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Everything posted by phil_m

  1. If you're not using alternate tunings on the acoustics, one thing you could try is blending in a little bit of the signal from the magnetic pickups in Workbench. That could give you a bit more of the midrange thump you're looking for in a live acoustic sound. It's kind of ironic, really. What most acoustic DI systems are trying to give you is the sound of a miced acoustic, but in reality, that sound doesn't quite cut it live for most pop and rock applications. You need a bit of the piezo quack to cut through.
  2. I've had mine since August 2012, and I'd says it's worked perfectly ever since. Mine is a JTV69US.
  3. I don't think it's even feasible to replace the saddles on the 69 (or any of the JTV other models, for that matter) with the Graph Tech saddles. The saddles are integral to the bridge in the JTV. I would think that the gap between the current saddles and the Ghost saddles would be relatively small.
  4. What Strat case do you have? The old molded cases that Fender used to use for the American Standards and Deluxes won't fit the 69, but the newer ones will fit the 69: The G&G case will fit, too, of course. But I have tried my 69 in the newer ATA case Fender uses and it fits. It's a little snug around the body, but I'm sure after a while, the foam would loosen up.
  5. The 89F comes with a Graph Tech bridge, so it could be a relatively easy question to answer.
  6. You can buy the Strat/Tele G&G case (which is what the case the JTV69 comes with is) here: I don't know about the 59, though. I'm not sure what style case the Us version of the 59 comes with.
  7. I have been working on recording some fingerstyle acoustic songs with the new acoustic models, and I've got to say, in that context, I really like the new models shine. I don't know if you've ever tried doing that type of stuff with a close-miced acoustic, but it can be somewhat of a pain - trying not to breathe or move too much so the mic doesn't pick it up, getting the mic position just right, ect. But once I added a little EQ and compression in my DAW I was extremely pleased with the results. It sounded as good or better as some of the real recording I've done. I hope to put some samples up here in a little while.
  8. It's kind of funny this is still being debated... In my little test, a majority of people here were fooled by the Variax... Isn't that the point of all this modeling? As far as the output, I do think 2.0 is slightly lower than 1.9. However,as far as the Strat, I've found the 2.0 Spank model is still a little hotter than my real Strat. I mean the thing is, there's not necessarily one quintessential Strat sound. There will be slight variations even between the same models of the same year probably. All Line 6 can do is model the one the pick and stick with it. That's what they've done, and people should just accept it. If they don't like the stock model, they can always modify it on Workbench. Or they can revert to 1.9. No one is forced to do anything.
  9. Well, you're using the PRE version of the amp - that's probably the main thing. They generally have much less output than the full version. The full version will probably sound a lot better, too.
  10. It does seem to me that Zap is on to something. I have run into the same sort of anomalies with other manufacturer's stuff, too. Namely, I've seen some of the Strymon product have the same sort of hiccups. They're doing all their updates via sysex files and MIDI.
  11. Well, I don't know... I suppose there could be some variation of what a traditional Strat sounds like, but it sounds pretty much like a Strat to me. Currently, I have two American Standards, an American Deluxe, a Strat Plus, and a Road Worn Player Strat available to me... So that should give me a pretty good sample size. The one that is probably most different is the Strat Plus with the Lace Sensors. The truth I think anyone would be hard-pressed to tell the difference between the sound of those and the JTV now. It probably would have been hard prior to the 2.0, to be honest with you. I think there's a tendency to imagine minor differences being bigger than they are. I personally can't hear any real deficiencies in the 2.0 Strat sound, and that's my opinion. The thing I notice most about it is that Line 6 seems to have all but eliminated the last little bit of piezo quack in it. I sort of wonder if that's not what people liked about the pre-2.0 versions, though.
  12. You don't even have a JTV... You're making this statement based on YouTube videos... Come on. :huh:
  13. I don't even think RackVax is still a thing... There Facebook page hasn't been updated since October 2011. They have one demo video, and honestly, the sounds in it sound very crappy.
  14. I'm sorry, but I don't understand... Beg to disagree with what? All I was saying is that it doesn't seem to be an issue that's a bug in the firmware in that it's happening to everyone. I'm not saying that what you're experiencing isn't an issue. It certainly is. It just seems like it's something may need to be dealt with in the way of a trip to a service center.
  15. The palm muting actually doesn't bother me much in the current state. I really think it depends on what style you're playing. For the metal guys who want the really tight tones, I can see why it would be noticeable.
  16. For what it's worth, I don't think this issue is a bug in the sense that it's something inherent to the firmware. I double-checked mine today using the 1/4" out and the VDI connection, and I heard no ghost notes when in alternate tunings. One thing to double-check if using the VDI connection is to make sure that the inputs to your tone are not set to Variax Mags anywhere. Other than that, this did happen to a few people with older firmware, too. I suspect you may need to try re-installing the firmware a few times. It would probably be good to roll back to an earlier version and then re-install 2.0.
  17. You could either move the volume pedal effect to somewhere after the amp model, or you could try controlling the channel volume parameter in the amp model with the expression pedal. But I should ask, how are you listening to the HD500X? Are you plugged into an amp, or are you just listening through headphones?
  18. Just to clarify, you can save a model on the Variax through Workbench with alternate tuning and have that model brought up on the JTV when you select a patch on the X3 or Vetta. On the POD HD, though, you don't have to do anything to the Variax model itself to have alternate tunings saved with the preset on the POD.
  19. The only thing I could think to do would involve using an expression pedal. If you set the expression pedal to control the mix parameter so that heel is 100% dry and toe 100% wet (or whatever you want it) , you could effectively have the effect bypassed even while you had it on. That would give you the chance to hit the tap tempo button to reset the LFO prior to bringing the effect in by putting the expression pedal into toe position.
  20. I believe sometimes there can be a lag in the system. One thing, though, is that you don't actually have to register the guitar to install the update. You can always hit the "save for later" (or whatever the specific wording is) option on Monkey.
  21. I don't think it matters, really. The guitar just has to be on. But to be sure, just make sure the LED on the model knob is lit up. What I mean by that, I guess, is that I think as soon as the Variax is detected by Monkey, the LED lights up itself if I remember correctly. I don't think it matters if you had a model selected or the pickups.
  22. I think I'd sooner expect monkeys to fly out my butt than I'd expect Line 6 to go down an open source road. In other words, it ain't gonna happen...
  23. Have you tried powering the guitar with a battery and using the 1/4" out to see if it works at all?
  24. This is by design. The XLR outputs are at mic level since it's assumed people will plugging them into a channel strip with a preamp. The 1/4" outs are at line level, assuming you have the amp/line switch set to line.
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