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Everything posted by rd2rk

  1. When asking for assistance it helps to specify which Helix you are using. On my Helix Floor: Ins/Outs>Volume Knob Controls=1/4" I believe that this works the same way on the LT.
  2. OP was asking about using Snapshots, so that's what I focused on. Whenever using Snapshots, attention must be paid to everything in the Snapshot. There's lots of ways to do most everything in Helix. That can be a blessing or a curse.
  3. If the SW was "so buggy it won't even launch" it wouldn't work for ANYBODY! Shut down Helix. Reboot your computer. Make sure that your computer is fully updated and not having any issues. Uninstall HX Edit, reinstall including ALL drivers. Turn OFF Real-Time Virus scanners. Start over, using Line6 Updater. If you're still having problems, come back. I know it's frustrating, and you'll REALLY hate this - I've had my Helix since 2016 and never had a single problem updating. Some of us are just lucky. Hmmm...maybe I should check my Lotto ticket...
  4. OP's question was "Is the resultant sound fairly good or is it quite bad?" I didn't say that there was NO REASON to do it. I said (I'll say it in more detail) that the FX loop adds a very small amount of noise to the signal and placing a GAIN boosting device (which always adds its own noise to the signal) in the loop then BOOSTS that small amount of noise. And THAT is the reason it sounds different putting it in the loop vs putting it before Helix. Adds and boosts extraneous noise. IME means "In My Experience". It means that I've tried it. Part of the reason I'm digital is that I don't like extraneous noise. But, hey, if it works for you, go for it! Here in the Digital Wonderland there's No Rules! If it sounds good to YOU, then it IS good! YMMV and all that.
  5. Yes. Both have stereo Ins and outs. However, you are limited to 8 FX total, and which ones you'll be able to use depends on the DSP load of the FX. For example, if you're planning on using separate HX amps, which are MONO and DSP heavy, you might be VERY limited in the # of FX that you can use.
  6. Plug your second instrument into an unused RETURN. Place its Block wherever you want the second instrument to enter the signal chain. Set the Level to +6db (or whatever works) and the MIX to 100%. To use the first instrument, SAVE the Snapshot with the RETURN Block BYPASSED/OFF. To use the second instrument, save that Snapshot with the RETURN Block ACTIVE/ON. Assuming that you're routing PATH 1 into PATH 2 and the SPLIT on Path 2 is already in use, place the SEND of the RETURN you used with DRY THRU set to -120db (OFF) wherever you want the second instrument to EXIT the signal chain and do the same thing with the BYPASS Snapshot assignment (BYPASSED/OFF for instrument 1 and ACTIVE/ON for instrument 2) to route the signal to the alternate output destination. The second instrument level might not quite match the level of the first, but you can assign to Snapshots either the Channel level on the amp or (I would use) the Output level to compensate. NOTE - if you're ONLY using 1/4" or XLR in MONO you can save a Block by foregoing the SEND and assigning the Output PAN parameter to the appropriate snapshots. Note that you lose the Auto Impedance function on the second instrument, but that only matters if you MUST use FX with <1M inputs. The RETURN is 1M, so it will load the pickups accordingly. Attached example preset demonstrates the technique. I created this on my HXS but it'll work the same on Helix, just use the appropriate SEND/RETURN. John1912.hlx
  7. Is it that way in EVERY preset? If not, maybe that preset is corrupt and you need to recreate it. If it's the same in ALL presets, then it sounds like you've done all that you can do. Open a support ticket.
  8. IME putting an OD/DISTORTION pedal in the FX Loop tends to boost the small bit of noise that exists in the FX Loop. These pedals are meant to be placed between the guitar and amp and work best with Helix when placed between the guitar and Helix. YMMV.
  9. I must be misunderstanding your workflow, because you cannot, nor have you ever been able to, save a single snapshot. Snapshots are saved by saving the preset, which saves ALL of the snapshots in whatever state they're in. Snapshot Edits=RECALL prevents the loss of your changes between snapshot tweaks, WITHOUT saving the preset, unless you change presets WITHOUT saving, in which case all changes are lost, so maybe that's what you mean? I must be misunderstanding because I know that you're no rookie at this, you've been at it a long time and you're a performing PRO. Whatever, the important thing is that your workflow works for YOU, so ROCK ON!
  10. Helix doesn't SAVE a Snapshot until you SAVE the preset. I don't recall how it worked in 3.15. I seem to remember that the FUNCTION of a FS was always set the same in all Snapshots. Didn't it used to set all Snapshot BEHAVIORS for a switch the same until you SAVED the preset? IOW - set a FS to HX Snapshots FUNCTION and the BEHAVIOR to go to a different Snapshot and it set that FS to THAT behavior in all Snapshots? I like the way it works now, as I would rather set the FS FUNCTION's BEHAVIOR in each snapshot per my needs. I could be mis-remembering how it worked previously, I'm not sure what I had for dinner last night... :-P Only ONE save is necessary if you have Snapshot Edits set to RECALL.
  11. SÌ. Imposta il comando istantaneo (fulmine) su Bank/Program. Imposta MIDI CHANNEL sullo stesso canale del ToneX. Impostare CC00 su 0 (PC# 0-127 nel Banco 1) o 1 (PC# 0-21 corrispondono ai preset 128-149 nel Banco 2). Tieni presente che mentre il ToneX SW numera i BANCHI come 0-49 A-B-C, sto usando i MIDI BANK n. 0 e 1. Usa lo stesso Instant Command in ogni istantanea, impostato sulla destinazione ToneX desiderata. Yes. Set the Instant Command (lightning bolt) to Bank/Program. Set MIDI CHANNEL to the same channel as ToneX. Set CC00 to 0 (PC#s 0-127 in Bank 1) or 1 (PC#s 0-21 correspond to presets 128-149 in Bank 2). Note that while ToneX SW numbers BANKS as 0-49 A-B-C, I'm using the MIDI BANK #s 0 and 1. Use the same Instant Command in each Snapshot, set to the desired ToneX destination.
  12. To expand on what @theElevatorssaid - When you assign a FS to a function, HX Snapshot in this case, that FS retains that function in ALL snapshots. If you the assign that FS to go to a specific snapshot all of the other snapshots retain the DEFAULT - in this case, NEXT, which is the same as Snapshot UP. So, when you get to the destination snapshot from Snapshot 1, the FS assignment in that snapshot is NEXT by default. You have to assign a behavior for that FS in EVERY snapshot. IOW - if FS1 in SS1 calls SS5, FS1 in SS5 will be NEXT unless you assign it to do something else, say, go to SS3. When a function in a SS is assigned to a FS, that FS must be assigned to a specific behavior in EVERY SS else those Snapshots default to NEXT.
  13. Maybe it's time to contact support?
  14. In Global Settings>Ins/Outs you can set the Sends/Returns to either INSTRUMENT (1M) or LINE. What you lose is the AUTO INPUT-Z - if the device you're using has that. When asking for help on this forum, it's helpful to specify which device you're using.
  15. Hard to say, since you didn't specify which device you're using...
  16. I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish. The following assumes that the Catalyst is the only audio output device. For recording into a DAW (using the Catalyst as interface), I leave the MS Sound Panel settings to the internal sound card on both recording and playback. This allows me to stream backing tracks from the computer to the Catalyst AUX input and still use the computer's internal mic for whatever. In my DAW I set the ASIO Driver (DL from Line6) to the Catalyst. I set one track to USB 1 or 1/2 for processed signal, and another track to 3 or 3/4 for DI signal. Track/Record Monitor Switch set to AUTO. This prevents the DAW signal from mixing a delayed signal with the LIVE signal when recording. Unless I'm misunderstanding your goal, this should fix it.
  17. I have no noises with my setup, simple RCA SPDIF as described. I don't even really know what "word clock" is for. I just looked it up: Word clock and MIDI interfaces. - InSync ( Seems like more stable, less strain on CPU. Like, if you're depending on controlling Helix from DAW for live performance it would be useful? It does seem like it's an either/or thing - BNC vs RCA, so maybe using both is causing your noise problem? Just spitballing here while we wait for someone who knows what they're talking about to chime in!
  18. If FOOTSWITCHES>STOMP SELECT is set to TOUCH or BOTH, then you should be able to select a Block, touch a FS and the screen should show the option to assign the FS to Bypass that Block. In HX Edit, RIGHT CLICK any Block and use BYPASS ASSIGN from the dropdown to select how to control it.
  19. Helix Floor and Scarlett 18i20 - SPDIF works fine. Simple RCA SPDIF cable connections. Internal, 48k. Helix can be set to send or receive MIDI Clock. Not something I normally use, but with RECEIVE MIDI CLOCK set to AUTO I have synced it to follow tempo from Reaper. I also used it to control DAW Tempo with EZDrummer. Both of these were just experiments to see if it worked and TBH, I only did it once, long ago. Only noises I ever got with this rig was when I tried to use a really low buffer setting (<64) when using Helix with plugins. Need a better computer to go <64, but 7.6ms latency works fine for me (Scarlett as AI, Helix as AI 12.6ms). That's about all I know, like I said, not something I really use.
  20. If the affected block's parameters are being controlled by the replaced block, its parameters could be reverting to defaults. IDK for sure, but something to consider. If that is what's happening, you should express your opinion on Ideascale. If you still can't track it down, that's weird, contact support.
  21. If the copy/paste is replacing an existing block which has SS/FS settings that affect parameters in other blocks, that might be the issue. Otherwise, if it's just adding a block, that should not cause an issue.
  22. The BSOD in Windows indicates a computer issue. Start there. Make sure you've got the PC fully updated and running properly under the latest version of Windows. I haven't suffered a BSOD since Win10. Do a thorough memory integrity check, as the BSOD is often caused by bad physical memory. If you get it fixed, remember computers 101 - back up early, back up often!
  23. If you're in the US, call support. If not, open a support ticket. It sounds to me like maybe a cable has come loose inside.
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