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Everything posted by perapera
I just added a new submission: Sidechain or Key Input parameter added to all blocks that work with dynamics https://line6.ideascale.com/c/line6/idea/116841 other people already proposed similar ideas, I'd like to expand it a bit for creative purposes
• I just added a submission to improve the already awesome Favorites: more than 128, longer names, folders, effect/block model https://line6.ideascale.com/c/line6/idea/115822 • also I'd like to share this submission (not mine) asking some modifiers to control parameters in helix: imagine multiple LFO's, an Envelope follower, a Pitch follower, etc used as sources to control any parameter in any block (easy examples: an LFO controlling the time of a delay; an envelope follower controlling the intensity of a tremolo; advanced examples: an envelope follower controlling the depth and rate of a chorus; a pitch follower controlling the filter frequency of a synth; ...) https://line6.ideascale.com/c/line6/idea/35852 there are other similar submissions in ideascale if you search "modifier" or "LFO" or "Envelope"
Hi, I know your post has more than one year, but it remained unsolved, so since I had a bit of time I quickly re-tested everything (I'm on fw 3.71) and it's still as I wrote it 5 years ago in this post: see attached screenshots (the sine wave at the input is -19dB and the VU meter is calibrated to -19dB) could it be that you were doing the tests not at the default settings for the split/merge blocks? Split A/B "Route To" default is even=center Split Y "Balance A/B" defaults are both center the merge block mixer is at unity with centered pans or could it be that in fw 3.6 those defaults were in some way different, maybe? strange but possible bug anyway please read my full post, especially the paragraph titled: "I'd like to warn you of potential problems I found with the parameters inside the split blocks" I hope to be helpful bye Lorenzo
hi guys just to keep you all entertained, here is episode 4 of my bug quest ;) this is the procedure I followed to have some material before upgrading to 2.91 and try to reproduce the error as before I attached this text and screenshots to my support ticket I have the impression that they will not look into it untill I upgrade to 2.91... here it is: - after some days of inactivity I just switched everything on lauched hx edit and it gave me this error -8207 (see 200427a) then I closed and reopended hx edit and it seemed ok - then I renamed an empty user setlist and imported with the white import button nine presets and hx edit crashed see log "200427b hx edit crash log.rtf" - my helix floor has always been connected to a rear USB2 port on my mac pro and it never ever gave me problems before 2.82 but I decided to try to connect it to a USB3 port on a PCIe card (sonnet allegro) of the same computer then I rebooted helix and mac pro the helix emitted a sequence of "train of impulses" like sounds for a couple of seconds then returned quiet I lauched hx edit and imported with the white import button the same nine presets (which are totally ok and worked in any firmware but I attach them anyway in the "200427e imported presets" folder) then I reordered the nine presets inside the setlist by dragging & dropping them... then I exported the setlist => multiple error -4 (see 200427c) and presets from 96 to 101 now look corrupted (see 200427d) - I repeat: my presets were only nine, I never touched the 96-101 presets of that empty setlist from my last full factory reset and backup restore and it was a different setlist slot from the one that gave me the previous problems - then: helix factory reset (9+10 FS pressed on boot), then I decided to NOT restore to my last full backup and leave everything at factory default expecially I left the default 01A-32D preset numbering and didn't change to 000-127, because other users on the forum that have had my same problems confirmed that they, like me, were using 000-127 numbering I imported just eight of the nine presets, I decided to exclude the one named "-- CORE barit --.hlx" just because it has "-" at the beginning of the name (it is a "placeholder": an empty preset renamed as a "title" of a group of presets) see? I'm treating the helix like a dumb old fartass then I reordered the nine presets inside the setlist by dragging & dropping them... then I exported the setlist: it worked - then I imported (always with the white button) the "-- CORE barit --.hlx" placeholder and reordered again the presets then I exported again the setlist: it worked again - at this moment my presets are incomplete because I have not yet imported any IR [I have saved my best original wav IR files in a folder: they are renamed to be readable in helix and with the helix IR slot number as a prefix so it's easy to import them] so I imported 22 IRs using the import white button then I exported again the setlist: it worked again - then I changed from the defaults only one global setting: "Up/Down Switches" set to "Presets" --- - I came back to the old USB port - I worked for hours: created new presets, copied them inside the setlist and modified them, exported sigle presets, exported the full setlist all of this avoiding drag & drop for any operation ...not a single problem - after weeks of not playing I just switched everything on, lauched hx edit and after a little time, it lost the connection with the helix floor so I connected it back back to the USB3 port on a PCIe card and the connection was restored then I worked for 2/3 hours without problems: I modified presets in a setlist exported presets and setlist (no drag & drop) without problems then I imported another setlist on another setlist slot I renamed it and into that setlist I imported some presets and moved others (there is no way to re-organize presets in a setlist without drag & drop so I used it for a couple of files) I exported the modified setlist and got some -4 errors (see "200513a.png") and the last 12 presets of the setlist got the "strange names" corruption (see "200513b.png" and the corrupted setlist "oHne-M.hls") those 12 presets were "New Presets" and were never touched by me then I tried to overwrite the last 12 presets with non corrupted ones and got a -4 error ("200513c.png") so I: disconnected the USB cable did a factory reset (9+10 FS pressed on boot) leaved everything default reconnected the USB cable and launched HX Edit imported the IR's with the white IR import button imported 2 user setlists (with the yellow setlist import button) imported ONE user preset on a slot (with the white preset import button) and got a -8207 error ("200515a.png") I pressed "ok" and then "reconnect" with no luck so I restarted hx floor (it did a rebuild of presets) and then launched hx edit I noticed that after importing the second setlist I tried to import the single preset while the active loaded preset was still on another setlist so I recalled a preset in the second setlist and imported the same preset as before on the same slot and this time it worked so it seems that importing (or pasting or dragging for what I know) a preset on a asetlist while the active loaded preset is in another setlist is a problem) I finished importing some other presets then I renamed and exported the modified setlist as a backup no problems and no corrupted presets I went on playing and modifying and exporting presets (with the white preset export button) then I exported again the modified setlist (with the yellow setlist export button) then I changed setlist and loaded a preset from it then imported a couple of single presets (always with the white preset export button) then I exported this other modified setlist (with the yellow setlist export button) no problems and no corrupted presets then just for testing: I changed setlist without recalling a preset from it imported a bunch of presets with drag & drop modified some and reorganized them with drag & drop exported them with drag & drop renamed the setlist exported it no problems then I rebuilt all presets (hold FS 10+11 on boot) exported presets and setlists no problems then again just for testing: copied presets from a setlist to another exported presets with drag & drop imported presets with drag & drop copied presets inside a setlist with drag & drop doing so I arrived to overwrite even the last presets of the setlist then I exported the setlist ...I was not able to reproduce the problems... then I changed global settings to 000-127 numbering I imported a setlist with drag & drop then another one copied presets inside the setlist with drag & drop reorganized them with drag & drop again covering all the length of the setlist and when I exported the setlist I finally got the -4 errors! (200515b.png) then I exported all the presets in the setlist with drag & drop (they gave no error messages) then I reimported all of them with drag & drop and exported again the setlist without errors the folders "200515b test 1 & 2" are the result of the tests which gave no errors the folder "200515b test 3" contains "_test 3.hls" which gave the -4 errors and contains all the setlist's presets 200515c test 4.hls is the las setlist exported without problems copied presets inside the setlist with drag & drop reorganized them with drag & drop next day I connected to a rear USB2 port on my mac pro and switched everithing on (I was still on 000-127 numbering imported 117 presets with drag & drop reorganized presets with drag & drop copied presets inside the setlist with drag & drop covering all the length of the setlist exported setlist no problem (200516a test 5.hls) imported a setlist with drag & drop exported it no problem (200516a USER 2.hls) imported another setlist with drag & drop copied presets inside the setlist with drag & drop reorganized them with drag & drop again covering all the length of the setlist exported it copied presets from another setlist reorganized them with drag & drop exported again the setlist (200516a test 6.hls) no problem then I repeated the steps that originally gave me the problem: I imported 54 presets by fremen and 32 by mbritt (created and purchased before the 2.82 upgrade and used without problems before the upgrades, I think in 2.54 or 2.60) I imported the original purchased versions (before rebuilding them with 2.82) when I tried to copy some of them over others with drag & drop I got the original error: 3 or four subsequent -8207 error windows like the one in the screenshot "200516a" and helix floor was freezed on a black screen quitted hx edit switched helix off & on: that automatically rebuilded a part of the presets then 10 of the presets had strange names, see attachment "200516c" also I noticed that not all the 32 presets were imported the errors are around 90-99 slots then: 1- I imported an empty setlist 2- I imported 50+ presets by fremen 3- reorganized them a bit 4- and then imported 30+ presets by mbritt this time I got many many many many subsequent -8207 error windows like the one in the previous screenshot "200516a" before theese windows there was another window for a moment but I couldn't read it and helix floor was freezed on a black screen when rebooted hardware and hx edit there were no "strange name" presets then I changed port to a USB3 one on a PCIe card and repeated exactly the 4 steps above and got exactly the same errors then I changed the global preference to 01A-32D and repeated exactly the 4 steps above and got exactly the same errors this time I made a video to catch the whole "hidden" window i'm attaching the video (200516d.mp4) and the frame of the "hidden" window (200516e.jpg) there are a -8200 and a -8604 errors by the way the -8207 error windows are 32, one for each of the presets if you want, I can send you the fremen and mbritt presets, they are commercial presets so you need to use them only for testing purposes please, remember that similar problems occurred with different kind of presets, rebuilt and not rebuilt by the v.2.82 firmware I'm focusing on this error because it was the "worst" one and I was able to reproduce it ok, now that I have reproduced the error and totally excluded a usb port problem or the numbering option I can update to 2.91 and repeat the steps to see if perhaps the bugs are gone I'll try to find the time to do that in the next days thanks see you soon!
for what I know the DSP on the stomp is the same as one of the two DSP's on the floor, so anything that can be done on one path of the floor can be reproduced on the stomp ( @Digital_Igloo can you confirm this?) on the HX floor you can certainly set up a chain like you described... but depending on which actual model you choose for each block: wha > od > dist > amp > IR > eq > delay > reverb
yeah every time the problem arises around 80-90, that seems to confirm the idea of some kind of buffer issue... ...could it also be that using 000-127 numbering instead of 01A-32D contributes to the problem? I just wrote this idea to line 6 as a note to my ticket
just to let you know that I modified some fremen presets and I felt like reordering some of them and I decided to do it this way: export of all the presets by selecting them and using the white "export" command in hx edit renamed the files in the finder so that they were in the right order alphabetically reimported to hx edit again with the white "import" command ...it worked!! this is the same setlist and presets and preset slots with which I had all the problems I described in my previous post seems like: no dragging no freezing (fingers crossed) ;-)
hi guys, here is a new "log" of the problems I encountered today, I submitted this inside my ticket to line 6, still no reply from them my day was going to be dedicated to try some fremen and mbritt presets that I bought months ago but I spent it to track down the problem... not as much fun... but the "not-so-bad" things are that 1) in the end you can always overcome the problem IF you have backups for example I now saved a setlist with fremen &mbritt presets so that I can reload it easily and 2) it seems that a factoy restore is enough to solve the issue (I didn't reinstall hx edit nor the firmware) also read the comment I made at the end of the "log", maybe dragging many presets is one of the main problems, I don't know here it is: ok, this time I overwrited one of the factory setlists with an empty one I imported some presets by fremen and mbritt (created and purchased before the 2.82 upgrade and used without problems before the upgrades, I think in 2.54 or 2.60) after the 54 fremen presets finished importing, hx edit behaved strangely: it switched by itself to another setlist but showed inside that setlist the names of the presets I just imported it seemed like just a visual bug because switching setlist again solved the visual issue then I imported the 32 mbritt presets on the same setlist and it gave me many subsequent -8207 error windows like the one in the screenshot "200416a" and helix floor was freezed on a black screen switching helix off & on automatically rebuilded the presets (apparently only the new ones) then 6 of the imported presets had strange names, see attachment "200416b" also I noticed that not all the 32 presets were imported they stopped at preset slot 81 (see below) again: I overwrited the same setlist with an empty one I imported the presets by fremen this time no visual issues (the difference is that the first time before importing to setlist 2 I was onto a a preset from setlist 6 to which the helix visually switched to at the end of the import, while this time I was on the same setlist of the import) then I switched helix off and rebooted holding FS 10+11 for presets rebuild (here I exported the v.2.82 rebuilt fremen presets just to be safe) and then I imported the mbritt presets: got exactly the same problem ! switching helix off & on automatically rebuilded the presets (apparently only the mbritt ones) then the strange names seemed gone... so I though to import the remaining 12 mbritt presets one by one but got the same error/freeze, at the first import (I believe it was on slot 82) so again: I overwrited the same setlist with an empty one then this time I imported the presets by mbritt: everything fine which tells us it's not the presets that have a problem then I imported the fremen's that I had just exported after rebuilding them: again errors (I counted 46 windows of error -8207) and helix black screen freeze switched helix off & on I noticed that of the fremen presets, the last 11 were not imported, presets from n. 82 and over look like empty "new presets" but actually the n. 82 is not empty, it has blocks in it (but it's not the preset that was supposed to be there) I tried to export presets from 82 and over by dragging them but it won't do it (without warning or errors) exporting them with the export command gave a multiple error -4 window (see "200416c.png" there you can see I'm on a "new preset" but with blocks in it) and exported some presets: I put the exported presets in the folder "200416c" where you can see that 5 presets are missing (the five -4 errors of the snapshot) and the one without number should be the "82 empty-non-empty" because it's the fist one exported and because it's the only one which weights 20KB; I checked that if I export from 88 to the end of the setlist, jumping the 5 faulty presets, the export works I then imported the last 11 fremen presets jumping the 5 faulty slots... and it worked! as a side note: before exporting, I tried to overwrite preset 82 with an empty one and got error "-4" (see "200416d.png") but the empty preset that I used was actually one of the 5 faulty presets, then, after realizing that, I tried with another "safe" empty preset and it deleted the content of the "non empty" preset and didn't give me an error but the name didn't change to New Preset in the setlist but only in the top part of hx edit (see "200416e.png") anyway then I tried the reboot while holding FS 11 + 12 to clear the "82 non empty preset" and that leaved the preset name in the setlist unchanged in hx edit but not on the helix hardware where everything looks ok (see "200416f.jpg") then I did the reboot while holding FS 11 + 12 to clear the other 5 faulty presets with hx edit closed then I lauched it ...the 6 faulty presets are all still with their names (that I gave them after they got corrupted) ok time for a reboot holding FS 10+11 to rebuild all presets... no luck the faulty presets were not cleared, instead the non empty preset got his name in the "header" too ("200416g.png") so I tried to overwrite the 6 presets with empty ones: error -4, helix freezed to black screen and then error -8207 (see "200416h.png" and "200416i.png") then: helix factory reset (9+10 FS pressed on boot), then I moved some presets just over the 82-87 slots of the factory presets 2 setlist ...no problem then I wiped the setlist (overwrited with an empty setlist) then I loaded the mbrit presets and the fremen just up to n 81 then the last 11 ...no problem then I wiped the setlist again and loaded the mbrit presets and then all the fremen's ...no problem (they go up to 93) then I loaded my last "supposedly working" full backup excluding the factory 2 setlist for now everything seems to work, we will see... I hope I gave you enough material to narrow down the bug for me it's clear that I need to avoid copying, pasting, moving and importing many presets at a time, ... maybe only dragging gives problems... next time I'll try to use import/export and copy/paste commands instead... thanks, Lorenzo
Hi, I hope this post of mine can be helpful to you:
Would someone be so kind to share a blank setlist with me?
perapera replied to blue_apple's topic in Helix
Hi, I hope this post of mine can be helpful to you: -
Hi everybody! I just submitted a very detailed ticket on the corrupted presets and helix freeze black screen when copying bug I thought I would share the text I sent to line 6, it's a bit long but I hope it can help someone I've not added here the screenshots and attachments mentioned in the text since I think they are only useful for developers to track the bug the part in green is the procedure that in the end worked, but I think it's worth it to read it all if you're having similar problems, here it comes: --- --- --- Hi, this is a very long and quite detailed document: it took a LOT of time (three full days that I wouldn't have had if it wasn't for the quarantine) and a LOT effort to investigate and write down all of this, so please take this seriously, thanks starting point: Helix Floor HX Edit and Helix Floor Firmware 2.82 Line 6 Updater 1.18 mac pro 8 core, macOS 10.12.6 a problem happened to me months ago, then I worked around it and it happened again (but worse) now in case you need to know, I upgraded to 2.82 months before the first problem: I followed all the instructions and I had no problems at all with that causes: copying some presets from a setlist and pasting to another then trying to rearrange presets in a setlist, i.e. dragging some blank presets over others to "clear" them, etc effects: some preset slots become "corrupted": loading a backup preset or setlist over them gives the errors in attached screenshots in detail: moths ago I copied a preset from a setlist to another and after a while (I can't reconstruct the exact steps) it gave me the code -8207 error (see attachment "191223 hx edit crash.png"), then when I quitted hx edit it crashed (see attached log: "191223 hx edit crash LOG.txt") I tried to reimport a backup of the preset exported from the original setlist with no luck: other crashes the workaround was to reconstruct that preset from zero by hand then avoiding touching it anymore. Some days ago I copied some presets from a setlist to another then I tried to rearrange presets in a setlist, i.e. moving some presets, dragging some blank presets over others to "clear" them, etc it gave me code -8604 errors (see attachment "200324a helix error.png") and the hardware freezed = black screen each time switching off and on again the hardware and relaunching hx edit or better restarting the computer got me back running, but trying to import a backup of the same setlist older than the problem over the seme setlist slot or to overwrite the corrupted slots with blank presets gave back the same errors and the hardware freezing (importing the same old backup over another setlist slot did work correctly) my "workaround" months ago was to avoid some preset slots in that setlist and work in other setlists and presets, then everything seemed ok... then, as it happened to me, months later you forget which slots were corrupted and you use them or you repeat some of the actions that I described above, and there you have the problem again... other users have had the same or similar problems, here are some links where you can find their descriptions and snapshots: https://line6.com/support/topic/52598-corrupted-presets/ https://line6.com/support/topic/52387-in-a-setlist-some-presets-positions-bug/ https://line6.com/support/topic/51832-strange-behaviour-in-setlist-when-copying-presets-2nd-time-this-happens/ https://line6.com/support/topic/54673-would-someone-be-so-kind-to-share-a-blank-setlist-with-me/ https://line6.com/support/topic/16083-helix-bug-reports/?do=findComment&comment=319227 I thought I found a partial solution resetting everything just like described in this post: https://line6.com/support/topic/51832-strange-behaviour-in-setlist-when-copying-presets-2nd-time-this-happens/?do=findComment&comment=316239 so I tried to make a backup but the backup failed!! an error code -8214 message appears, and the helix freezes on a black screen (see attachment "200413b backup fail.png") then I backed up each setlist and all are correctly exported except the "USER 4" which gives many "-4" errors, see "200413c setlist USER 4.hls", "200413c setlist USER 4 export fail.png" and "200413c setlist USER 4 single presets" folder; that setlist was all made of "new presets" because I tried before to clear it by importing a clean setlist which reproduced the problem, oddly enough, exporting all those empty presets does not give an error (I included them in the attachment) [reading this after having finished all the procedure I think that setlist could have been the USER 3 slot with the name USER 4 because that was the empty setlist that I had backed up and that I used to overwrite the faulty setlist] then the procedure I followed was: helix factory reset (9+10 FS pressed on boot), hx edit reinstall, firmware reinstall, manual import of IR's manual reconfiguration of the global settings loading of each setlist by itself except the faulty one then I manually reimported single presets (saved before all problems) to build the "various best" previously faulty setlist, in doing so I also rearranged them inside the setlist to change their order, then when I exported this setlist I got the -4 errors, see: "200413d setlist export fail (built from single presets).png" the corrupted preset slots have strange names (as you can see in my "200413e corrupted presets.png" snapshot and in different other snapshots from other users in the above links) and before corruption they were ALL empty "New Preset" at the bottom of the setlist (my presets arrived at n.70 and the corrupted ones are from n.93); I tried to export all these presets at the end of the setlist, see attachments: "200413e corrupted presets.png" and "200413e corrupted presets" folder (only the normally named presets were actually exported) then I tried to overwrite the corrupted slots with empty "New Presets" from the same setlist, and this recreated the -8207 error and the helix floor freezed, see attachment "200413f corrupted presets overwrite + floor freeze.png" in the attachments I'm including differet versions of my "various best" setlist before and just after the 2.82 upgrade and two "failed export" versions so again I followed the procedure: helix factory reset (9+10 FS pressed on boot), hx edit reinstall, this time I then updated the line 6 updater to v. 1.19, firmware reinstall, restart helix holding FS 7+8 to restore factory presets and setlists, manual reconfiguration of the global settings, at this time I erroneously loaded a backup of a different "safe" setlist in user 3 setlist slot which was the faulty one and I had an hx edit crash this time the hardware did not go black screen but freezed on a "transferring data please wait" message (see attachments: "200414a hx edit crash LOG.txt" and "200414a screen.jpg") I switched the hardware off and on again then loaded the same "safe" setlist on user 1 slot without problems manual import of IR's FROM ORIGINAL FILES, not from files exported from the helix, loading of each setlist by itself except the faulty one, presets rebuild (hold 10+11 FS on boot) full backup (for IR's and Global Settings), see attachments "200414b Helix Floor Backup post reset.hxb" and "200414c faulty USER 3.hls" which is the setlist that if overwritten on the helix gives the error manual loading of each "safe" preset to reconstruct the faulty setlist (avoiding move/copy/paste) at this point the USER 3 setlist showed the same strange names of the presets that you can see in "200413e corrupted presets.png" I avoided touching them and I tried a presets rebuild (hold FS 10+11 on boot) with no luck (the strange names were still there but I had no crashes/errors/freezes) then I overwrited the setlist with a blank one (which was an empty USER 1 setlist that I exported just after the last reset with hold FS 7+8 on boot) and manually recreated my "various best" setlist, this time on the "USER 4" slot, again avoiding move/copy/paste and had no problems! I renamed the USER 3 setlist "faulty" so that I don't touch it anymore and again exported it, that gave me some -4 errors (see attachments "200415a faulty setlist export.png" and "200415a faulty USER 3.hls") then I restarted helix holding FS 10+11 for presets rebuild (I was just glancing at the screen but I had the impression that the automatic rebuild procedure jumped the user 3 setlist slot) and full backup + single setlist + presets export here I made the "mistake" to move a couple of presets around the user 4 setlist and his export gave me the error -4 ("200415b various best export error -4.png") then I did another full preset rebuild (this time i filmed it: it jumped from 429 to 641 and again from 664 to 671 and from 677 to 686 ...) anyway this time all exports went fine it seems that overwriting the full setlist that has some corrupted presets with an empty setlist and rebuilding presets on boot, sort of creates a "less faulty" setlist that lets you do backups and exports but I can't trust copying and moving presets!! I hoped that not touching the faulty USER 3 setlist would have let me work without crashes but the last problem was on the USER 4 slot... ok so just to be totally safe, let's start yet another full reset/restore !!!! helix factory reset (9+10 FS pressed on boot), hx edit reinstall, line 6 updater upgrade to 1.19, firmware reinstall, restart helix holding FS 7+8 to restore factory presets and setlists, manual reconfiguration of the global settings, manual import of IR's FROM ORIGINAL FILES not from files exported from the helix, loading of each setlist by itself including the previously faulty one (on setlist slot 4) restart helix holding FS 10+11 for presets rebuild full backup + setlists export + presets export this time everything went smooth... but of course I still can't trust copying and moving presets anymore!!! at least now, if the problem arises, I have a procedure to restore everything BUT... the bug is definitely there, somewhere between the HX Edit and the USB communication with the hardware, I think. I hope I've helped you to identify the problem and solve it in the next upgrade many of us don't care for new fuzzes or meters if we can't trust easy operations like copy/paste/move thank you Lorenzo Sempio u.n.: perapera loreiw@libero.it
supercool! thanks
hi, I have a question on helix native v 1.8: is the hardware compatibility mode a global or per session or per instance parameter? I hope it's per session and not global, because I have both helix floor and hx stomp (just bought, waiting for it) so I'd like to work in 2 ways in different tracks or if not possible in different sessions at least and I'd like to switch hardware compatibility mode off when mixing too! any help is appreciated
yes and in the article you linked above it says they have 1Mohm impedance this means that returns are in general more appropriate as auxiliary guitar/bass inputs than the aux in !
I measured the guitar in pad at -5,5dB the XLR outs at line level have the same level as the jack outs when switched to mic it's -11dB less (which is not so much for a line/mic switch by the way) the aux in, which has a fixed impedance of 10kOhm, compared to the guitar input when also set to 10kohm, has 7,5dB less another interesting fact is that the signal chain: guitar input (no-pad, 1Mohm) > unity gain blank patch > master volume at maximum > Left Jack output "Instrument" is at unity gain (the input level equals the otuput level) (this setup is thought for going to the input of a real amp using the Helix as a "pre-amp pedalboard" so it's at unity as many bypassed effect pedals are)
yes, I can confirm that and also sends work the same way (-8dB for instrument) while returns compensate by attenuating by -8dB when in line mode
thanks zolko60 for poiting me to the specifications article then I ask myself: why would a company spend money to have on their product 6x TRS jacks and the relative impedance balancing circuit (not a lot of money but money anyway) and write about it only on a forum and let people think they are TS by suggesting to use TS cables in the manual?!? just to not scary people?! or to avoid that people buy TRS cables?! what about just writing "use TS cables to go to unbalanced gear, use TRS cables to go to balanced gear" ? on old products there used to be an "advanced guide" and a "pilot's guide" or something like that ... it was way less insulting than being treated as dumb people sorry for the ranting...
actually there is this interesting article by a line 6 moderator that contradicts the manual and says that all outputs on the Helix, including sends, are TRS impedance balanced !
Multiple Assign Effect on more than 1 footswitch.
perapera replied to glassjawslipknot's topic in Helix
is there an ideascale entry for that too? -
Multiple Assign Effect on more than 1 footswitch.
perapera replied to glassjawslipknot's topic in Helix
c'mon guys we need more votes! -
I'd like to add that on the Helix manual at p. 44 under "Tips for Creative Controller Assignment" it says: "To smoothly blend between the tone on parallel paths A and B, select a Split > A/B block and assign the Route To parameter to an expression pedal. By default, a heel-down position means the signal passes fully through Path A. Moving the pedal toward the toe-down position will gradually crossfade into Path B. Alternatively, assign a footswitch to control the Route To parameter, for instantly switching back and forth" "gadually crossfade" is wrong and actually it would be cool if it was a crossfader (but they can not change it in a fw update, because that would ruin many user presets) what they could do is actually add a crossfader parameter in the merge mixer block but of course we could do that by assigning level A and level B, or two gain blocks each on his path, to the same expression pedal with opposite min and max values: this also avoids the problem of sending different levels from the split to gain-related fx and amps on the two paths, because we are controlling the levels after the fx ...the potential problem I see with the use of mixer levels is that -60dB, which is the minimum value for the levels in the mixer block, is not exactly silence (by the way, why didn't they go with -120dB like in the gain block?!?) I say "potential" because the interference of a signal -60dB lower than another totally depends on the kind of sounds at stake i.e.: it coul totally be ok for two clean or two distorted sounds but maybe not for a clean vs a distorted sound
the a/b "route to" parameter does not have a pan law it changes the volume because it's not a crossfader but a balance so it gives you both paths at full volume at the center position and attenuates one of the paths when you move it so it's a good idea to use snapshots, the best controls to mix two cabs, would be merge mixer faders (problem: they only go down to -60dB) or the cabs or IR's levels or a gain block in each path anyway I think a new "split crossfader" block or better a "merge crossfader" parameter! would be a good addon for a new firmware
Yes, I think you got it all wrong, sorry :) You should read it again... I wrote that the attenuation or the boost is happening at the merge block mixer not at the split I wrote that the a/b split "route to" parameter is not very well suited to mix between two different amps (or cabs) on the two paths, but just to switch between them and the acoustic power sum thing applies to... well acoustics, so we're talking real hardware speakers not the virtual speaker cabinets inside of helix