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Love my gear! Wish there was a dedicated Dream Rig forum. But I don't think this is a dream rig specific observation and question.

Every time I go to crank up my rig (Dt50 2x12, HD500, JTV 69), I hold my breath. Sometimes it works straight away. I plug in, strum a chord and Booya!!! I'm rockin the house!

Other times, no joy! no sound until I turn everything off and restart it all. Sometimes the topologies start switching randomly on the DT until I turn turn everything off and restart.

Sometimes the Pod turns off and restarts on its own. Loud pops every now and then, and other silly, tweaky random stuff


The vast majority of time, I've got no problems, but always in the back of my mind, i am waiting nervously for the day that the reboot doesn't work at all. Worst is, what happens if it happens at a gig! That would get me to cussin' loud and mean!


Does anyone else experience this type tweaky stuff with the DT+HD combo?

Why do it do what it do? Something to be said for plugging one guitar via one cable into one amp! Never had a problem doing that! Worked every time!!!


Thoughts? Contributions?

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1) so, the problem only occurs when the 500 is in the chain


2) sometimes the 500 reboots on it;s own


3) random popping and with that other unwanted noise


4) disconnect/ reconnecting gets you up and far


so i think it's safe to say the 500 is at fault. the first thing that comes to mind is power. presumably the connection at the 500.

does the 500 receive power from the dt50? or does it use the included p.s.?


that's all i far  :rolleyes: 

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You tha' man! Uh...I use the p.s if that means power supply. And I guess number 5 would be...Turn everything on, make viguple sure everything is set up correctly sound until I turn everything off by unplugging the HD and the DT and turning it all back on. (so rare that one gets to use the word Viguple in a sentence! BOOYA!!!)


I think it is the HD's fault too. how do you suggest a further troubleshoot?

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wiggle the wires on the p.s. (power supply) slowly back and forth, round and round. test the plug connection to the pod, hold the plug and move it around slowly  in it's conection. then the wire to the plug. then the wire to the p.s. all this while observing the 500 to confirm the power is steady. check the length of wire in the same way. of course this is only elementary and preliminary. i have no clue after that. did you try reflash and reset on all equipment? how often would you say the the fault occurs? and from the time the fault occurs, and you follow your procedure to restart, you change no settings, correct? but, i feel that my troubleshooting procedure is just a way of eliminating the wires and there's something else going on.  VIGUPLE!... you made that up. i guess that' guitar speak. ain't got nothin' after that. B)

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1 Single
2 Double
3 Triple
4 Quadruple
5 Quintuple/Pentuple
6 Sextuple/Hextuple
7 Septuple
8 Octuple
9 Nonuple
10 Decuple
11 Hendecuple/Undecuple
12 Duodecuple
13 Tredecuple
14 Quattuordecuple
15 Quindecuple
16 Sexdecuple
17 Septendecuple
18 Octodecuple
19 Novemdecuple
20 Viguple (In Your Face Mister!)
21 Unviguple
22 Duoviguple
23 Treviguple
24 Quattuorviguple
25 Quinviguple
26 Sexviguple
27 Septenviguple
28 Octoviguple
29 Novemviguple
30 Triguple
31 Untriguple
32 Duotriguple
33 Tretriguple
34 Quattuortriguple
35 Quintriguple
36 Sextriguple
37 Septentriguple
38 Octotriguple
39 Novemtriguple
40 Quadraguple
41 Unquadraguple
42 Duoquadraguple
43 Trequadraguple
44 Quattuorquadraguple
45 Quinquadraguple
46 Sexquadraguple
47 Septenquadraguple
48 Octoquadraguple
49 Novemquadraguple
50 Quinquaguple
51 Unquinquaguple
52 Duoquinquaguple
53 Trequinquaguple
54 Quattuorquinquaguple
55 Quinquinquaguple
56 Sexquinquaguple
57 Septenquinquaguple
58 Octoquinquaguple
59 Novemquinquaguple
60 Sexaguple
61 Unsexaguple
62 Duosexaguple
63 Tresexaguple
64 Quattuorsexaguple
65 Quinsexaguple
66 Sexsexaguple
67 Septensexaguple
68 Octosexaguple
69 Novemsexaguple
70 Septuaguple
71 Unseptuaguple
72 Duoseptuaguple
73 Treseptuaguple
74 Quattuorseptuaguple
75 Quinseptuaguple
76 Sexseptuaguple
77 Septenseptuaguple
78 Octoseptuaguple
79 Novemseptuaguple
80 Octoguple
81 Unoctoguple
82 Duooctoguple
83 Treoctoguple
84 Quattuoroctoguple
85 Quinoctoguple
86 Sexoctoguple
87 Septoctoguple
88 Octooctoguple
89 Novemoctoguple
90 Nonaguple
91 Unnonaguple
92 Duononaguple
93 Trenonaguple
94 Quattuornonaguple
95 Quinnonaguple
96 Sexnonaguple
97 Septennonaguple
98 Octononaguple
99 Novemnonaguple
100 Centuple


Now.... off to wiggle my wire!

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Count me in - I've had problems where the sound in my DT50 fades out to nuttin.  A reboot of the DT50 didn't help, so I rebooted my HD500, that didn't help.  I had to shut both off completely and boot both back up, then it worked.  Very weird.


I had another weird thing happen at church this Sunday - plugged everything up, then I noticed the screen on the HD500 would periodically display the amp settings screen, then go back to the main display, then back again, forever.  I noticed the drive setting was maxed out.  It was as if someone were cranking the drive knob up all the way behind the curtain where my amp was!  I didn't have time to trouble-shoot, so I just went direct to the house.  Later at home I realized what was going on, so I turned the drive knob to a different value on the DT and the problem disappeared!  How strange.  Whatever position it was in was causing it to send continuous MIDI messages back to the HD.  Sheesh.

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So are you saying that by changing the value on the DT the problem went away? What happens when you zero out everything on the DT? Maybe there is a conflict between what is dialed in on the DT and what is dialed in on the HD. Since you were playing in church, maybe the hand of the almighty was making some necessary changes to your tone! Or maybe you need to "Wiggle Your Wire" just a bit as my man "Tone" has so selflessly suggested to me!


Tone- how long can I have fun with wire wiggling before it becomes too much! ...cause I love it so!!!


Count me in - I've had problems where the sound in my DT50 fades out to nuttin. A reboot of the DT50 didn't help, so I rebooted my HD500, that didn't help. I had to shut both off completely and boot both back up, then it worked. Very weird.


I had another weird thing happen at church this Sunday - plugged everything up, then I noticed the screen on the HD500 would periodically display the amp settings screen, then go back to the main display, then back again, forever. I noticed the drive setting was maxed out. It was as if someone were cranking the drive knob up all the way behind the curtain where my amp was! I didn't have time to trouble-shoot, so I just went direct to the house. Later at home I realized what was going on, so I turned the drive knob to a different value on the DT and the problem disappeared! How strange. Whatever position it was in was causing it to send continuous MIDI messages back to the HD. Sheesh.

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I can tell you that I have a DT25 combo and an HD500 and sometimes I connect it all up and get no sound out of the DT25 - so I have to switch the DT25 off and then back on and it springs into life.  Sometimes I have had the display on my HD500 go weird when I have plugged in the L6 link but other than that the HD500 is OK.   No idea why the DT25 sometimes decides not to produce any sound.  I usually switch the power on for the DT25, then connect the L6 link to the HD500 and then power on the HD500.  Sometimes I power on the HD500 and then connect the L6 link and then power on the DT25.  Sometimes I power on the HD500 and the DT25 and then connect up the L6 link.   Most of the time it works fine but a few times I have had the "no sound" problem which has been cured by a power off and power on of the DT25.


So you are not alone.  Sorry , I can't provide a definitive answer or solution for you.

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Try this as it can be a cause of the pod switching itself on and off Not that I now anything but try this on the Pod, GLOBAL RESET; hold down the left arrow on the navigation button while you energize the pod and then calibrate the expression peddle,  If the Onboard expression pedal of the POD HD500 does not sweep through parameter values as it normally would, you may need to perform a pedal calibration to reset the functionality of the expression pedal:



Hold the down the RIGHT ARROW button on the 4 Way Nav Pad while powering the unit on, until you see the “Test Mode†screen (Pedal Cal, etc.), and then proceed with the steps below:


  1. If not already selected, use  on the 4 Way Nav Pad to select “Pedal Cal,†as shown above.
  2. Press the VIEW button.
  3. Set the pedal to the minimum “heel†position, then press the A footswitch to set a value for the Duty Cycle. You’ll see the value set to “100.â€
  4. Set the pedal to the maximum “toe†position, then press the B footswitch to set a value for the Duty Cycle. Again, you’ll see the value set to “100,†as in step 3.
  5. Press the C footswitch to prepare for automatic selection of the Scaled Pedal Value and move the pedal from min. to max. You should see the Scaled Pedal Values read “0†at the heel position and “255†and the toe position. If you get values other than 0 and 255, power off and repeat these steps, starting at step 1.
  6. Press the D footswitch to save the settings. You’ll be returned to the Test Mode screen and the Pedal Cal item will show a “P†to indicated that the pedal calibration is complete! Power your device off and back on again to start using it.


***Please Note:  Re-calibration of the POD HD500's expression pedal is necessary after performing a Global Settings reset.  Instructions for how to perform a Global Settings reset is available here.



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Try this as it can be a cause of the pod switching itself on and off Not that I now anything but try this on the Pod, GLOBAL RESET; hold down the left arrow on the navigation button while you energize the pod and then calibrate the expression peddle,  If the Onboard expression pedal of the POD HD500 does not sweep through parameter values as it normally would, you may need to perform a pedal calibration to reset the functionality of the expression pedal:



Hold the down the RIGHT ARROW button on the 4 Way Nav Pad while powering the unit on, until you see the “Test Mode†screen (Pedal Cal, etc.), and then proceed with the steps below:


  1. If not already selected, use  on the 4 Way Nav Pad to select “Pedal Cal,†as shown above.
  2. Press the VIEW button.
  3. Set the pedal to the minimum “heel†position, then press the A footswitch to set a value for the Duty Cycle. You’ll see the value set to “100.â€
  4. Set the pedal to the maximum “toe†position, then press the B footswitch to set a value for the Duty Cycle. Again, you’ll see the value set to “100,†as in step 3.
  5. Press the C footswitch to prepare for automatic selection of the Scaled Pedal Value and move the pedal from min. to max. You should see the Scaled Pedal Values read “0†at the heel position and “255†and the toe position. If you get values other than 0 and 255, power off and repeat these steps, starting at step 1.
  6. Press the D footswitch to save the settings. You’ll be returned to the Test Mode screen and the Pedal Cal item will show a “P†to indicated that the pedal calibration is complete! Power your device off and back on again to start using it.


***Please Note:  Re-calibration of the POD HD500's expression pedal is necessary after performing a Global Settings reset.  Instructions for how to perform a Global Settings reset is available here.



wiggling the wire is so much easier for the same result. I'm just sayin'!

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If you do replace the ps for the hd500 make sure you get the correct one. If you get the one that is sometimes recommended as a replacement to get rid of the wall wart it actually has a lower amperage rating and can cause rebooting of the hd500 as well.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I haven't had this issue, but I consistently hook up and boot up the same way every time:

1: connect L6 link to amp

2: connect L6 link to HD500

3: power on HD500

4: power on DT amp


All my knobs on DT are set to 0 except channel A reverb which I keep at about 9 o'clock. Volume knob set according to venue. Not sure what is considered "proper procedure" by Line 6, but this order has never failed me. I have a DT25.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll just chime in with this...


Is it happening in the same environment or multiple environments.  Sometimes dirty power from the mains can cause issues.  Fluctuations that occur when air conditioners kick in and out or devices connected to the supply that feed a frequency back into the mains can mess with things.  When gigging, I use a small UPS to smooth out the power supply and to protect from power drops. 





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  • 2 months later...

Been using the DT50/HD500 for about 2 years, but my first post in the forum. I have had several instances where strange things happen. Last night I experienced the volume reducing to nothing several times..the topology flashed up briefly..a reboot did not sort the issue...but it did seem to get less frequent throughout the evening.

On first turning on and tuning up the topology could be seen in the background of the tuner window..a new one.. This went away after a reboot

I have had several cases where I have turned the Dt50 on before the hd500 - resulting in no sound at all.

I now always try to make sure the hd500 is on first...i haven't paid particular attention to the l6 link cable order, but may now start doing so.
I also haven't tried setting everything to zero on the amp...but i have used the tactic of fiddling with the knobs on the amp when it randomly decides you didn't want mids after all.

I do also fear things not working at a gig..but even when i've turned up and it hasn't worked persistent fiddling during setup has got things working again.

Maybe a refirb of the hd500 unit itself wouldn't hurt? My tone bank selection knob is shot after several rides in the car...

I'm glad I'm not alone, but such bugs detract from an otherwise fantastic product.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Love my gear! Wish there was a dedicated Dream Rig forum. But I don't think this is a dream rig specific observation and question.

Every time I go to crank up my rig (Dt50 2x12, HD500, JTV 69), I hold my breath. Sometimes it works straight away. I plug in, strum a chord and Booya!!! I'm rockin the house!

Other times, no joy! no sound until I turn everything off and restart it all. Sometimes the topologies start switching randomly on the DT until I turn turn everything off and restart.

Sometimes the Pod turns off and restarts on its own. Loud pops every now and then, and other silly, tweaky random stuff


The vast majority of time, I've got no problems, but always in the back of my mind, i am waiting nervously for the day that the reboot doesn't work at all. Worst is, what happens if it happens at a gig! That would get me to cussin' loud and mean!


Does anyone else experience this type tweaky stuff with the DT+HD combo?

Why do it do what it do? Something to be said for plugging one guitar via one cable into one amp! Never had a problem doing that! Worked every time!!!


Thoughts? Contributions?


I have the same sorts of issues from time to time with my podHD500 and DT25. It's one of the reasons I'm selling the DT25 (keeping the podHD for practice).


The Line 6 fanboys on this site will tell you DT amps are somehow the best amps in the hisoty of guitar music but its just ridiculous and not the case. I know from personal experience and direct comparison that they dont play (or feel) as good as other amps, even in the same price bracket. Line 6 make classic modelling units, no doubt, they are not a manufacturer of classic amps.

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I have the same sorts of issues from time to time with my podHD500 and DT25. It's one of the reasons I'm selling the DT25 (keeping the podHD for practice).


The Line 6 fanboys on this site will tell you DT amps are somehow the best amps in the hisoty of guitar music but its just ridiculous and not the case. I know from personal experience and direct comparison that they dont play (or feel) as good as other amps, even in the same price bracket. Line 6 make classic modelling units, no doubt, they are not a manufacturer of classic amps.

Not so sure I agree with you. Yes there are a lot of folks on this forum who swear by their amps. Thats because they are having a good experience with the amp. I don't think that people are over selling the DT's as the best on the planet. But if you are a "fanboy" and really enjoy you gear, you are going to share your experience with people. I don't believe that too many people are delusional in their zeal for their DT's. Some maybe, but not all.


Set aside some of the tweaky problems that rear their ugly head from time to time, I think the amp sounds purty damn good. and the Dream Rigsounds fantastic! And I am comparing it to amps that cost thousands of dollars! Now if you really want to meet annoying "fanboys", talk to someone who just spent $6k for a 35 watt combo!

Bring a lunch cause you're gonna be there for a while!

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FWIW, I experienced similar HD500 behavior that resulted from me using the power supply from my POD XT / X3L with the HD500. While the old power supplies will work, the two are not interchangeable. I played several gigs without issue before the recycling behavior occurred, (at a venue with questionable power quality). Traced it to the difference in specs between the power supplies.


And if you gig with Line 6...own backup gear!

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Had similar problems in the past until I decided to never turn on both within a few seconds. Have no issues as long as I wait to turn on the 2nd device after the 1st one went through initialization (HD500 shows tone and DT-25 has set last selected type/class). I think the cause of the various startup problems is unsynchronized exchanges of MIDI or other messages on L6 Link. Sometimes, depending on when the 2nd device is turned on, only a portion or possibly even a partial message makes to it to the device that's turned on while the other one is sending. Obviously these are all just guesses.

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