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Everything posted by HonestOpinion

  1. Is there any chance you assigned your CC commands to the 'Instant' controls (the ones that look like a lightning bolt)? That can cause the commands to be sent as soon as you select a preset or a snapshot.
  2. Haven't had much of a chance to play with the new firmware yet. Are other folks noticing an overall improvement to the sound? Not sure whether they tweaked the amps/cabs but new firmware does seem to make everything sound better, even the neighbors' dog who keeps barking next door... :)
  3. Sorry, maybe I am being a little thick-headed here but I am a bit confused. When you say 'update' are your referring to the firmware update or the global reset? The global reset of course requires a reboot. If you then load your backups after this, which is the recommended procedure, then you will see the rebuild process upon your next reboot. It seemed you were saying you also saw the rebuild on yet another subsequent reboot? My assumption is you will always see the rebuild on the reboot following a load of backups from a previous firmware version whether you have rebooted once or a thousand times since the firmware update and global reset. Which means that before modifying your freshly loaded former presets you should probably always reboot after loading presets from a former firmware version's backups, regardless of how many times you have rebooted your Helix since your firmware update and global reset. I guess this is an important clarification for people who may turn their Helix on and off several times before loading their prior backups. It seems though as if you saw the rebuild twice after the backup load. Is that the case or have I misunderstood your post?
  4. You don't need to run the global reset before updating the firmware (unless you failed to do it after your last firmware update in which case it probably is not a bad idea). I can see why if you just blew away all your old presets and did not load any new ones you might not see any rebuild messages. It may not need to rebuild anything if all that is loaded are the new factory presets and templates. Don't know for sure as I loaded up all my old presets.
  5. Interesting, I wonder if some presets require two post global reset reboots to fully rebuild. You probably already did the Global Reset, that would be my first question. I assume it has finished the rebuild process and boots up without any rebuild messages now. The rebuilding process was persistent with every boot a few firmware versions ago and it caused the Editor and even the Helix to lockup periodically on the affected presets (the ones showing up in the rebuild messages). Did you modify any of your own custom loaded presets in between the first reboot and the second reboot (post global reset)? Just curious because I don't remember seeing any rebuild messages on my second boot but I may not have been looking at my screen. That is why I recommended not changing anything until you are getting a 'clean' boot process, as well as doing backups after the rebuild process was completed and no longer occurring.
  6. +1 Absolutely awesome troubleshooting and thank you for the workaround! Hopefully this will get fixed in the next update.
  7. I didn't see an answer yet to DunnedinDragon's question about whether you did a global reset after this update. Assuming you have, did you ever do a global reset after your prior update (not this latest one) before taking backups? You probably would have encountered problems previously if you hadn't but just wondering.
  8. Oh, and how could I leave out the nifty new ability to color-code the footswitch rings for snapshots. Great addition! Guess what I am trying to say is it is all good!
  9. Nice and compact, me likee!
  10. Not that I can think of, as long as you have a strategy for recalling global settings and IR slot position. If you carefully follow the backup/restore, firmware update, and global reset process everything else should take care of itself. One more note and this is just my process, totally optional. I have four main directories - Bundles, Setlists, Presets, IRs. Every time I update to a new version of the firmware I create a new subdirectory under each of the four main directories named after the Editor version. For instance, for the last one I had a subdirectory in each of the main directories named 'Editor 2.01'. That is how I segregate all my backups. Now I have four new subdirectories, one each under the main directories named 'Editor 2.10'. These backups with the exceptions of the IRs are essentially simple text files (JSON I believe). They take up next to no space and I keep 'em around. That way if I ever have to roll back to a previous version everything is neatly organized. I suppose I could use some sort of versioning software but I haven't gone to the effort, although I would not be surprised if some of the hardcore programmers on this forum have done exactly that. Each time I take additional backups under a specific Editor/firmware version I simply append them with an incremented number. When I restore after a firmware update I use the latest backup from the previous version. Sounds more complicated then it is.
  11. Really sorry this happened, you must be tearing your hair out right about now. I assume you already tried doing the import of your backup again. If your backup files are corrupt or incomplete you may be out of luck but if not it might be worth rolling back to your last firmware version (make sure you download and install the corresponding Helix app), restore the backup you made for that version, make fresh backups, and then try the upgrade and restore process again. I recommend the following procedure for backups/restore : Note: Be sure to do global resets where indicated if you decide to go the rollback route. Best of luck!
  12. One additional note here. It is a good idea to either note or write down your global settings before a firmware update as they will also be reset when you do the Global reset.
  13. I wonder if this is related to a bundle restore or if something went wrong in your particular restore process. I restored using setlists and all of my snapshots restored properly. Are your snapshots missing from the Factory setlists or the User setlists, or both? Probably not, but I am wondering if there is any chance you restored a bundle backup you made after doing the firmware update and global reset. Note: When I refer to global settings I am referring to the 'Preset Mode Switches' under Global Settings > Footswitches. This is what determines what combination of snapshots, presets, or footswitch assignments display with your footswitches.
  14. Love the new effects and amps, would have been happy to have seen several more of them, but what we got is great, love the new PRS Archon and the SD-1 overdrive model. I love pretty much all of the new features, two that immediately jumped out were the new 'switchless' expression pedal functionality that uses position to activate and the addition of the ability to use MIDI to bypass/enable blocks. I also love the addition of the keyboard/mouse shortcuts for quickly assigning a parameter to the snapshots (thank you very much)!
  15. If you are just not seeing your snapshots on the footswitches then this could be your global settings. If they are actually gone when you look in the Editor you have another issue entirely.
  16. If you can't see your snapshots in the Editor then you may have discovered a bug in the restore process or done something wrong during your restore. If you are just not seeing them on your footswitches then it is probably just how you have your Global Settings preferences set for your footswitches. Is anyone else using a bundle restore and not getting their snapshots back? Additionally, is anyone using setlist restores and not getting their snapshots back?
  17. Yes, presets export with setlists. I like having them individually as well though for yet another measure of security and sometimes I copy over a preset or tweak the wrong one and it makes it easier to get back to my original version without for instance having to restore an entire setlist for one preset. Mostly I do it just to have more redundancy. They take up almost no space and as I referred to earlier they can all be backed up at once so I don't have to do them one by one (have way too many).
  18. My suggestion is the following, a bit of a pain but worth the effort in my opinion. I make two backups of everything in this list with the exception of the IRs although I should probably back them up twice as well. Two backups has saved my bacon due to a mistake while backing up setlists. It also helps protect you if one of your lists gets corrupted. Last but not least, DO NOT RESTORE A BUNDLE unless your intention is to write over the latest factory presets and templates. That is why I copy factory presets into a User setlist before I tweak them. Restoring User lists ONLY is the best way to go for the way I manage my presets. Remember, a bundle restore overwrites everything including the Factory and Templates lists with the ones from the previous firmware version (your old backup). There are other methods out there though. Backup a bundle (I do this only for emergencies, never for a restore) Backup each User setlist separately (these are what I restore after a firmware update) Backup all your custom presets individually. You can do them all at one time (from each User list) by highlighting all of them and hitting the 'Export' link Backup your IRs, if they are not numbered then take a screenshot so you can restore them to the same slots after your global reset.
  19. I cannot believe how many phenomenal improvements to functionality there are in this release! :) The new amps and effects are great too. The Helix just keeps getting better and better! Maybe I am deluding myself and the Line6 team had this stuff all planned out already without any user input, but I don't think so, at least not entirely. It seems like they are truly listening to their user base as well as actively incorporating ideas from IdeaScale. If anyone is reading this who does not already own a Helix I heartily encourage you to jump onboard, this is one hellacious piece of gear and I can only imagine what it will be looking like in several months. So far this is my favorite piece of gear of all time! Maybe I am gushing a bit but in keeping with the holiday spirit the Helix is like a 'turducken', you know a duck inside a chicken inside a turkey (I know, worst metaphor ever). Its a little bit 'o magic wrapped up in some mojo encased by a ground-breaking and revolutionary design. Nice job fellas, can't wait to see what a 'major' firmware update looks like, this one feels pretty major to me!
  20. Definitely hoping for better IR management. I also hope and assume I am not the first guy asking for stuff in the next firmware version on the day of the latest release. Things I would like to see happen first to improve IR implementation: Whatever mechanism L6 comes up with so that IRs can be restored with no fuss, no muss, and no renaming. Hopefully it will be using the IR name such that IRs can be restored to any slot without have to worry about your IR list's order, as long as a preset's IR is in the list somewhere. Longer name space that does not require renaming an IR so that it does not cut off critical information like 'cap', 'edge', distance from mic, etc.. Ability to handle IRs larger than 2048 (thinking this might be the most challenging one to implement by a country mile)
  21. Dostenning has a topic on this:
  22. Important note ye Helix users. After you backup your presets and IRs and update your firmware and run the global reset (FS 9&10 on the floor version) and do a restart make absolutely sure to shut the Helix down and restart it one more time before you start tweaking your presets. You will notice that the first time you shut down and restart the Helix after you have updated the firmware, done the global reset, and loaded the presets from your previous firmware version that the screen will show that all the presets loaded from your prior firmware version are being rebuilt. Again, this will happen on the next restart AFTER the global settings reset/restart and the load of your old presets. I don't know if this will impact any presets you have modified in between the firmware update and your second restart but it seems like a good precautionary measure to let your restored presets do their final rebuild before you start changing them. You will also want to back up all your bundle, setlists, IRs, and presets AFTER you do the second restart of the Helix and all of the presets from your previous firmware version have been rebuilt (you can do it before if you want as well). Rule of thumb, make sure you get good backups and don't start changing presets until after you can do a restart and there are no longer any rebuild messages on the screen during the bootup process.
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