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  1. Hi, Interesting. I have 2 G90 receivers and both have worked with no issues for years. Both of my TBP12 transmitters are old, and therefore old firmware, which I think means they're both on RF1. The only suggestion that I have to offer is to use the scan function on the G90 receiver to pick a clear channel. Sorry, that's probably not much help, I just wanted to chime in and provide my experience. Good luck, --jack
  2. I'd be interesting in knowing if there's an easier way than what I do...which is that I have a cable that has a TRS connector that I plug into my bass (Rickenbacker 4003 with a Ric-o-Sound output jack) that splits out into 2 T4AF connectors that I plug into 2 TBP12 transmitters. And I have 2 Relay G90 receivers in my rack. I also have 2 Relay G50 receivers that I use when I use a pedal board instead of the rack. --jack
  3. Hi, Here's the preset that I'm having trouble with. Here's the sequence that I used to reproduce the issue: Load the preset and connect bass to Return 1 and speaker/amp to Multi out Disconnect USB Play bass and note audio output Tune bass Play for another minute or so. Let it site without playing bass for a while. I did something else for about 15 or 20 minutes. Play bass and note no output for Path 1. I can see the input block on Path 1 go green to indicate activity, but no audio and no green on the output block. Also, in my original description, I forgot that I also have a Preamp block between the Volume block and the IR. You'll notice it in the preset. The IR that I'm using is an Ampeg 810 cab. I forget where I got the IR, so I didn't want to post it here in case I purchased it. After the output stopped, I reconnected the USB. Using HX Edit, I deactivated/bypassed the Amp+Cab block and output resumed. I activated it again and output stopped. Hope you can recreate it. Thanks for the help! --jack Jack Anthem 6_23.hlx
  4. Hi, Thanks for the help. I will post the preset this evening when I get home from work. Also, I realized that I forgot about the IR block on Path 1. I edited my original post to include it. Thanks, --jack
  5. I reported this in the Bug thread, but wanted to put it here too, in case someone else is having the same issue. An issue that I reported on September 14, 2017 regarding loss of volume over a period of time is back. On 5/26/2023, I update the firmware on my Helix Rack from 3.15 to 3.60. I have a preset for bass that has 2 paths: Path 1 has an input, compressor, amp+cab, compressor, volume, IR, and output blocks. Input comes from Return 1; output is MULTI. This path processes the neck pickup from my bass. Path 2 has an input, Mic Preamp, and output blocks. Input comes from Return 4; output is MULTI. This path processes the bridge pickup from my bass. When I select the preset, everything works as expected for a few minutes. After a few minutes (maybe 5 or so minutes), I no longer get any volume from Path 1. I don't really notice that it gets quieter over time, just that any signal/volume from Path 1 is gone after a while. When I switch to a different preset and then back to this preset it works as expected again. For another few minutes. The issue may not have been introduced in 3.6 since I upgraded from 3.15 to 3.6. --jack
  6. An issue that I reported on September 14, 2017 regarding loss of volume over a period of time is back. On 5/26/2023, I update the firmware on my Helix Rack from 3.15 to 3.60. I have a preset for bass that has 2 paths: Path 1 has an input, compressor, amp+cab, compressor, volume, IR, and output blocks. Input comes from Return 1; output is MULTI. This path processes the neck pickup from my bass. Path 2 has an input, Mic Preamp, and output blocks. Input comes from Return 4; output is MULTI. This path processes the bridge pickup from my bass. When I select the preset, everything works as expected for a few minutes. After a few minutes (maybe 5 or so minutes), I no longer get any volume from Path 1. I don't really notice that it gets quieter over time, just that any signal/volume from Path 1 is gone after a while. When I switch to a different preset and then back to this preset it works as expected again. For another few minutes. The issue may not have been introduced in 3.6 since I upgraded from 3.15 to 3.6. --jack
  7. I did a Backup, Factory Reset, and Restore. No recurrence of the problem - so far. I will keep my eye on it. Thanks so much for the help! --jack
  8. One more thing...I looked through all of the Global Settings to see if there was anything there that I thought could contribute to my issue, but didn't see anything. Oops, 1 more...I guess that I can try the Return jacks and Aux In to see if there's any difference. --jack
  9. I'm having an issue with my Helix Rack that just started this week. I was using firmware version 2.82, but I upgraded to 2.92 last night and the problem is still there. I have my passive bass connected to Guitar In via a known good instrument cable. I have tried several cables just to be sure it's not a cable issue. I have the L/Mono 1/4" output connected to a practice amp (Ampeg BA-112 v2) and I have the XLR Left/Mono connected to a stereo power amp that is not powered on. Again, I have tried several cables just to be sure it's not a cable issue. The Helix Control is not connected. This configuration normally works with no issue. When I power on the Helix, it comes up with an empty patch, User 1, Patch 15, New Patch. The input block is set to Multi and the Gate is OFF; the output block is set to Multi; there are no other blocks. The Volume knob is set to 12:00. The problem is that when I play the bass, there's no output from the Helix unless I play very softly or until the note played decays until it's at low volume. It's as if there's a hard compressor or limiter in the Helix. When I play normally (fairly hard right hand technique) I hear a click when I play a note. When I hold the note, I will eventually get some output after the note decays past some threshold. The output meters with version 2.92 show this also. It's as if there is an active compressor or limiter. But the preset has nothing - other than the Input and Output blocks. This happens on my other presets also, I just switched to an empty preset for troubleshooting. After a while (5, 10, 20 minutes?), this issue goes away and all is normal. I don't do anything to make the issue go away, I just continue to play and scratch my head, lol. While the Helix is having the issue, cycling power doesn't help. It does the same thing when it restarts. It's not until the Helix resolves itself that I can cycle power and it works normally. Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! --jack
  10. I have a Helix Rack and use Reaper on my Windows 8 PC and I don't have the issue that you describe. I'm curious to know what your Helix preset looks like. Especially the input and output blocks. Also curious to know, in Reaper, which input source you're recording (hopefully not USB 7/8) and whether it's mono or stereo. Also in Reaper, what are the output port(s) on the Master track? Should be USB 1/2. Maybe you're recording the dry guitar output (USB 7/8) instead of the preset output. [EDIT]: Reading your previous reply, looks like you're recording USB 1/2 mono or stereo. Still would like to see your preset. Here's something that you can try that might help: On the PC, use Windows Media Player to play an mp3 or wav file that you're familiar with. With the Helix connected via USB, the audio should be routed to the Helix and the monitor speakers attached to it. Is that the case? Does it sound good? Meaning quality as you expect? If audio from Windows Media Player is going to your Helix and quality is good, open a new project in Reaper. Create a track and insert the same mp3/wav file into that track. Hi the play button in Reaper and compare the audio with the audio from Windows Media Player. It should sound the same. Another thing you can try is to arm the track for recording in Reaper and select Monitor Input by right-clicking on the arm button. Play your guitar and see how it sounds. If your preset's output block is Multi, you will want to change that to USB 1/2 in order for this to work. --jack
  11. Thanks for the vid Nick. Interesting to see how others are getting results. --jack
  12. I didn't think so. For the Actition to work, you'd probably have to get them to make a custom version for you. --jack
  13. Too bad the CC message sent by the Actition controllers aren't editable. The 8-button version would be really good for this application. Maybe they will customize the CC messages for you?? I have the 4-button USB version (not used with the Helix) and it works very well. Can the CC messages needed by the Helix to select snapshots be edited? --jack
  14. I don't have any experience controlling the Helix via MIDI. I want to do the opposite - use Helix to control Ableton. I want to be able to select a specific Ableton Live set when I switch from Preset A to Preset B. Good luck, I hope to learn something by following this thread. --jack
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