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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/02/2019 in all areas

  1. Wow, this thread went on a bit of a journey didn't it? Anyway, I haven't bothered posting any clips (intentional pun) because I've been busy tweaking and found that I can dial out the sounds that were irritating me. What I was hearing as clipping must be what others refer to as 'fizz' and it can, for the most part be reduced with a high cut. I think my perception is due to a couple of things: - When it comes to real amps, I've owned quite a number. However, they were all higher gain, modern amps that only really produced distortion in their preamps. Therefore, some of the models which are cranked and modelling distortion in their power amp section sound like they're clipping to me. -I've been playing through a Kemper for a few years. Kemper profiles are a snapshot of an amp that has been dialled in to the personal taste of the person profiling them. Any harshness has usually been dialled out and, since, you can't really manipulate the sound much beyond that, the poweramp clipping/fizz (or whatever you want to call it) doesn't appear when you crank the volume or gain. Anyway, now that I've got used to hearing and working with the 'fizz', I'm loving the Helix! Anyone want to buy a Kemper?
    2 points
  2. We all here understand you position regarding the Firehawk vs the Helix boards support and development and we understand that if we would like a better performance board we can always upgrade to Helix and such. Nevertheless you, Line 6, still owe us a RELIABLE equipment which, up to this date, has a lot of reported BUGS. I am not complaining in what is the Firehawk capable to do, because I am satisfied with that, but about the Bluetooth disconnections, the “freeze” boards, the lack of firmware and app updates, the cloud errors, the looper improper performance, etc All of the things mentions before are supposed to be “strong” advantages of the Firehawk against its competitors because, please have in minds, your competitors ARE supporting their new and previous equipments continuously. If you need and example, check the Headrush, Fractal and Boss products. Throw us a bone here! I’ve previously suggested that if the support for the Firehawk is over, let us have an open source code option, there might be capable people interested in developing a PC/Mac based interface or such. Believe me, I like the Firehawk very much and I think I don’t need anything else for my musical needs, but I’m also sure that there’s still many potential that can be brought out of it, allow us to explore it and explode it! Thank you. Noe G.
    1 point
  3. Thanks, I'm aware of that thread (even if I'm not "allowed" at TGP anymore - but let's rather not discuss that). Thing is, I do know my way around things with EQs, but I'd rather not have to use them. Fwiw, IMO Atomics IR block offers more musical cuts and it also has an additional resonance parameter for the high cut (allowing you to dial in a little peak directly below cutoff frequency) which is pretty neat and almost dramatically enhances the options for such an otherwise simple block. I wish Line 6 would, well, "borrrow" that feature (plus more options for the cuts slopes). Whatever, I'm quite happy with my IRs. Attached is one I'm using pretty much all the time - it's rather midrangy but I like it like that. Served me well on a whole plethora of gigs already and works equally well for cleans and driven sounds (at least for my taste). Fwiw, it's 100% mine (or now yours as well, in case you like it), I shot the base IRs myself from my cabs and then tweaked things. Gen_01.wav
    1 point
  4. Just in case it isn't clear after reading those threads.... Global Settings > Preferences > Tap Tempo Pitch Set that to "transparent" and the problem should go away...
    1 point
  5. Unfortunately, I think the cab blocks high cut is way too mellow. Seems I always need to add an EQ instead as the cab block high cut easily starts to affect the "meat" territory of the frequency spectrum, something I usually don't want. Ideally, Line 6 would add different slopes, such as 6, 12, 18 and 24dB per octave (which is quite common on many EQs). As long as they don't, I rather stick with my IRs that I preshaped to adress the issue (because the cuts in the IR block suffer from the same problem).
    1 point
  6. Thanks, guys!!! I really appreciate the help. Going to give these a try. -Brian
    1 point
  7. Another option that I find to be a nice compromise are 9.5's from DiAddario. I use them on my JTV69.
    1 point
  8. Further to my post... If you search for the following on fleabay you should get a hit on the DC converter.... "Step Down Power Module DC-DC 3A 9V/12V/24V to 5V USB 2A Precise Vehicle Charger" I un-soldered the USB connector on the DC converter so that I could hardwire the 5VDC to the G10 receiver. The DC Converter's 5VDC output is wired in parallel with the 100uF capacitor on the G10 Receiver... (Since this is a SMD cap, there is not much of a pad to solder to, so, you need to be careful and check to ensure there are no shorts before you power up.) For the 2.1mm jack I drilled a 5/16" hole below the existing USB port. The Negative Wire from the converter goes to the center pin of the DC jack. The DC converter is attached to the inside of the receiver with 3M double-sided tape. This is not a sanctioned mod and will void your G10 warranty... I can't be responsible for any damage :( seeya Joe
    1 point
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