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Everything posted by bjnette

  1. bjnette

    Props to Line 6

    I paid $AU130 and was pleasantly surprised. Today's brief run thru the amps was a bit lack lastre with a "more of the same" Except I like the smooth Kruiger bass amp and a few clean guitar amps were definitely needed. The metal pack to me was the bungle value and there are some nice amps in it too but I came away feeling more of the same. I might need a bit of a sleep and a proper recording session to really get in there.
  2. I'll check: Yeah your right , it must of been using a frequency I was altering that didn't effect my tone much. As much as it pains me I need reading glasses but am resisting using them. LOL
  3. I'm going to say, if you are happy with what you got and you love it then it is little more than optional extras. After my second tryout on the new amps the best description I'll give is optional extras or more of the same. The bass amps were needed and definitely I can report smooth not so lumpy and would be fine for violin too. The JC120 is not as dry and as harsh as I recall the amp was that I used many times years ago. You really needed some chorus to smooth it out back then and it isn't part of the amp in the HD500 but it sounds fine and would suit. There are more clean amps which was also needed.
  4. I was pleasantly surprised late last night to see the header sticky's from Line 6 and immediately set about to download the FW . Monkey showed up with the USB driver, HD500 and driver updates. When I went to Lic Manager packs werent recognized as the HD500 wasn't connected. This has been a bug on my computer for sometime and I need a wins update I beleive. I uninstalled the driver and restarted.This has always worked to get the HD500 seen by the PC. (driver roll back) I was concerned that the rolled back driver wouldn't allow the update of the bungle. I went into Monkey and the flashup date was now showing along with the driver update. FW went without a hitch. I went to Lic manager and packs were visible and installed no probs. I immediately checked in HDEDIT and the checked out the amps only without FX. Definitely some new tones in there. One clean amp that sounded absolutely georgous not the Jazz Chorus which also sounded dry like I remember them without the chorus. This other amp might of been a bass amp it sounded great on my guitar. I'll report back what one when I am home. Global EQ didn't work and I realized I had used the tuner. It appears it resets. When it was working it was very subtle it is a very gentle EQ to say the least but that is understandable as if too much sculpting could be done , levels and distortion could result. I am sure this bug will be attended too soon, otherwise very happy initially with the bungle.
  5. I agree lack of announcement or a sticky confuses things a bit. Nothing there for the HD X's either.
  6. Thanks to these guys for whetting the appetite.
  8. Yeah I bought them too not realizing the HD500 firmware update was a couple of weeks after the X versions. You might as well wait a bit
  9. I am happy to be getting the update and the complete bundle. It was pretty well stated at the get go of this update that the X men would be first followed a couple of weeks later by the plain men.. It would be cool if an X man put up a video to show us plain men what we are missing. I have bought and paid for my update thinking it was available to us but alas I could of used it on the short term market and made a few dollars
  10. bjnette

    Firmware 2.6

    Nobody wants to an April Fool. Perhaps after the Easter Weekend
  11. My son's birthday on Monday that is how I know we are at the end of the Month. Next weekend is Easter, Any day now, we will be revealed
  12. OFFICIALLY IT IS THE END OF MARCH My son's birthday on Monday; that is how I know we are at the end of the Month. Next weekend is Easter, Excitement is building, Any day now, all will be revealed
  13. For live use going from full amp models to pre amp models can be a level nightmare to wit I use the mixer block. The mixer is a gain and and also a pan for each side, so you have to raise or lower both in most cases. On the full amp models you have a preamp and a power amp section. With a real amp the power amp volume drives the output tubes and transformer, often desirable. The HD full models don't respond like a real power amp section without some editing in DEP and then it is probably only my imagination. LOL
  14. bjnette


    I got Sonar X3 bungled reverbs and some bricasti convolution waves:; IRs. Generally I find the HD verbs totally usuable; they have plenty of parameters to get what your after depending on your genre of course. Usually in most cases you only want a smidgen of verb and often only a delay. The HD verbs have predelay and feedback, decay as well as tone where you can clean it up alot to be not too wet or wet as with the ping pong. The spring reverb is a fav and sounds right for alot of the amps imo. for live. When recording you might like ti use only a tight smidgeon of a plate or none at all.
  15. Professionally presented! Great tones and playing! Really Well Done!'
  16. I got a second HD500 and have mucked about with it routing into its FX return and it soon gets shrill doubling the ADDA conversion. But it does open up possibilities for live and even more for recording. As it is I rarely run out of DSP using one unit. The amp or preamp models with some delay and reverb usually does me. I am looking forward to the bass pack . I think I might sell the second one
  17. I'll admit I am keen for this firmware upgrade and that it flawless is important so a wait will be worth it. I keep checking LOL After the 15th is called the latter half of the month. LOL The end of the month is the last week or last several days of it. LOL We are all forgiven for our impatience as we cannot wait. But wait you must.
  18. bjnette

    DEP Parms

    This is a mixing engineers realm. An Electric Guitar being such a broadband instrument , on its own is big when combined in a band situation compromise is the wrong word , crafted is better to get instrument separation. Of course Pre Production is where to get separation, for eg if a combo Guitar amp is on the floor it will swamp the bass. There is a whole art in combining two instruments of very similar tonal ranges and ignored wash outs and fights ensue.
  19. All you need do is match the voltage, amps and polarity and connector. IT is totally possible from a electric parts store. Or just order a replacement,
  20. That is true and I love a bargain and I love making silk purses out of sows ears. Generally though quality costs and is well worth it.Some like Audiophile and even Pro Audio have snake oil. But in most fields you get brand names that are the mark of a Pro because of quality and because you win with them. The Kemper is such a device, it does have shortfalls but it is very well supported as apart from accessories and well thought of keyboard it is about all Kemper are producing and selling. Many are not ashamed to use it onstage where if you carry some Behringer entry level products you are considered amature regardless ho good you are. Line 6 almost falls into this area with some products but have a few gems that are well thought of in the Industry. If you feel ashamed having a PODHD series you might wanna change your friends. But Line 6 would best get rid of or reintroduce quality in their products as cheap can always be beaten. When you get a floorboard that sounds beyond its price tag you gotta gem.
  21. Yeah me too! keep chiming in every other day or so to see if it has happened yet. Working hard to make the expansion pack dollars!
  22. Congrats the Kemper is pretty well accepted as having the leading edge. A very Pro machine that gets you 95% there to the real thing where the HD probably only gets you 90% there. If I could afford the best I'd get it too, that some great name studio engineers producers have profile their collections it is a vast library of greatness and even many of the stock and shared profiles are good enough. It is true there are drawbacks. I think the order of FX is one, with the Kemper the order is fixed or was not sure if firmware has addressed it. Also only 16bit s/pdif though like you said will get addressed. I think you'll be happy with it. Definitley a Pro choice and you got a controller for it!
  23. What it most likely is is either you are inputting the signal in too hot. Keep the signal in the green , never the red.This clipping will produce crackles and the worse it gets the more horrible is sounds The other likely culprit is your audio buffer. 128 bits per sec is very good 256 bits is good and as low as you'll want to go. 64bits is excellent 256 is a safe buffer size
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