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Snapshots of JTV-Variax


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I'm way too dense to figure out how to:


-Save snapshot 1 with Variax tuned to "Drop-D" and

-Save snapshot 2 with Variax tuned to "DADGAD"


(within the same preset).


Please help.


I have tried everything except the correct thing.


Thank you.



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In order to be able to use Snapshots with any given parameter, you have to first assign that parameter to a controller. In your given situation you would do the following:


1) use 4-way knob to navigate and highlight the Input Block (make sure your Input it set for Multi or Variax)

2) press the Page Right Button to navigate to Input Block Page 2

3) make sure Preset Variax Tuning is set for: Custom

4) press Page Right Button again to navigate to Input Block Page 3 (this page displays the individual tuning for each Variax string)

5) press and hold Knob 1 (string 6), the display should show you: Parameter = String 6 and Controller = None

6) rotate Knob 2 all the way clockwise to assign Controller = Snapshots

7) now continue to rotate Knob 1 (Parameter) to select each individual Variax string and rotate Knob 2 (Controller) to assign it to Snapshots


Now you can setup each Snapshot for different Variax string tunings.

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You can skip steps 6 and 7 if you use the shortcut: Just push-turn the Page 3 Variax tuning knobs. Their values appear white and in brackets, indicating they're assigned to a controller (in this case, the Snapshots controller).


You are the best, DI.  

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  • 4 weeks later...

No, just the Variax input block. I set my Variax input parameter not to global, but to Per Preset, then on one snapshot push & turn the model parameter to one model (shows brackets). On the other snapshot change the model parameter to a different model. In mine the tuning offsets were the same for both models, but you can also push & turn those as well to change per snapshot.



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I was pressing too damn long - throwing me for a loop...gettin there slowly thx


The great thing about the Helix interface is that even if you do push to long instead of short push and twist, the screen that pops up allows you to assign the "Controller" parameter to "Snapshots" anyway. Nice design guys!

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yes -but after assigning to snapshots...didn't know what to do! lol - save/home/?


Well, assuming you have the "Snapshot Edits" parameter set to Recall under Global Settings > Preferences, once you set this up in a snapshot, it's remembered for each snapshot as you change through them. If you have that set to Discard, you have to hit the Save button twice to save any changes in the snapshot you're editing. So after you make the changes in the snapshot you're in and do the same thing for all your other snapshots, you can save the preset. As far as hitting the home button, that doesn't save anything, but it's a quick way to get out of any screen you're in and back to the signal flow view.

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  • 1 year later...

Darn, I can't get past step 2. 


) press the Page Right Button to navigate to Input Block Page 2



I press page right with the block highlighted and get nothing. 





Are you sure, all is correct step one :  highlight the Input Block (make sure your Input it set for Multi or Variax) Not the guitar symbol !  ;) 

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Since updating to 2.50 my Helix won't control the Variax to do custom tunings anymore. I can still do them from the Variax, but not from the Helix. Might I be missing something? I've got the tuning knob turned to Custom and nothing.



Is the "Variax settings" on page 2 setup on "Per preset" instead of "global" ?

Have you followed the procedure to update the helix and Helix edit an done the backup ? You can loose things like that if it has not been the case....

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Is the "Variax settings" on page 2 setup on "Per preset" instead of "global" ?

Have you followed the procedure to update the helix and Helix edit an done the backup ? You can loose things like that if it has not been the case....

I like the Variax settings on per preset. This time around I updated from 2.21 to 2.50. I downloaded the newest HX Edit and created a backup. Then I ran the newest Line 6 Updater and updated to 2.50. Once installed I restored my backup. I decided not to put the newest factory presets on so that’s where I ended the process.

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