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The New Grammatico Amp.


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I haven't even had time to install the update. I am a little worried given it seems more people than usual are having issues installing it. I might wait another day. It'll be hard. I am actually a little excited about the new amps. I don't usually get that way. What I've heard on YouTube sounds great.

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It also may seem that way because this is more of a support forum than a "social" forum.

Over on TGP there's much more discussion about the upgrade in general and the new Grammatico in particular.

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I should add (for those who consider traipsing through TGP to be as fun as rolling naked in poison ivy) that IMO the new Grammatico is the best thing L6 has done (next to Placater Dirty), my single-coil guitars LOVE the Elmsley, and the Russian Big Muff is just GREAT! 

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Well I finally got my first session with the new Grammatico and Elmsley amps....holy smokes...what versatile and useful amps!!!  My biggest problem is going to be how I want to configure the Grammatico for different styles of music because it seems like it can handle almost anything.  That's going to take some time just experimenting.  But the Elmsley compensates for all the Grammatico complexity with the most flexible, easy to use configuration you could ever ask for.  Both of these are home runs in my opinion.

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On 4/27/2023 at 3:01 PM, ohlm said:

I cannot get the firmware to update. And I'm dying to mess with the new Amps. Anybody else having this problem?




When asking for assistance in a situation like this, it's a good idea to give as much information as possible regarding the issue.


"I cannot get the firmware to update", is a little too vague.


What hardware unit are you trying to update, and what is your computer an operating system. Have you updated previously without any problems?


Hope this helps/makes sense.

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I guess that was a little vague HAHA. I do apologize. 

Using a Helix LT. Trying to update the firmware(3.60) and it keeps asking me to choose an application to launch it but no usable applications come up.I have never encountered a problem updating before..


Hope that makes a little more sense.Thank You

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On 4/27/2023 at 11:00 AM, ohlm said:

... Trying to update the firmware(3.60) ...

How exactly are you trying to update? You should begin by downloading and installing the HX Edit v3.6 package as described in the release notes. Follow the instructions. If you are doing that please describe the point at which things are failing.

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On 4/27/2023 at 9:00 AM, ohlm said:

Trying to update the firmware(3.60) and it keeps asking me to choose an application to launch it but no usable applications come up.


What "it"? Specifically?


Never mind.


Read the Release Notes and follow the directions.



DL and install HX Edit 3.60.

Run HX Edit with the LT connected and turned ON.

Follow the directions.

It matters.


If you still have problems, come back and answer the questions re HW and OS. 


Specificity matters.

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On 4/27/2023 at 4:00 PM, ohlm said:

and it keeps asking me to choose an application to launch it but no usable applications come up.


Still no wiser!


"it keeps asking me", Yeah, what precisely keeps asking you? You still haven't said what computer and OS you're using - we aren't psychic.


As mentioned by @silverhead, above, to update the firmware to 3.6 the first thing you should do read the Release Notes which fully documents the procedure.


If you do not follow the instructions exactly then you will have problems.


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On 4/27/2023 at 4:26 PM, ohlm said:



Sorry,I am kinda new to all this...but I did follow the release exactly, like the times before. Never had a problem before now.



Oh, now we know it's a Mac running Ventura, BUT we still don't know what it is asking you to choose an application. 


Oh, forget it!


It doesn't matter now because If you have something asking you to choose an application, then you have done something wrong.


User error! That should not happen if you have followed the instructions


If you don't help us - we cannot help you!

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On 4/27/2023 at 11:26 AM, ohlm said:



Sorry,I am kinda new to all this...but I did follow the release exactly, like the times before. Never had a problem before now.


Ok, good. So tell us exactly what is happening when the procedure fails. How far along do you get? What program(s) are you running? Do you get an error message? What do you see on the screen? We need accurate and meaningful descriptions to help you.

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On 4/27/2023 at 4:35 PM, ohlm said:

ok then...much appreciation.


It's really not that complex to update the firmware in your LT.


First download and install HX Edit version 3.6.

Then connect your LT to the Mac via USB, and turn the power on.

Launch HX Edit 3.6 and connect/log in to your Line 6 account - make sure it is the correct version and not an alias back to the previous one.

Hx Edit should detect the new firmware is available and give you the option to install, Click install and let it get on with it.


NOTE: during installation do not let HX Edit lose focus or it will fail. Do not have anything else running in the background, Safari, Music whatever! Do not let anything distract HX Edit while working.


That's it - done.

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What you did in the past really doesn't matter. As far as we KNOW, it never happened.


All that matters is the here and now.


When an OS asks for an app to open a file, it usually means that you tried to open a non-executable file and the OS is really saying "HUH? WTF?".


If you installed and ran HX Edit 3.60, there should be no such questions from the OS. HX Edit detects the version of your Helix and walks you through the process.


AGAIN - FORGET about whatever it was that you think you remember doing in the past.


DL, install and run HX Edit 3.60 and, if the process fails anywhere along the line, BE SPECIFIC about the steps you followed and the EXACT messages you received.

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On 4/27/2023 at 9:04 AM, ohlm said:

I gotcha and I am doing just that. I was being sincere when I said the help is appreciated

FWIW the last couple updates I've had issues (Win7 platform) - get signed in, start the process, get some kind of error message about the download.  Rinse and repeat.  HXedit updates just fine, it's when I try to update Helix that I get these.  But updating HXedit also updates Line6 Updater - so I've taken to downloading the firmware file and updating thru the Updater.  Smooth like buttah each time.  Just for your consideration.

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On 4/27/2023 at 2:16 PM, ricstudioc said:

FWIW the last couple updates I've had issues (Win7 platform) - get signed in, start the process, get some kind of error message about the download.  Rinse and repeat.  HXedit updates just fine, it's when I try to update Helix that I get these.  But updating HXedit also updates Line6 Updater - so I've taken to downloading the firmware file and updating thru the Updater.  Smooth like buttah each time.  Just for your consideration.

Yes, offline updating as you describe will resolve situations where Internet connectivity is not robust or stable enough for the connection to persist through the update process. Sounds like that is what’s happening to you. Are you experiencing Internet dropouts in other situations?


I think the only technical difference between the HX Edit managed firmware update and the offline update is the Internet connection time required. In both cases Line 6 Updater is operating on the firmware file. In one case the Updater is invoked in the background by HX Edit and the firmware file is dealt with over time using a stable internet connection. In the offline case the firmware file is downloaded manually in advance and the Updater program is invoked manually. End result is the same in both cases - the firmware update is installed in the Helix device.

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On 4/27/2023 at 12:17 PM, silverhead said:

Yes, offline updating as you describe will resolve situations where Internet connectivity is not robust or stable enough for the connection to persist through the update process. Sounds like that is what’s happening to you. Are you experiencing Internet dropouts in other situations?


I think the only technical difference between the HX Edit managed firmware update and the offline update is the Internet connection time required. In both cases Line 6 Updater is operating on the firmware file. In one case the Updater is invoked in the background by HX Edit and the firmware file is dealt with over time using a stable internet connection. In the offline case the firmware file is downloaded manually in advance and the Updater program is invoked manually. End result is the same in both cases - the firmware update is installed in the Helix device.

A) No, my internet connection is rock solid, and in the upper third of what you'd call "fast".  Don't know why I have this issue, every other bandwidth-hungry activity goes down without a blink.


B) Interesting, didn't realize that Edit invokes the Updater behind the scenes, just assumed that Updater was kinda legacy and there for other products.  So I've learned something today - thanks!

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On 4/27/2023 at 4:42 PM, ricstudioc said:


B) Interesting, didn't realize that Edit invokes the Updater behind the scenes, just assumed that Updater was kinda legacy and there for other products.  So I've learned something today - thanks!

Well I’m not 100% certain of that but almost. Otherwise, why would the latest version of the Updater program be included in the HX Edit installation package? 

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On 4/27/2023 at 8:17 PM, silverhead said:

Yes, offline updating as you describe will resolve situations where Internet connectivity is not robust or stable enough for the connection to persist through the update process.



I had this exact situation yesterday after logging in to my account. I'm running OSX Catalina (10.15.7) and my installed version of HX Edit detected the update and started to download the new HX Edit v3.6, but at about 70% it stopped and a message appeared on screen which said it would launch a web browser for me to manually download the editor. I did that without issue and installed HX Edit 3.6


After launching HX Edit 3.6 it detected my Helix and I started the firmware download and installation once more . Again, part way through the process HX Edit threw the towel in and popped up the message - “"HX Edit  Failed to download firmware update file. Please check your internet connection and try again. Unknown Error. [code -2004]. First time this has ever happened to me, and I put it down to network traffic, or possibly a busy server. I don’t have other things open, or running in the background, while updating.


Using the web browser to download all the components for a local off-line install, it did not present an issue - my internet connection was solid. Then using the Line 6 Updater, while disconnected from my local network and the internet, the installation was quick and flawless. Done, no problems!


I have no idea what caused HX Edit to flag an “Unknown Error”. and there seems to be less “update bricked my Helix” posts on this update, but it is still not totally pain free.


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On 4/27/2023 at 2:49 PM, datacommando said:

Again, part way through the process HX Edit threw the towel in and popped up the message - “"HX Edit  Failed to download firmware update file. Please check your internet connection and try again. Unknown Error. [code -2004].

Yup, pretty much the same fail that I see.  Given how many folks seem to update without issue I'm willing to accept that the problem is on my end (pending any revelations).  But honestly I kinda like doing the local install, and having the file on a local drive.  If I ever had a major fail the file is there to attempt to recover without depending on an internet connection.

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On 4/28/2023 at 1:07 AM, MGW-Alberta said:

Maybe this is a dumb question but I don't think I've ever seen anyone address it.

With all the new models that come out every time there's an update does it have any effect on usable DSP?

Or is that a separate cache of memory or whatnot and not related?



Forum user @malhavok, Ben Vesco, has a list of the DSP usage of all the blocks in the Helix. Currently he has the info listed up to v3.50.

Also, according to the Release Notes for v3.50 the major overhaul of the Core, IRs and cab engine now uses 66 to 80% less  DSP, freeing up all that extra juice for other stuff.




Hope this helps/makes sense.

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Official or not, this thing is a computer. Like any computer it has a certain amount of

1. processing power based on CPU specifications

2. permanent storage (disk drives)

3. temporary storage (RAM).

In Helix terms that’s

1. DSP

2. Static Operating system, Global Settings, IRs, Setlists, Presets…

3. Dynamic Operating system, Preset audition and editing space, looper space, …


It’s just a computer with a guitar-player human interface.



Edit: As clarified by datacommando below, firmware doesn’t require the OS to be stored on an internal drive.

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I don’t think that I will be worried by filling the Helix to the brim any time soon.


I had a look at the downloads page and this latest update of HX Edit is listed as 36MB. Trawling through other versions of the HX Edit, the package can vary from the mid twenties of megabytes right up to almost ninety. HX Edit is the big lump of software that lives on your computer and the summons the Line 6 Updater, which then installs the payload.


The listings for the firmware are really small - from around 4MB up to a massive 34MB for the latest. In fact, the Cab Engine 3.5 update which we were told was huge, weighs in at 26MB. I imaging there is some rather slick compression used to create the bundle, then some more clever unpacking and compiling to squirt the stuff down the USB to the Helix, but all that matters is that the tank doesn’t overflow. As firmware doesn’t need an operating system, and communicates directly with the hardware, it generally lives in a dedicated chip embedded into the hardware when it is originally manufactured.



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