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Hx Stomp: Expression Pedal AND footswitch?


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4 hours ago, akalchschmid said:

Hi all,


the Hx Stomp manual says that you can connect two expression pedals, or two footswitches. Does anyone know,can you connect one pedal and one switch at the same time?


Yes . . . at least, I'm fairly certain yes. Right now there's a bug that has yet to be fixed that makes dual switches or pedals an unworkable mess, so unfortunately I haven't been able to test it, which is what I usually like to do before I give a yes. Still, based on my reading of the manual, yes, you can, and here is how:


Enter Global Settings >>>> Preferences


Exp/FS Tip - set to Footswitch 4


Exp/FS Ring - Set to Expression Pedal 2


Or you could do the reverse, set FS Tip to Expression Pedal 1 and FS Ring to Footswitch 5.


You would then need to review Global Settings >>> Footswitches to ensure the FS4 and FS5 functions were setup to your liking for what you want them to do.


Again though, I can't really test it right now. Hopefully they fix the bug soon cause I have been wanting to mess around with all of these things.

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2 minutes ago, Kilrahi said:

Yes . . . at least, I'm fairly certain yes. Right now there's a bug that has yet to be fixed that makes dual switches or pedals an unworkable mess, so unfortunately I haven't been able to test it, which is what I usually like to do before I give a yes. Still, based on my reading of the manual, yes, you can, and here is how:


That bug was fixed in the 2.71 firmware update, which was released without much fanfare last week.

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2 minutes ago, phil_m said:


That bug was fixed in the 2.71 firmware update, which was released without much fanfare last week.


Ha ha crud.  I've been waiting to update and I somehow missed it.  Thanks for the heads up Phil.


I guess I need to be better tuned in to where these announcements happen. At least I know what I'll be doing tonight . . .


Kind of excited. Just have to survive my company's Christmas party first.

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Hey, thanks for the quick replies!

So, that's good news! Some follow-up questions:


On page 5 of the manual they write “For external footswitches, the momentary 
(unlatched) type should be used.“. 

On page 35 they write “Selecting FS1-FS5 will display Knob 3 (Switch Type). Turn Knob 
3 to select "Moment[ary]" or "Latch[ing]" behavior. Momentary 
means the value will change for as long as you hold the switch. 
Latching toggles between Min and Max values every time you press 
the switch.*“


So, latched or unlatched?


What I would like to do is, have one expression pedal, and one footswitch. With the footswitch I'd like to change presets (up and down), e.g. using this switch:


Would that work?


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13 minutes ago, akalchschmid said:

Hey, thanks for the quick replies!

So, that's good news! Some follow-up questions:


On page 5 of the manual they write “For external footswitches, the momentary 
(unlatched) type should be used.“. 

On page 35 they write “Selecting FS1-FS5 will display Knob 3 (Switch Type). Turn Knob 
3 to select "Moment[ary]" or "Latch[ing]" behavior. Momentary 
means the value will change for as long as you hold the switch. 
Latching toggles between Min and Max values every time you press 
the switch.*“


So, latched or unlatched?


What I would like to do is, have one expression pedal, and one footswitch. With the footswitch I'd like to change presets (up and down), e.g. using this switch:


Would that work?



The actual external footswitch needs to be momentary. You can change the behavior of the switch to be latching or momentary in the software.

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26 minutes ago, akalchschmid said:

Hey, thanks for the quick replies!

So, that's good news! Some follow-up questions:


On page 5 of the manual they write “For external footswitches, the momentary 
(unlatched) type should be used.“. 

On page 35 they write “Selecting FS1-FS5 will display Knob 3 (Switch Type). Turn Knob 
3 to select "Moment[ary]" or "Latch[ing]" behavior. Momentary 
means the value will change for as long as you hold the switch. 
Latching toggles between Min and Max values every time you press 
the switch.*“


So, latched or unlatched?


What I would like to do is, have one expression pedal, and one footswitch. With the footswitch I'd like to change presets (up and down), e.g. using this switch:


Would that work?



Well, not to throw water on your plan but with that footswitch I don't think it will do quite what you want.  Granted it's in another language, so I am basically going off pictures, but I still think I'm right.


That is a very nice looking dual footswitch, but it looks like the cable is a TRS cable that is permanently affixed (If it can be removed that might change things).  The consequence of that is if you plug it into the HX Stomp, there won't be any room for an expression pedal. It would do an excellent job of being FS4 and FS5, though.


Now, if there is a way to attach an expression pedal, I think you'll still run into a problem based on the above.  Because the expression pedal would be taking up ONE of the FS4 or FS5 slots, ONLY one of the footswitches two switches would work. You could have this switch either preset up, OR preset down, but NOT BOTH. However, this limitation isn't just with that footswitch design.  The EXP 1/2 output on the Stomp can only afford two expression pedals, two footswitches, or one of each. It can't do an expression pedal and two footswitches - that would be three.


I apologize if I totally misunderstood what you were saying in the above. I just don't want you to buy something expecting a certain thing and then it doesn't happen, much as I love the Stomp.


Edit: Think of the EXP 1/2 output as only being able to handle two signals, rather than two devices. If you think of it as two devices it's easy to think you could attach a expression pedal and one device (with numerous switches).  You can't because each switch takes up a signal.  If you want more signals, you have to go the midi route.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all,


I have now tried to connect an expression pedal AND a footswitch at the same time, but it doesn't woork, whatever I do. When I connect both via a Y-cable, only of of both works, either EXP1 or SWITCH4. EXP2 and SWITCH5 do not work, I am pretty sure I set everything right, and I tried all combinations.

Did anyone of you have success there?


If not, does anyone have an idea for a workaround? I mean, for most songs, I am using the presets, and an expression pedal. That means, when I want to switch to another preset for another song, I have to go down and use my fingers. That sucks. With another footswitch, I would have set it to "Next Footswitch Mode". Any ideas? I can't be the only one with this problem?


So long, and thanks in advacne...

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4 hours ago, akalchschmid said:

Hi all,


I have now tried to connect an expression pedal AND a footswitch at the same time, but it doesn't woork, whatever I do. When I connect both via a Y-cable, only of of both works, either EXP1 or SWITCH4. EXP2 and SWITCH5 do not work, I am pretty sure I set everything right, and I tried all combinations.

Did anyone of you have success there?


If not, does anyone have an idea for a workaround? I mean, for most songs, I am using the presets, and an expression pedal. That means, when I want to switch to another preset for another song, I have to go down and use my fingers. That sucks. With another footswitch, I would have set it to "Next Footswitch Mode". Any ideas? I can't be the only one with this problem?


So long, and thanks in advacne...


   Make sure that you are using an insert y-cable (1TRS- 2 TS). I have a Dunlop mini x as EXP 1 for wah and an Ernie Ball tap tempo switch as FS 5 for solo boost working perfectly this way. If you are using the correct cable, then it is probably a setting somewhere that is not correct. I am using it mostly in stomp mode using a Tech 21 midi mongoose for program changes. Will probably switch to snapshot mode once I get comfortable with it.

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3 hours ago, dlbatcave said:


   Make sure that you are using an insert y-cable (1TRS- 2 TS).



I don't really know, I have this one:

Should that work?

I am pretty sure I understand the settings and used them right...


Edit: Ok, I just googled what TS and TRS stands for. Mine is 1TS-2TS.

Which is good, so I can fix it ;)

Thanks a lot for the hint!

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9 hours ago, akalchschmid said:



I don't really know, I have this one:

Should that work?

I am pretty sure I understand the settings and used them right...


Edit: Ok, I just googled what TS and TRS stands for. Mine is 1TS-2TS.

Which is good, so I can fix it ;)

Thanks a lot for the hint!

The cable you have won't work. You need something like this.


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  • 1 month later...

Trying to connect exp pedal and footswitch...

I have the trs-ts Y cable correctly plugged in I believe.. I'm getting the footswitch to function correctly as FS4, but the EXP doesn't sweep correctly.  If I have it set to a parameter for 1-100, it sweeps up to 100 halfway through, then back down to 1 at the end of the sweep (as in heel > toe position).  


Global prefs/switch settings seem to be correct, but maybe I'm missing something.. any thoughts?

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27 minutes ago, dylanconrad82 said:

Trying to connect exp pedal and footswitch...

I have the trs-ts Y cable correctly plugged in I believe.. I'm getting the footswitch to function correctly as FS4, but the EXP doesn't sweep correctly.  If I have it set to a parameter for 1-100, it sweeps up to 100 halfway through, then back down to 1 at the end of the sweep (as in heel > toe position).  


Global prefs/switch settings seem to be correct, but maybe I'm missing something.. any thoughts?


What expression pedal are you using?

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On 2/24/2019 at 10:03 PM, dylanconrad82 said:

Does anyone know of a specific exp pedal that definitely functions well with the y cable/exp AND footswitch setup?  Thanks!

Hi, not exactly what you asked, but I am now using two of those with the y-cable:

Works great, and both can be configured to whatever you want.

For some presets I am using one pedal similar to a switch, i.e. heel down=off, any other position=on.

Hope that helps.

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Hi akalchschmid,


 I was having the exact same problem when trying to connect an expression pedal AND a footswitch, using a dunlop mini x exp and a disaster area external momentary footswitch. (FSW4 worked fine, but the expression’s sweep would go from 0-100 when HALFWAY and then back to 0 at the toe position)


 I figured it out! (I realize we have different exp pedals but this still might help you) I took the bottom plate off the exp pedal and noticed two dip switches.. one toggles the aux output between tuner and expression (it was set correctly to exp) and the other dip toggles between tip and ring.. THAT’S IT


To clarify, in my case, the problem was caused by having the “ring” side of the insert cable plugged into the exp pedal while its internal dip switch was set to “tip”. Once I switched it to ring, it behaved correctly.. (except that it worked backwards, but that was easily solved by the normal/inverted tip/ring options in the global settings menu.


If your exp pedal isn’t able to switch between ring/tip, I’d try swapping the inputs between your exp and FSW (and of course make the necessary changes in preferences) Hope this helps you. 


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
21 minutes ago, natalecurti said:

hello to all . 

i wonder if i could connect (and how)

1 foot switch (for snapshot up)

1 foot switch (for tap/tuner)

1 exp pedal (for volume pedal function)




No... You can have 2 switches, 2 pedals, or 1 switch and 1 pedal. Those are the only options. To get more than that, you have to use a MIDI controller.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi all.


Would my expression pedal need to be TS for this to work? I have a TS footswitch and a TRS exp that work independently but not when I use the correct splitter and all global menu parameters in place. (Switch to Tip, exp to Ring etc.) Only the switch works when paired together...



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  • 7 months later...
On 12/23/2018 at 4:50 PM, dlbatcave said:


   Make sure that you are using an insert y-cable (1TRS- 2 TS). I have a Dunlop mini x as EXP 1 for wah and an Ernie Ball tap tempo switch as FS 5 for solo boost working perfectly this way. If you are using the correct cable, then it is probably a setting somewhere that is not correct. I am using it mostly in stomp mode using a Tech 21 midi mongoose for program changes. Will probably switch to snapshot mode once I get comfortable with it.

Hi, does tap tempo (for delay tempo etc) works or it functions only as regular footswitch?

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  • 8 months later...

Hi. I have the Mission Engineering expression pedal that also has a toe switch, so it's currently set as an Expression pedal and FS4.


I bought this two button footswich:


I have a TRS to 2TS cable; Is it possible to use both of these units and make use of all the switches? Ideally I would like to have Exp1 and FS4 on the expression pedal and have the two other buttons function as 2 additional footswitches. Is that possible?


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  • 3 months later...

Just got my HX Stomp (updated to FW3.01) and I am in the process of configuring the external switch and expression pedal. 


I am using the Dunlop DV4 Mini & the Pulse switch by railhead effects, the cable is a TRS Y cable by rockboard.

EXP is connected to ring and the switch is connected to sleeve. 


The mini switch in the DV4 is key. Thanks @donsbeck !


I am still having the following issues I hope you folks can help with.

  • The function of the volume pedal is revered. Meaning toe down is 0 and toe back is 100% - I even changed the "polarity" setting global settings. No impact.
  • When I set the external switch (FS5) to the Tap/Tuner - it will switch to the tuner, then right back to the patch or vise versa. Basically, it seems like it won't "stick".



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi everyone.  I found this forum trying to resolve the same issue.  I have a Mission TT2 (TRS/TS) switcher and a Line 6 expression pedal. I have a TRS to TS  Y cable.

Jason Sadites has a good demo on how to set up the Stomp with a switcher which helped a lot. 

I found I had to fiddle about with settings to get things how I wanted them.

Getting the 2 switches on the TT2 to be switch 4 and 5 was easy once I figured out the Preferences allocating the switches and then using Bypass Control to assign the block. With the Y cable I had to put both split cables into the TT2 (wouldn't need to do this with a 'stereo' TRS) cable but you'll see why I have Y cable shortly.

First I went to preferences and allocated the switches 4 (tip) and 5 (ring).  I left the polarity alone.  Then in my edit view I chose the block I wanted on 4, chose bypass control and allocated the block to 4.

Next I wanted to split the cable so I could use one footwsitch on the TT2 and the other cable for the expression pedal.  This took some fiddling around and luck and error! I think where I got to was making sure that in the Preferences section I set the switch that was set to footswitch 5 to Exp 2, then went to the delay I'm using the exp pedal on, and made sure bypass was off. then I set the controller assign for the delay to Mix / Exp2 so that the pedal controls the 'volume' of the deal, so when fully down there is no delay.

I hope that makes sense!!!

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  • 2 years later...
On 6/17/2023 at 2:40 PM, AGrinsted said:

I've just got a sonicake vexpress pedal but when i try to use it to control different parameters it has a dual sweep where both the heal and top ends are 0% and the middle is 100%. Is there a way of fixing this. Any help is appreciated.


TS cable (standard guitar cable, not TRS) connected to the OUTPUT of that EXP is your best bet.

If the sweep works but is in reverse, simply swap the polarity in the global settings. 


Keep in mind, not all EXP pedals work with Line 6. There are no shortages of threads about this topic. 

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  • 2 months later...

Just wanted to add my piece so someone can find it - I just did the above mentioned comment from Codamedia - I have a Hotone Ampero Press I had wanted to use as expression using a Y-Split to allow me a single button FS - Using a TRS-TRS cable directly from the Stomp to the Expression port on the Ampero Press worked as I wanted, and it would go 0-100 properly.
I needed to connect the Y cable to the Output port to get the same thing to work, otherwise it was doing the 0-100-0 thing when plugged into the expression port.

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