweak to your heart’s content.
  18. Hi, You might want to check this out - Command Centre allows you to assign almost anything to anything. Hope this helps/makes sense.
  19. Hi, This is a peer to peer user forum. There are no Line staff here and only very occasionally do they visit these forums - See the “sticky comment” in the black banner stripe at the top of this page entitled “Welcome to the Line 6 forums” This link is where you need to go to have any hope of it been seen by anyone from Line 6: Before posting any new ideas, please do a search to see if it's already been listed. Multiple requests for the same thing will thin out the votes. Also, post your ideas one at a time. Many users don’t vote for combined suggestions. You should use this thread to let other users know what your suggestions are, with links to IdeaScale, so they can vote on it if they wish. Hope this helps/makes sense.
  20. Hi, You could save yourself from a lot of grief by downloading and installing a copy of Audacity! You should have a better all round experience of dipping your toe into digital recording. It is also probably better suited to what you are trying to do - plus it’s totally FREE! Here’s a video: Hope this helps/makes sense.
  21. This is the most concerning part of your post - if you cannot see any of the new amps and fx, it usually means that you need to ensure that you are using the latest version of HX Edit. This has been well documented over quite a few years. Hope this helps/makes sense.
  22. Hi Nope, just you - it must be psychological. I have owned my Helix since 2015 and done every firmware update from v1.60.5 through to v3.80, and it never fails to surprise me how the thing just get better and better. If this was actually a real thing, you can definitely guarantee that this place would be alive with even more complaints than those usual “Update bricked my Helix” posts that always happen after a firmware update. There is absolutely no reason why an update should do what you say. It makes no sense whatsoever. Line 6 have always maintained that they endeavour to ensure that none of your presets are modified by any firmware updates. If there is even a minor chance that something may be altered in the slightest, then it is listed in the Release Notes. The whole concept of deliberately changing the actual sound output would be a legal minefield - guess it’s just your imagination. I suggest it might be advisable to check that your Global setting haven’t changed in some way. Hope this helps/makes sense.
  23. Hi, The main thing that sticks out in your comment is - "it interrupted the update and worse still, turned my LT into a brick which is no longer being seen as connected to the Editor app on the laptop. I've tried to download Line6 Updater and even Central but the message coming in from my MacBook pro says it can't install." HX Edit cannot connect to a hardware device that is in a failed state. Also never let you Mac lose focus during the update, never have other background tasks running. Go here - read study and inwardly digest all the information regarding how to recover your LT from being a paperweight. It was put together a couple of years back, but usually fixes the issue. Remember where ever the information refers to a particular version number, you should regard that as a reference to the very latest version. Oh, yeah - there are lots of us Helix users here in the U.K. Hope this helps/makes sense.
  24. Hi, Rich, Doing a quick Google of “Sparrow Controller” reveals lots of people who appear to be in a similar situation to you. There are questions about various DAWs, such as Cubase, Cakewalk, Fruity Loops and Logic - this rather gives the impression that the issue is down to user error, and or, the actual MIDI device. Here is an example thread about Logic: I think your best bet is to contact the manufacturer for advice. Note: I use an Arturia KeyLab 61 and a Behringer XTouch Universal MIDI Controller via USB to my Mac running Helix Native in Logic Pro. Once Logic knows what controllers are connected, simply use MIDI learn, and it all functions exactly as expected. Hope this helps/makes sense.
  25. Yes, it is in the Helix v3.80 Owner’s Manual on Pages 77-78 in the MIDI section. 3.80 Owner's Manual - English .pdf Hope this helps/makes sense.
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