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Everything posted by klangmaler

  1. This is true (as always). Sometimes a graphic response gives us the illusion of assurance. But we cant't hear with our eyes, anyway ;)
  2. klangmaler


    This time, I don't come up with my usual gif. BUT again my hint concerning the tuner settings: Double check what you really want to tune - and what cable(s) you have to put in...
  3. IRs (impulse responses) can be used to emulate cabs - or pickups - or mixers - or [...]... The use of an IRs (in Helix) is mainly restricted by its size (thus you can't use reverb IRs, for example)...
  4. Hello and welcome to the forums! First of all: I read "Wait - loading important ...bla, bla" and I really had to :lol: ... Problem solved already? If not, please tell us which computer / OS you are using and if FW 2.20 is (still /again) running without probs...
  5. ^^^ This! ^^^ ...certainly don't want more IR slots. A locking function (for selected slots) might be useful...
  6. klangmaler

    Reg IRS

    ...and doublecheck the level of the IR block...
  7. Tell you what: Better go ahead tweakin' good sounds with Helix. (I have the best IRs on earth and will not trade them, anyway ;-) )
  8. Well, there's still the hardware, right? Lots of folks are enthusiastic not only because the software is great...
  9. This was fake news / extremely ironic!!! If we needed a virus protection for Helix, I'd sell it tomorrow...
  10. ...maybe a virus will stop you. Read an interesting article on amplipedia last night: IRs can be verified (and destroyed!) in seconds if you don't buy them. Lots of Kempers are already infected. Only a question of time and Helix will be affected, too... The internet is a pandemic disease ;-)
  11. klangmaler

    Ernie Ball

    The 250k version either.
  12. Sorry, I had to :lol: ... It seem, that less communication with customers had been better in this case (no announcement of 2.20)...
  13. klangmaler

    Ernie Ball

    Use the 250k version. I have the 6180 VPJR. Why? 'cause it works! ;)
  14. klangmaler


    Right now: How do you feel about Helix's Tuner Stability? Helix's Tuner Stability is Steady Enough for Me! 40 vote(s) 62.5% Helix's Tuner Stability is Way Too Jumpy and Erratic for me! 24 vote(s) 37.5%
  15. I really appreciate the communication and support by L6. The deployment and intense use of ideascale and the 'open structure' of Helix is pioneering, IMHO. And they give us hints of "what new feature-sets are on the horizon". Just read the forums...
  16. klangmaler


    This was my first thought, too, but: If you read those comments (on TGP under the poll), some folks would be surprised (so was I)...
  17. Try pressin FS 10&11 while booting. Should upgrade existing presets to latest format.
  18. I see. Who's weird? My idea for the next generation Variax: An implemented Helix. I call it Varihix ('cause 'Heliax' ist a registered trademark already)... Not so much to carry ;)
  19. This is exactly what I meant with my question "Now what?"
  20. ...Doc said, I'm wrong in the garnet... I knew it before , I knew it... Anyway, my ears are still ok. Now I'm goin' to listen to'Almost Is Never Enough"...
  21. Easy, buddy. You're looking for your 'last 10% on the way to the imperfections of amps. You want it all and you want as soon as possible, right? Now what? Helix is 90% close to this demands, IMHO. And now I go to visit my doc... ...and then I tweak my last 10%...
  22. ...your last 10%... ...phew... ...guess 90% are 'imperfect' enough for me ;)...
  23. ...ahhh, I see... You want simply an easy to use jack of all trades device! Well - sometimes a little magic trick does it...
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