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Everything posted by datacommando

  1. Hi, According to the info shown on the download page of Skim v.1.6.15 it is possible to navigate using table of contents or thumbnails, with visual history. The clue is in the screenshot pictures you provided. Note: at the top of the left hand column on the picture of version 1.2 of the book you can see that it is set to view that column as pages - the icon is highlighted in grey and it is thumbnail view. Compare that with the second picture where the high lighted icon at the top of the left hand column is the “hamburger” style table of contents list view. Hope this helps/makes sense. But you knew that - right? Check the date - April 1st.
  2. Hi, As noted by @theElevators in the post above, the Mooer Baby Bomb is a good option, and is listed as “best value” in this gear guide. Lots of micro power amps around do a search, read some reviews, check some videos - then decide - the choice is yours. Hope this helps/makes sense.
  3. Why would they care in a few years time? They don’t care now. And, this is from a man who bought an AKAI S950 sampler in the late 80s. Nnnnnn. Nine… Nineteen nnn Nineteen Eighties. Back to mono! Oh, no that's been done - dead and buried.
  4. Fact: If I never hear an AutoTuned vocal again, it will be far too soon for me. Ye gods, whatever next?
  5. Hi, I generally don't have to meddle around with parallel paths to the extent that some users do, but I seem to recall that this level drop had been commented on previously and that is when I first heard of 3db as the amount required to balance the paths. Don't ask - I can't remember where this mysterious 3db was mentioned first. (I'm very old). Anyhow, I have just discovered something with the Merge Mixer on my Helix. I loaded a new blank preset and added a Grey Flanger and Simple Delay block and split the path by dragging down the delay to create Path 1B with the usual Y split in front of the flanger and a merge mix node behind. On checking the default setting on the mixer all the settings were zeroed out - A Level 0db, A Pan Centre, B Level 0db, B Pan Centre, B Polarity Normal, Level 0db. Usually when you modify any of the parameters within a block and want to return them back to their default readings, you simply tap the relevant encoder knob below whichever one you want to reset, and it's done. Now here's where it get strange, because when the Mix settings are all at zero, if you touch the encoder for Level (knob 6) it immediately switches to read +3.db and no amount of tapping will get it to return to 0db. You can manually rotate from the max +12db right down to -60db to achieve whatever setting you like, BUT if you tap the encoder it always set the level as +3db. I think this may be a glitch because splitting path 1 to A & B is where the 3db signal drop occurs across both A & B and the Mix +3db is there to remove the bump, but the default loads as 0db. Not quite sure if this is a bug? As for your question, it's one of those try it and see what works for you situations, a bit like "gain staging". I had a quick look in the updated Big Book of Helix Tips and Tricks and haven't spotted any clues yet. I need to do some more digging. L8Rz
  6. Hi, When using parallel paths, as you are, there is a 3db drop in volume, even though some folk actually perceived this as a jump in volume. See the final reply from @njglover from way back in 2016. More comments about this here: It’s to do with the way the Mix block is scaled - see reply from @phil_m in this link. Hope this helps/makes sense.
  7. Hi, The “Upgrade to Latest Format” is not necessary every time you load a single preset, BUT when you load older presets, setlists, bundles etc., from any third party source such as CustomTone, the next time you power up your Helix it will automatically start the “Updating Presets” routine in order to ensure compatibility with the latest Firmware in the device. Many people have been surprised by the fact that this happens when they may have only added a couple of older presets. As I noted previously this can take quite some time as it does every memory slot. You could spend a whole day loading up your Helix, swapping presets back and forth in order to audition them and have no issues whatsoever. Having said that, should you decide to take a break and power down your unit, be aware that any of those older presets in your device will instigate the “Rebuild” process the next time you start it up. As you are looking for some presets to use with your covers band, take a look at CustomTone for some freebies to road test. You seem to be full aware of the variables of this stuff, and one man’s claim for his preset to have absolutely nailed a particular classic tone, may not be yours. There are also a whole lot of people out there who are creating ready to go presets in a huge variety of styles and at various price points - check them out and watch YouTube videos to see if any would be worth you investing in - again, bear in mind that many of these off the shelf solutions probably have been created using pre v.3.5 Firmware with the new cabinets, and possibly require particular IRs to sound convincing. The link provided above to contributor Ben Vesco (Malhavok) has artist presets for sale, as does the Line 6 Marketplace, along with other contributors Fremen and Glenn DeLaune, plus Choptones and 3 Sigma Audio to name a few. Hope this helps/makes sense.
  8. Hi, That appears to have been the situation at one point, but in the previous thread someone commented about not being able to create an account because they were based in Italy. It seems that you don't need an account to purchase the ebook, but as noted keep a copy of the download code available for the free updates. See page 2 (Sweetwater's reply to Craig A about downloads) in the older thread here: Hope this helps/makes sense.
  9. I'm based in the UK, and bought the original version via Sweetwater, who then emailed a link for the download. I am just in the process of unzipping the latest update which I accessed using the old link - simple! Hope this helps/makes sense.
  10. Hi again, As I mentioned in my earlier post - I have unearthed a bunch of old Factory presets for the Helix, LT or Rack - if you have a HXFX, HX Stomp, or XL, these will not work! In the zip file you should find the factory setlists and templates for firmware versions Helix 1.03 Helix 2.30 Helix 2.50 Helix 2.80 Helix 3.1 Knock yourself out trawling through these. Factory EDIT: The big downside to playing around with all these older presets is that when you load them up, you would be best advised to restart the Helix while holding down FS 10 & 11. This upgrades the presets to the latest format, otherwise you may encounter glitches, and it can become a time consuming process, as every time you restart your unit it will go through the "Rebuilding Presets" routine which you will find soon becomes very tedious. Enjoy.
  11. Hi, O.K. I have owned my Helix since way back in 2015, and strangely enough this was posted back then:- Please note the reply from Digital Igloo, who is actually Eric Klein Chief Product Design Architect at Yamaha Guitar Group, Inc. / Line 6 / Ampeg. Why on earth you would want to have presets made with the older cabs is a little crazy, but hey! (See previous reply) If you want to check out presets, there is a whole heap (almost 9,000) of them available to download from CustomTone - FREE! - here: Learn how to roll your own - All Presets Suck! - I don’t think Eric has had a change of mind quite yet. Having said that, I may have a bunch of early stuff backed up someplace. I’ll have look see, but don’t hold your breath! Hope this helps/makes sense.
  12. Yay! Thank you very much for your insight and dedication to the Helix.
  13. Hi, Simple answer - no! Firmware 3.50 contains all the updated cabinets that did not exist in earlier versions. From the release notes for 3.50. OPTIONAL: Performing a factory reset loads the new 3.50 Factory Presets, but restoring from your backup will overwrite these. Spend some time exploring these and export the factory presets you want to keep (or drag them to your desktop). If you have unused setlists in Helix Floor/Rack/LT, you can also export the entire FACTORY 1 bundle for loading into an unused setlist later. Following the update, if you reloaded your backup then you would have the same factory presets that were included with v3.11 then all the amp & cab settings will be the “older” versions. Question: Why would you want the legacy presets - most users spent years complaining about how bad the factory presets were. That’s why Line 6 invested so much time building up this new library of cabinets. Hope this helps/makes sense.
  14. Yep, damn right. Plus you threw out an @craiganderton tag in an earlier post - if you had purchased his ebook on Helix (HINT!), you might have taken into consideration the fact you are actually running 4CM into a mono amp. Craig points out that all these Rotary FX are stereo. This was also mentioned in the post from @waymda, in an earlier post, stating that collapsing this down to mono is possibly contributing to the pseudo chorus effect. Ultimately, the general consensus of comments I have ever seen about the Helix Rotary FX, is it’s a speaker emulation, don’t run it into another speaker. Helix is a whole lot of stuff, but not absolute Nirvana. You’ve got the toys - stick ‘em in the FX loop - result eternal happiness.
  15. As you know the Strymon Lex was designed to produce that one specific effect, and it even has a cab filter for when it is not being run into a guitar amp and cab. Big clue - it’s tuned to that particular system. Your Helix does lots and lots of other stuff, but it is noted that if you want a Leslie Rotary speaker effect, you should not have it running into another cabinet. If you do it will sound more like a chorus pedal warbling - oh, guess what, that’s exactly what you have. Hope this helps/makes sense.
  16. Hi, We seem to have a cross post glitch. This guy had posted the same issue in the main forum, where I mentioned you had asked for an example preset. Guess it’s not a bug until it’s been checked out. He has uploaded the HXFX preset to this thread: Hope you can help him out, as I don’t have access to switchable external amps. (Studio Rat!) ;-)
  17. You should check out this discussion as to why it is more popular to say “B flat” instead of “A sharp”. It’s a bundle of fun. Hope this helps/makes sense.
  18. Hi, Glad to know you got this sorted out. It may be helpful to others if you could go back into the thread title and add (SOLVED) to the end of the text! Have fun.
  19. Hi, As in the reply from @rd2rk to the same thing which you posted in the “Bug Reports” thread - upload a preset, and then other users can troubleshoot the issue. Cross posting the same problem can become very confusing. Hope this helps/makes sense.
  20. Hi, What you have encountered is an over zealous “Gatekeeper” that is inbuilt to the Mac OS. Read this, which will save me having to type out the same old thing one more time. You don't really need to use the Line 6 Utility unless you have a failed update. FYI: - You will find it very useful to download and refer to this as you learn about your Helix. 3.0 Owner's Manual - Rev F - English .pdf Plus check UChoob for videos to learn the basic operations of your new toy. plus: Hope this helps/makes sense.
  21. Hi, again, You are misunderstanding about the Bluetooth connection in general - it’s just not up to the job, (if it was, people would be doing it), and it has been discussed at length in these threads over quite some time. One word - Latency! Here’s one: plus: More: Hope this helps/makes sense.
  22. Hi, If you want to have your iPhone/iPad communicate via USB for playing backing tracks etc., you need the Apple Camera Connection Kit. I have used the ACCK for a long time to hook up to my iPad, I also have an IK Multimedia iRig2 and iRig Acoustic Stage to allow me to use GarageBand on the iPad to quickly grab ideas when not in the studio - but that is for sending audio in to the iPad. Hope this helps/makes sense.
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