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Everything posted by joel_brown

  1. Hmmm, I have a JCM900 and thought the POD's JCM800 sounded extremely close. But I had to do a lot of EQ to get it there. I turned down the treble in the POD and I also use a dual band external EQ to finish it off. It wasn't easy but so far nothing in the POD came easy. At first I was very frustrated with the amount of effort it took to get the PODHD sounding like I wanted. In the end I got the tone I was looking for an learned a bunch of stuff about routing, effects, and EQ. With the PODHD, Plug and Play is more like Plug and Play and Tweak...a lot.
  2. Excellant post about the Axe compared to PODHD. It would be nice if Line6 had a slightly higher end unit for say $800 to $1000 that could compete a little more in the higher end market. I ended up buying an external dual band EQ for the POD anyway and I'd rather have that built in plus a little more DSP power wouldn't hurt. But I'm very happy with the PODHD and it's the best tone and feel I've had so far in the 30+ years of playing guitar.
  3. Thanks for the setup tips. I finally had a chance to try it the other day through a Marshall JCM900 using the 4cm method. I did the Max level/Min gain but didn't try the Max tone. I found I had to back down the Max level to around 60 to keep the feedback under control at live volume levels. It sounded really good but I gotta say the PODHD Pre-Amp into the JCM900 power section is damn good too. It's really hard to tell the differance.
  4. Although the Crown you have should be more than enough power, using the power section of any tube amp will give you some nice warmth to your tone.
  5. For a nice stereo effect, you can also use a single amp but place a delay on the left side set to 20ms. I learned that from Glenn Delaune. His tutorials on Youtube are really good.
  6. Are you kidding me ? This is why you won't be buying a HD500X anytime soon ? This is the best reason you could think of ?
  7. I had a similar issue and ended up reducing the AMP Model's treble and presence plus buying an external EQ. Another way I found is to add a Screamer in front of the AMP Model and adjust the tone there too.
  8. Just wanted to hear some opinions on how the PODHD Screamer compares to a real TS-808 when used in the 4CM method to drive the Input of a tube amp.
  9. I think you need to try again. I can't understand what you're trying to say. Something I do when I communicate in other languages is use Google's translator.
  10. IMO - the EQ in the PODHD sucks bad. I personally gave up and bought an external EQ.
  11. How many frequencies can you handle in one parametric EQ in one effect block was your question, I think. The short answer is you get one setting. You adjust the parametric and gain for the frequency you want in the effect block, along with the Hi and Low shelf. If you need to adjust more frequencies, you use another effects block and another EQ. There is a little language barrier here. I hope we eventually get you the answer you're looking for.
  12. Very nice. Now I can finally try out some of the things I've learned here from the 4CM HD500 people. Thanks...
  13. I went with the Desktop for the same reasons. But when I bought it I didn't know about the 4CM method. Can you give me a hint on where to find the thread that talks about this ?
  14. How about explaining how, instead of just calling me ignorant. And btw, I own the Desktop and use it live with a pair of Marshalls with some nice stereo effects. After buying the Desktop, I wish I had bought the HD500 so I could try the 4CM method.
  15. If you're never going to connect to a guitar amp and just use it for recording, then the PODHD Desktop is fine. They may not have all the amp models of the X3 but you will find the HD amp models to be a very nice improvement. The routing of effects with amp models is extermely nice.
  16. Here's a couple quick tips. Goto and checkout some of the Glenn Delaune videos. And of course checkout the meambobo web site at These two places have been a huge help for me.
  17. I'm all for this. I had a POD 2.0 and put the upgrade chip myself with no problems. I'd like to pop in a chip for the PODHD and get a little extra horsepower.
  18. Things I've seen cause this are: Bad USB cable Long USB cable - longer than 12 feet Bad USB port on the computer USB hubs Try a differant USB cable, short than 12 feet in a differant USB port. Don't use a USB hub.
  19. At this point I don't care if they give me an EQ that uses Hz and Db anymore. Unless it's like a Global EQ that doesn't eat up any of the available slots. I already gave up and bought an external EQ some time ago. It's still hard to believe how they did the EQs... It's almost like they were playing a joke on us. I remember trying out all the differant EQs saying to myself "Ok, the normal one's gott'a be in here somewhere".
  20. Since we're joking about guitar players: How many guitar players does it take to screw in a light bulb ? One, but he goes for hours about how great he did it. How many bass players does it take to screw in a light bulb ? Still just one, but the guitarist had to show him how. And last but not least. What is the last thing a drummer says in a band ? Hey guys, lets try one of my songs. Ok, one more. And one time our bass guitarist almost didn't make it to the gig. He locked his keys in the car and it took him 4 hours to get the drummer out.
  21. I run the PODHD using Studio Out into the Effect Returns of a pair of Marshall JCM900s. Yes I'm not using the pre-amp but I am using the EL-34 tube power amps. Plus I run stereo when playing live and spread the amps/cabs very far apart. I've tried various ways of pluging into the pre-amp and certain effects running through the effect return, etc. etc. Even had effects pedals over the years too. The way I do it may not be typical, but so far that's how I like it the best. A friend of mine does it the same way with his Fractal AXE. He's the one who suggested it to me.
  22. It took me months to get the tone I was looking for and several more months to be completely happy. I spent a lot of time tweaking tones by myself and testing them in a live setting to finally get what I wanted. An important thing I learned in a live setting is to make sure the other instruments are also correct. For example: I had to do some experimenting with the bass guitar tone to blend better with my tone.
  23. Mine already does that... It'll even clear error codes and make the Check Engine light go off. I can also set my PODHD on the floor and it'll automatically vacuum both carpeting and hardwoods completley autonomously. If I pour a little beer on my PODHD, get it slightly drunk, then sweet talk it a little, well I don't want to say what happens next.
  24. Kind'a jumping into the middle of this but even my Marshall JCM900 needs a Tube Screamer or some kind of boost/compressor to give it the gain it needs too. I've back to backed the PODHD against it just to see how close Line6 came with it's modeling. I was very impressived.
  25. Didn't we just have a similar thread to this not long ago ?
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