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Everything posted by jandrio

  1. bob, tks 4 ur kind proper-forum-etiquette-complying posts. i give u +1. respecting ur wishes, i will not come back with a third reference whatever u further post. feel free 2 express urself as u like, no further comments on this thread, the thread is absolutely @ ur disposal... in the future if u need 2 access any other setting through the HD500X Edit software on ur computer, pls open nother thread by pressing the "start new topic button" (pls c attached screenshot) as Solon quotes, RTFMing helps u constantly learning more as u grow older... :D :) ;)
  2. can a beginner drive a car without first having 2 take some lessons? ;) :)
  3. quoting from "POD HD500 Advanced Guide v2.10 - English ( Rev A )", page 6-8:
  4. i suggest u RTFM (Read The Following Manuals): :)
  5. chris, glad 2 hear Issue is gone... keep on ...poding!
  6. if u just wanna "clean boost" acoustic levels, use mixer levels and/or Studio EQ's gain(s). here is n example of using multi studio EQs...
  7. yes, it is. just place the looper in the PRE position using the FS3 (talkin' abt BUILT-IN LOOPER, NOT FX-LOOP)... quoting from "POD HD500 Advanced Guide v2.10 - English ( Rev A )", page 8-2:
  8. it's on the upper left side of the HD500X Edit screen....
  9. u r welcome. btw, what do u mean "it is not available anymore"?
  10. may b this will help (2:16-2:22)
  11. check out this one:
  12. answer on q1:
  13. consult 2nd pinned post on top of this forum
  14. correct me if i'm wrong, but i believe jtv uses more powerful/next-gen processor+completely upgraded electronics than the old variaxes (like pod hd over pod x3 does). generally speaking, the jtv has next gen hardware, but when she was released the v2.n hd firmware/workbench was not ready, so she initially was matched 2 the old workbench 'n flashed with the old v1.9 f/w, which of course was underrated regarding the hardware potential, consuming only a small portion of the available horsepower. so may b clay-man's comparison is a good one... just guessing...
  15. using a ups multisocket adapter
  16. actually the q is "reversed" (c attached screenshot). u shd answer "no"...
  17. Charles, try one of foll: a. Insert an FX loop in ur chain (place it at the end of the chain if u want a plain clean boost, or in front of an amp or dist pedal to drive them harder if u want more gain). Use short jumper cable 2 connect the FX loop out to the FX loop in. Set the FX loop return at taste (eg +4dB). Assign the FX loop to a switch as (clean) boost 4 solos. . If stereo is a must, use appropriate jumper. b. Use a Studio eq in ur chain (c abv regarding placing). Set gain at taste (eg +4db). c. Assign EXP-1/2 to amp CH VOL (min = rythm, max=solo).
  18. i always feed digital gear (HD500+JTV etc) via an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) with Automatic Voltage Regulation (AVR).
  19. Flash Memory 2.10 Filesize: 456.13 KB MD5: 9ceff7b549fa50f5c81369ce55d791ca
  20. The "Hotel California" harmony parts change from B-Harmonic-Minor 2 A-Major and back again. Attaching demo patch, where the smart harmony params (key+scale) r assigned 2 the max 'n min values of the exp pedal. Other similar examples : "We are an American band" attached demo patch harmony solo (changing from D-Major 2 C-Major) , "Highwaystar",etc.
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