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Everything posted by brue58ski

  1. Yeah. It's not perfect at all but it does add something. I also barely have it in the mix. I use it as a subtle enhancement. Definitely don't use it full on so to speak. Sorry. I don't think I made that clear.
  2. Have you tried throwing in the Acoustic Sim? I run it parallel with my Variax and it can help.
  3. I thought that was possible but using the terms they use are confusing. How about just control/no control? Or call the parameter "Variax Control" with a Yes or No option. I just thought of another possibility. Could it be that any adjustments you make would be reflected in all other patches? So if I change the settings in one patch, save it, and go to another, the settings in the patch will be the same as the previous patches and all other patches will also do the same? Just a thought. I may have to try this when I get home.
  4. So I haven't experimented with this but do you know what the differences are between the Per-Preset setting and Global setting for the Variax? How does it control the Variax differently? The manual is vague about this at best. I get what Per Preset does but how do the Variax settings react differently when in Global?
  5. As far as I know they do not overlap. I have gotten song specific bundles which were good but I would suggest giving his other bundles a listen. It seems to me he has a Youtube for everyone of them that you can get to from each bundles site.
  6. There are essentially two types of Variax's. The original ones with no pickups. And the JTV/Shuriken/Standard Variax's with pickups. The bottom line is there are three things that will power all of these Variax's; batteries (9V or 6AA's for the original or a propriety battery for the JTV/Shuriken/Standard), the XPS direct box and any Line 6 product with a Variax input are everything that will power the Variax. There are various levels of control depending on the Line 6 products used, but they will all provide power for any of the Variax's. And remember, there are issues with using the Variax's 1/4" output at the same time as you use the Variax CAT 5 connector. You could seriously damage it. So if you want to use the 1/4" output, you can't use the Variax output at the same time. You are stuck with the other two alternatives.
  7. brue58ski

    EXP1, 2 & 3

    Amen to this. I used to change the assignments. What a hassle. Agree with just stick tot the defaults and change your thinking. I think the idea is the volume pedal would always be on so is a secondary thing and the wah would be your effect that you would be switching in and out so therefore is primary. And of course using the toe switch to go to the wah results in the volume being turned all the way up and the wah pedal being where it would be in the "real" world. This is what you get when you have engineers overthinking stuff. This is from an engineer of sorts so I am guilty of the charge.
  8. The two choices for the 1/4" outputs are line and instrument. Instrument is, very basically, a level between mic and line. The FX Sends choices are also line and instrument. As I recall, the only output that has a mic level are the XLR's. Don't know if this helps.
  9. I think it's the icon used to represent it that confuses people and the description on the Helix Help website says "inspired by boutique mid-gain amps". I can see how some might assume a lot of wrong things.
  10. I haven't gone through the whole thread so this may have been mentioned but what output (1/4" or XLR) are you using to connect to your monitors and do you have them set up for line mic or instrument level in the global section? Also, what kind of Alto's are you using? Does the input have a line/mic switch. I ask all of this because it sure sounds like a hot output going into an input setup for a low output like an output at line level going into an input setup for mic level.
  11. Make sure your input is correct. Every time I've gotten no sound it's been that I have the wrong input selected (so far). If it is correct, try an FX loop (Send/Return) and put that in the patch.
  12. brue58ski

    Helix Master?

    That is not a bad idea at all. I still wish I could copy a whole path and paste it in another patch.
  13. The volume knob is at unity when turned up all of the way. So it technically only turns things down.
  14. Some quick suggestions. Go stereo if you aren't already. Try the Double Take effect in Modulation. Yes, I think much of the "effect" is the doubling. Maybe with a little bit of Chorus. When using the Variax (in which the acoustics sound thin and "zingy" to me) try putting the Acoustic Sim from the EQ category but run it parallel. I would suggest using the tone knob but you can't use that parameter in the Helix. If you do when you switch to another patch, the tone parameter will remain where it was at in the previous patch even though it the new patch will reflect the proper tone parameter. If you hit the path's footswitch again it will then change to the proper tone parameter. A lousy work around at best. i do think it has a piezo type sound to it but I could be wrong. Throw the new reverb in there. There's definitely some 'Verb in there.Good Luck.
  15. The volume parameter had a similar issue. I haven't checked to see what it's doing now since the upgrade. (Or not doing).
  16. The same patches footswitch. So you're on one patch with the tone parameter low in the patch; you press the footswitch for another patch that has the tone parameter saved high but it remains low from the previous patch. If you press the high tone patches footswitch again, you will hear it then go to that patches high tone parameter.
  17. Yes. I always leave my tuning on custom. But the tone (and other) parameters issue still exists. I like to use the tone knob parameter for the Variax acoustics but I can't because it wil maintain that position in whatever patch I select next. A second press of yhe footswitch will correct but that is a flaw for which there is no suitable work around. I just don't use the tone knob parameter.
  18. This is an issue that I've noticed. before. There is also a similar issue with the Helix tone parameter. Try this. Make two patches with the JTV Variax and a compressor (just to get the volume up). Set one patch up with the tone at 1.0 and the other with the patches tone set at 10.0. When you switch from the 1.0 patch to the 10.0 patch, the tone will still be at 1.0 even though the 10.0 patches parameter says it's at 10.0. You can hear it. If you click on the 10.0 patches switch again it will then change. There are other parameter issues as well but I haven't checked them since the 3.1/3.11 upgrade. I have checked the tone issue though and it's still there. Haven't had time to check the others. I've submitted several support tickets for this since 2019. The issues have slightly changed but the bottom line is the Helix does not control the Variax the way the manual describes and hasn't ever since I got my Helix. It's still a very cool thing and controls it mostly. At least enough that I do use my Helix and Variax together. But the issues are there and it's been awhile. In regard to your detuning issue, try clicking on the switch a second time. Does it switch to the proper tuning then? Please let me know I am curious. I'm pretty darn sure it's not a bad JTV Variax since I have two and they both exhibit exactly the same behavior. Creat3e a support ticket for this. I feel like I'm the only one that has reported this type of behavior.
  19. brue58ski

    Helix Master?

    I personally copy each effect from one patch and put it in the other one at a time. It will maintain that blocks settins. Then do it again for each block. A pain but it's the only way now. Don't forget to save your patch after everytime you paste.
  20. It is for the acoustic patches that I really want it. I also want to use it for the "jazz" guitars. Can't right now. Sigh. And yes, my workaround is to have all of the knobs on force and have the Variax model controlled in every patch. There used to be a problem with the tuning parameter as well so I, out of habit, just leave every patch on custom tuning with the "custom" being just regular tuning.
  21. Oh I had done that.That makes it the fourth time I've opened a new ticket for this problem. We'll see what happens. I think i just wanted to rant a little.
  22. Wow dude, that was quick. I was actually going to go over to your site when I thought there's no way he would get it updated this soon. Boy was i wrong. Thank you.
  23. I wonder, since it's supposed to simulate a tape recording if that's just the way it is. Maybe adds to the sound without perceiving/hearing it? kind of like how 60 cycle hum is supposed to add to some amps sound.
  24. One of the reasons I was so looking forward to this update is the fact that they acknowledged last time there were Variax issues and I had received a message in a support ticket that it was being addressed " I've since passed this along to QA as a likely bug/issue that will need to be updated on a future firmware release. I've tested on 2.82-2.92, same behavior but it seemed to occur intermittently on 2.92. I don't have updates at the moment, but I'll message you as soon as I have more info. " I never did get another message. It still has the same issue. The thing is Variax compatibility is a big reason why I'm on the Variax/Line6 train. The Helix has been around for 6 years and has been touting Variax compatiblity for most of those years. The product doesn't work as advertised. Will this ever be fixed? Has it been given up on? ignored? Are they waiting for the next Variax variation? What's going on? I am stuck with a product that doesn't work as advertised. It does mostly work but that's not good enough anymore. It's been at least 4 years and it does not do what the manual says. Specifically if you set your Variax tone knob to anything other than Don't Force, when you switch to another patch, it keeps the previous patches tone knob setting. You have to press the patch''s footswitch again to get that patches tone knob setting. this occurs with the other knobs as well. Also putting it on Don't force does not, from the manual... "When set to “Don’t Force,” Helix respects the current Variax knob position." C'mon Line 6, either correct your manual or fix the issue. Sorry for my rant. I love Line 6. I've been with Line 6 since the XT. But if this doesn't ever get addressed, I will seriously reconsider that.
  25. He was one of my major influences growing up. Chicago was the band I saw the most back in the day. My first guitar was an SG, partly because he had one in a picture on the inside cover of the CTA album. Turns out he rarely played it. Oh Well.
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