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Everything posted by bjnette

  1. One gripe I see often from nay sayers when departing the POD HD is "would prefer higher quality and fewer FX over 'too many'" It looks as if the higher quality is there but the quantity might not be and this might be for those who'd like to use the new Axe FX board in their loop of the helix or the M9 if you sold your HD 500. Just summizing here but it is being positioned as a hub and seem to be inviting the use of other products openly and why not! Very smart actually!
  2. bjnette

    Helix demo tones

    The tones in the video actually sound excellent, but how is it hooked up? Is it into a couple of amps or a powered speaker that is mic'd? I for one would like to know the recording chain for the demo. The quality is there but how do we know the demo isnt actually into a real mic'd amp? LOLOL The FX shown really do sound good in the video! Cant wait to try one out in person
  3. bjnette

    I Pre-Ordered

    I am the same about pre ordering without actually checking it out. When it comes to selling product any company will tell you or imply anything to make a sale. It is their livelihood afterall. When I first checked out the Helix videos I thought it was a makeover of the same HD modelling applied to a new processor resulting in greater headroom. While it has dual processors one as applied to the OS the other the modelling. I am sure this alone is a big plus but I have since also learned from the FAQs that the modelling is mostly from the ground up. While I am happy with my HD500 I dont intend swapping it out unless there is a modelling quality improvement which is discernable. None of this psychoacoustical interpretation of better quality. (I bought this new better looking unit and to my ears it sounds better) None of that. I want an across the boards actual sound quality improvement and just better pre amps, converters and operating system bit resolution and increased headroom should pull that off by a near 5% improvement which will probably have me me buying it. A 25% sound improvement is a totally unreal expectation. A 10% sound improvement is probably the ballpark that would be a very stiff target to achieve. Baring in mind that the line of improvement in sound quality is exponential it'l show up in the nuances and feel. 5% across the boards will be discernable to any ear. 10% will be mind blowingly obvious and above anything now avaialable And unresistable.
  4. Yeah it looks way ahead of anything. Love that display! Per the FAQ I read and answers on this forum the modelling is from the ground up. I read, there are no headroom issues which means it must 32bit floating point or above. The routing is enticing To me sound quality is paramount. If it sounds noticeably better, I'm sold. I really want to check it out asap
  5. Wow Looks way cool. It certainly forfills most of the requested shortcomings of the HD series. It'l be quite a bit more lira here in aussie land too but it certainly gets the g.a.s. going. It will be under plenty of scrutiny from me. I just searched for any Sweatwater early reviews of the HD500 but couldn't find any to do any A/Bing the sound quality. I couldnt hear any improvement in sound from the video and thought it was a makeover of the HD modelling. Reading this thread and the FAQ article most of the modelling is from scratch. Sound quality improvements are hard to resist. over easy one the eyes display and UX. I am keen
  6. Well I been busy and with work on road car cost , the usual business of living so am still apply the global EQ this way. Recording via s/pdif I am simply using global EQ. to help with seperation duties between different guitar parts as well as making room to bass drums and vocals. Also amp low cut DEP to save using a FX slot if I can on the HD500 It all helps
  7. There is a free version of revo uninstaller which will get all renbants if really needed, I have had similar woes. I found just normal windows unistaller works. When the dialogue comes up select remove the drivers. Restart PC with usb to the HD connected. PC will automatically reinstall drivers. When in monkey don't select to update the drivers
  8. I really try to make the amps work on their own without too much else, including for guitar. I am yet to add much on bass models but I'll try.
  9. Great demo! Really nice tones and cool playing!
  10. Actually hiss was accentuated by a red comp I was trying out with it but not really needed. I find turning up the thump and cab res pleasing. Be interested in other pleasing approaches
  11. I got to admit with work being so busy, I rarely get a chance to play and get on here to satisfy me.LOL Work is full on which is good too. But I did get a chance to try out the amps last night after you bringing up the subject dunncan. I got a lot of success with the SVT's The hiss on bright ch is a bit much but lowering the gain helps. I am really liking these too. On the Kruger amp with the breakup that was from my patch and not the amp after all. The amp remains clean but a little hiss comes in at high gains. I am pleased as now the unit is perfectly fine for recording bass with and makes the upgrade totally worth it.
  12. A great endorcement, she is a top notch player using a Variax is really something!
  13. Rarely play with a pick I mostly use my two or three fingers and thumb for slap. Some styles on my acoustic bass with a more classical fingering. I feel I can get better rock feel with a fingered tone. Pick is fine but I am not as good with one
  14. I tried a Mustang III out when I was I got my HD500. I thought it was the amp in the room versus the headphones. The Mustang sounded georgeous
  15. It would sound better thru a bass or keyboard amp than the battery amp unless you plan to busk with it. If it is for home a pair of 5" recording monitors will sound great and you can playback playlists as well as mix your own stuff on them . Like your headphones they will give you a full sound but in the room too. Depends on your needs, How good you are musically, but decide what you intend to do musically in the next year and then look at the current scene and invest in gear that will forfill both. Look also for the longterm goals 5 or more years time.
  16. For live I have an awesome Fender BXR 400watt dual amp. It is solid state and about the tone of the old Peavey heads It is not a MarkBass or any of those modern bass amps that have extra extended tone. I can get it sounding nice and tight sounding as the 15" cab has plenty of low down. On some jams and got another coming up in a few weeks I'll use my HD500 into 50 watt practice amp and a split to a nice little Gorilla distortion Amp just to add some grit and sustain and a bit of volume. I am hoping to try it with some HD FX into the distortion amp or as a dual patch panned to amp and keep the bass amp clean. I have tried this out a few times and so long as the distortion is background it is great. After looking at a rig rundown of Living Color I got more willing to try FX with bass. It really depends on who you are playing with as it can be distracting or take on a more solo role. hehehe One of the hardest sounds is a Bass in the room sound done with a modeler or in-the-box but with a good preamp and analogue compression on the way in and some exciter harmonics with EQ and verb in the mix, it can get that nice bottom end. I am willing to give the HD a shot at it when next in the studio. Incidentally, your bass tones duncann have been just great, really cut well in the mix. Nice pick attack!
  17. Hi dunncan, I too am digging the Krugar and cabs Much much smoother, less lumpy then FlipTop. I don't like the breakup gain but am considering it as a dual patch ala Billy Sheehan Often insert a distortion dual path on my HD500 but with what you have mentioned is good to know as far as getting results versus dsp with the new models. Cheers
  18. I think Vai is only using his Axe for one or two FX in it. See it from 14:07 I like that he is a lover of gear too! From 17:34 talks about fractal. Watching it again , you might be right
  19. yeah into a 4x10 with a 57 off axis. LOL
  20. Excellent! But I've never seen any from the World class studios I have checked out on line on their gear lists. But this sort of thing is of interest to me and would be great to see. I know Pod Farm was popular for a time. earlier was Waves GTR for a bit quite a few years ago but since, there are plenty of Soft Amp Sims on the market. I was on Amplitude2 and RevalverIII which were great but to me getting a POD HD 500 was better value, you got hardware, stomp switches, exp pedal and midi and it could stand up to the rigors of gigs. The HD amps sounded better than RevalverIII at the time which sounded tp me the best of the amp sims near 3 years ago now. Almost an age in computing years. A testament to Line 6 is the modelling still holds its own and continues to be added to and supported. and reaffirms ones buying decision.
  21. I tell you a lot of these stories, clips etc are really reassuring. I love my POD HD but amongst Audio and Recording Engineers it doesn't get much love. Understandably it is more fun to mic an amp and as such the Kemper has won alot of favour as engineering skill comes into it. I'll admit I too like going for a mic'd amp sound if client willing to pay a little extra. You would be amazed how many now record with a multi FX device for demos and such even in Project Studios. It does really suit fast live recordings where everyone is in-ear and you mic the drum kit and vocals. If going to be released; overdub vocals and guitars with real amps or if time is real short reamp maybe the lead parts, Anyway POD HDs are perfectly adequate for having a couple in the Studio.
  22. What is the intention and purpose of announcing a change of camp. I came I saw and found this unit to be frustrating it is on ebay adios. I woulda bought a Kemper for that kind of money. A Fractal is a pita I hear to make your own patches on. But also as quoted in Audio Technology magazine. "If you cant find the tone you want with a POD HD you might want to take up the trumpet! But if you are just using a few of the FX in it , I understand it is popular with plenty of Pro rigs for its FX
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