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  1. @rd2rk Bank/Programme is about sending MIDI patch changes, it doesn't change the Helix Preset (unless you have a Midi cable from out to in)> The function is labeled HX Preset. There are no customisable functions - strangely i would have expected at least the standard red led...
  2. hi - its not available if you set the switch to select a preset.
  3. SOLVED! In each preset I removed the command setting (preset change) from the relevant switch and replaced it with a bypass for the amp - which is always on so the switch lights up when I select the patch. genius! Just have to avoid hitting the switch twice!!
  4. Setting up a custom layout in command centre. Everything works as expected except preset changes do not have led functions. The preset buttons work and change the presets, but do not light up. Any thoughts anybody?
  5. go to globals/footswitches and select 8 presets.
  6. I had heard of this - but I thought it was only on the 2 x 12 version.
  7. Its interesting you see this as a bug. This behaviour is the same on any two midi devices . If you edit a parameter that parameter will change but the patch will not change its name. As an example, if I have a mixer patch and connect a MIDI controller I can change parameters in the mixer from the controller but the patch will not change (and devices vary as to whether they remember those changes on power up). Unless you save the Patch, the changes will be lost. In that mixer example the Patch name might be "All Muted", and the mute parameter active for all channels. On the controller I can unmute channels, but the name of the Patch will still say "All Muted". I dont see this as a bug. I do however have a PC Patch labelled "Helix Control" so I know where the "Master" controls are.
  8. well said. I am another who tires of this "Use Your Guitar Volume" mantra. Its a method that only works in very limited circumstances. It assumes that cleaner sounds should be quieter. It assumes that you want less compression as well as less drive....lets not even start on tone. Old school players did this because they had no choice. The electric players of 50 - 30 years ago were pushing at the limits of technology. They were brave trailblazers using the latest technology and making do with limited capability from their equipment. If it so happens that your entire performance repertoire is based on trying to faithfully reproduce the music and tones from a couple of generations back then fine go ahead - its a free world after all - but dont think that its a viable solution for more modern expectations.
  9. @elbe5050 its explained fully on page 49 of the manual LT 3.0 Owner's Manual - Rev D - English .pdf
  10. no need to make this gain up. Peaks of -12dBFS or even lower are fine or even advisable..
  11. So you are missing key info here. To reproduce any frequency accurately you need a sample rate twice the frequency. So, to reprocuce a 80Hz low E fundamental you only need a sample rate of 160Hz. Of course the TONE of your Low E string is defined by the harmonic series above the fundamental, so:(rounding the figure for simplicity) 80Hz, 160Hz, 240Hz, 320Hz, 400Hz, 480 Hz this point the level of the harmonics is pretty low but not non-existent. If we do this to an E at the 12 fret of the high string we have a fundamental at around 680, so the harmonic series is: 680 Hz, 1260 Hz, 2040 Hz,2720 Hz, 3400 Hz, 4080 Hz, 4760 Hz. Again - very quiet at this point. (note this is why most guitar speakers drop of sharply over 4 K) It is the relative volume of each harmonic in the series that gives TONE. There is an argument that the sample rate needed for guitar might be as low as 12K...and many of the early reverbs had this and professionals were very happy with them. The early Analog (as a BBD) delays topped out at 4K frequency range which fits with this well. Modern digital devices sample at 44.1K or higher...which means a frequency of 22K can be accurately converted. Now we cantr forget Bit Rate...and this is where those very low volume upper harmonics can get lost....the 12K sample rate reverbs of the eighties were originally 8 bit. CDs are 16....modern devices can be 24 or 32....recording tech as high as 196. Bottom line...early digital had limitations we could hear. Modern digital - no way.
  12. @rthirdeye Your post is not 100% clear. You say you are changing channels on your amp. This would not change anything in the FX chain. The amp channel would change but everything else in your Helix would stay exactly the same. It sounds to me like what you are actually doing is changing patch. ie, one patch has the amp on o channel 1 and the other patch has the amp on channel 2. In this case all the settings in Helix could change. You do not have to change patch to change your amp channel. You could set this up as a switch, or as a snapshot. Neither of these requires the spillover feature (which limits you to one chain). Not saying this is bad...I like the spillover approach as I don't usually use more than 8 blocks at a time.
  13. your issue is similar to that of those who use the floor and have wah on 1 and vol on 2. My answer is usually that every Vol/Wah pedal in history has the same "Issue". Once you go toe down with the vol to switch on the wah, the vol is at max. Ive worked with this for the first 20 off years of playing before going to modelers back in the nineties. My solo vol (actually all my patches/snapshots) are designed to have the pedal full toe down. I only use the pedal when I need to reduce vol for some reason. So, switching to wah is not an issue. Before I had separate rhythm patches or snapshots the only time I had to think about this was when using wah in a rhythm sound - in that case I would turn down on the guitar.
  14. I know this is unpopular (I have no understanding of why) but here goes... All of these functions (like assigning a parameter change to a footswitch) are clearly explained in the manual. RTFM I am not saying dont use the forum for help with tricky things etc...but learn the basics first. Its much faster to look up a function in the manual than it is to post a question and wait for a reply.
  15. which Marshall? at what settings? In the room or through monitors? at what volume? Lots of variables here.
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