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Everything posted by edstar1960

  1. What values have you specified in the L6 LINK AUDIO screen for each patch? This is found in the SETUP screens and I believe it's screen 9 according to the manual, You should see 1 listed as the DT25 and 2 listed as L3t with 3 and 4 listed as AMP. Under each you will see what the HD500 is routing to each L6 linked device. These are the available choices for each connected device: LEFT - sends just the output from the LEFT channel at the end of chain RIGHT - sends just the output from the RIGHT channel at the end of the chain LEFT/RIGHT - sends output from both LEFT and RIGHT channels at the end of the chain summed to mono AMP A - sends just the output signal directly from after AMP A AMP B - sends just the output signal directly from AMP B AMP A/B - sends output signal directly after both amps MUTE - does not send any output to that device I think you will want the following for your electric patch: 1: DT25: AMP A 2: L3t: MUTE And this for your acoustic patch: 1: DT25: MUTE 2: L3t: AMP B NB: Remember to swap to the relevant patch and set the L3t mode accordingly and then SAVE the patch to recall the L3t setting with the patch!
  2. You should have a VINTAGE PRE choice when you scroll through available EQ's.
  3. I believe this should be possible if you use L6 link. You should be able to MUTE either the DT25 or the L3t on the respective patch in the L6 Link Audio settings for that patch. See the HD500 Advanced Guide v2.10 p2-17. Quoted text from manual follows .... Choose Mute to silence any connected DT amp/StageSource speaker. This is handy, for example, if you are L6 LINK-connected to both a DT amp and StageSource speaker.* You can save some POD HD Presets with the StageSource set to "Mute" to allow an electric guitar tone to be heard through DT amp only - and other Presets with the DT amp set to "Mute" for an acoustic tone to be heard from the StageSource speaker only. Even better, if you use a Line 6 Variax guitar, these electric & acoustic guitar settings can be saved with your POD HD Preset as well! End QUOTED TEXT
  4. I was noodling around on my JTV59 this afternoon. I had the battery in and it was showing 2 green lights. I had it connected via 1/4 inch jack direct to my Session amp and was playing at very low at home volume level. I did not have the modelling on. I was just using the mags and I had the pickup selector down using the bridge pickup on its own. I was using the overdrive channel and noodling away when suddenly the volume dropped to about 50-60%. I was mystified. So I just flipped the pickup switch up and back down again and voila volume restored. I then noodled some more and bang it happened again, so I just flicked the pickup selector switch up and down a couple of times and full volume came back. This happened about two more times - all in the space of about 15 minutes worth of noodling. I usually use my JTV59 via VDI connected to an HD500 for band usage and I don't usually use the mags - so I have never hit this problem before. I have had the JTV59 from soon after they were first launched and it did have the new format pickup selector switch not one of the original faulty ones. Has any other JTV59 owner had this happen to them? And if so, was it a one off or did it happen again and was there a solution for it? I am wondering if I should just squirt some contact cleaner on the internals of the selector switch? Thanks in advance for your replies.
  5. Thanks for the advice TxHCBP. Certainly just connecting once and having a good long experimental session while auditioning on an amp is a good idea, but this long initial connect time due to the download of data is an unnecessary pain. It would be much better if the software could determine that it had already saved the settings and that no subsequent changes had been made so therefore no automatic backup was necessary. Surely having one quick handshake and sync check between software and guitar could do that? I don't see why it has to download all 60 sounds from JTV every time it connects - surely there must be a way it can determine it already did that - maybe have a checksum setting saved on the JTV that matches the last backup taken and that can be checked before anything else? Anyway - that's a suggestion for IDEASCALE. I am not sure what you mean by just "CANCEL" the auto-download - can you do that? Thanks for your advice and help!
  6. I have an HD500 and I have never noticed these. So I just had a closer look at mine and I do not have any around the foot switches BUT I have 4 at the top of the unit - one either side of the amp control knobs, and two (one above the other) on the right had side of the slide switches above the expression pedal. I can't see any others on the unit, just those 4 which I have never noticed until now when I went looking for them.
  7. Connect your JTV up to Monkey via the supplied USB dongle. When it displays your software levels you will see that there is a ROLL BACK option on the right of the screen. Click on that and you will be able to select the firmware level to roll back to. Click ok and wait for it to complete. Check out the models and when you are finished, repeat the process but this time choose the INSTALL LATEST in Monkey to get back to v2.0. PS: If you have any custom models that you built under v2.0 ensure you do a backup of them in workbench before doing the rollback. You can then reinstall them once you have rolled forward again.
  8. Interesting you should say this - I have the same problem - what do you adjust to get the "thin" sounds sounding correct at band performance level? Thanks.
  9. I can't answer question 1 as I have never owned an M9 but apparently the HD500 has the same effects as the M units - so they should be the same. As for question 2, you can configure the HD500 to be used as 8 separate effect units and whats more you can have this setting for each patch setting, so you can have 256 different 8 stomp box patches if you want. The info is in the Advance Guide here: Page 1, Setup:Utilities Options The • Footswitch Mode (Knob 1): Configures the function of POD HD500 footswitches FS5 through FS8 for either "Pedalboard Mode" or "Preset Mode" (see "Bank & Channel Footswitches" on page 4•6). This setting is global. (Press and hold the VIEW button to see these options displayed)
  10. Thanks for the responses. I have been monitoring via an amp while I make my changes. I have the amp set to a clean tone with no reverb so I am only hearing the model sound without any extra effects. I have been working on my favourite models to start with. However, I then disconnect and go off and play via my HD500 and then I have to make some more tweaks - so back to Workbench HD and ..... :( Unfortunately, I can't get all my tweaking done and dusted in one Workbench HD session - hence the frustration with the wait each time I decide to tweak and have to reconnect - and because I am 90% there with the sound, the tweak is normally a minor adjustment, so only takes a few seconds to change, so the long connection time before being able to make that tiny tweak is a pain. Perhaps I will add it to Ideascale as a future enhancement request... :)
  11. Does anyone know if there is a way to disable the initial download of models from the JTV to Workbench HD on initial startup? I looked in the help but did not see a disable option mentioned. Just wondered if anyone had found a work around. (I know it is a new safety backup feature but if you want to keep dipping in and out of Workbench HD to tweak model settings as I have been doing recently, this feature gets old really quickly as it just takes too long to download the 60 models, so I would like to disable it so I can connect up and get tweaking without having to wait for a couple of minutes for the initial download to complete.) Thanks in advance. :)
  12. I recently updated my JTV59 to the 2.0 firmware, and when I was trying it out with my HD500 via VDI, I noticed that it was behaving differently when Forcing models. When I was on 1.71, if the HD500 FORCED a model on the JTV59 and I then moved the selector switch to a different position it would change the sound to the model that was in that position for the model bank as selected by the model bank knob on the guitar. In other words, moving the pickup selector switch over rode the HD500 setting, and reflected the settings on the guitar for the model. But with v2.0, I noticed that moving the pickup selector switch no longer recognised the position of the bank knob on the guitar. Instead it would just move to a different model within the bank that the HD500 had Forced. So, it seems to be working in a FORCE BANK mode with firmware v2.0. I can't double check that at the moment - but I certainly remember that is what happened when I was auditioning the v2.0 sounds whilst attached to my HD500. PS; The HD500 is on v2.1 firmware - one down from the latest.
  13. Well in that case I would recommend you upgrade - hopefully any differences you notice will be for the better. Try it for a while - tweak your patches if you need to - tweak your guitar models in Workbench HD if you really need to (you can boost preset and/or pickup volume if necessary) - then if you really don't like it then roll back to v1.9. But I don't think you will need to - you will probably be more than happy with v2.0.
  14. The only info I have seen from Line6 is in the HD500 ADVANCED GUIDE v2.10 but it is not very detailed. The best user generated doc I have seen is from MEAMBOBBO and he goes through the EQ's in some detail - here is the link: Hope that helps.
  15. Which electric models do you typically play? There are really very few that have caused some to stay on 1.9. The best thing to do is give 2.0 a try and then roll back if you are not happy. From my perspective it was only the GIBSON ES-335 models in the SEMI bank positions 1,3,5 that were significantly different. But they can be customized in Workbench HD or alternative models can be used, so not a deal breaker for me. Overall I am happy with the v2.0 models. NB: You may need to tweak your JTV string volumes in Workbench HD after the upgrade especially if you immediately think the new models sound bad through your POD patches - you should only need to tweak patches a little if at all.
  16. Thanks again Lorenzo. I do have lots of options and I will try some different configurations. The simplest one is what I have now got working. It allows me to just take one speaker to rehearsal and then move up to two for gigs when more volume is needed. Having two speakers also allows me to go "stereo" if I want to. I chose the 10" speakers because of price (2 for less than half the price of l2m), flexibility (stereo or mono) and size (portability) and because I thought 200W+200W would be enough power and headroom. However, I am now wondering if I should have chosen the B212D instead - twice the power (400W) and the 12" speaker for about 30% more price. I may yet change up. I was also considering upgrading to the Stagescape L2m as it has had such great reports and integrates with L6LINK and has 800W of power - even though it would remove any "stereo" option unless I bought two of them, but that is highly unlikely at their price. I believe the l2m only has a 10" speaker. Thanks once again for all your help and advice! :)
  17. Thanks for your response and for reassuring me that others also have this issue. I agree with you that I think it's an integral part of the model. I even get it when I only use my left hand and gently hammer on some notes on the lower strings - the noise appears and there's no finger picking or strumming going on.
  18. I don't think it is playing style - I think it is integral to the model. Try using the banjo model and just play with your left hand and gently hammer on some notes on the lower strings and you will see that the noise appears without any finger picking or strumming.
  19. Thank you very much for looking at this for me and for your suggestion on how to remove with parametric EQ - so I will give that a try. By the way - I don't think it is pick attack because I can still get it even when I just use my left hand and gently hammer on notes. Just stepping through a sequence of notes using just my left hand pressing the strings on the banjo model still creates this popping sound. I have even tried turning down all the string volumes for the banjo model to 90% but it is still there. I think it is integral to the model. However, I will try the EQ solution to see if I can minimise or remove it altogether. UPDATE: I tried to EQ on the HD500. The GRAPHIC EQ does not have a high enough range. The PARAMETRIC only goes up to 4500Hz, but I tried it anyway. I set FREQ to 100% to get to 4500Hz and then varied the Q from 5% up to 100% and still had the popping noise. :(
  20. I have made a recording of the Banjo sound - straight in to MUSIC CREATOR from the JTV59 via my ALESIS IO/2 usb interface. Here it is: The popping sound is rather like someone tutting here and there through the recording.
  21. As you are using the onboard expression pedal of the HD500 have you re-calibrated it since you last updated the firmware? I believe the latest level is v2.10 (from memory so I may be wrong) - but if you are already on that then try re-calibrating your expression pedal - maybe it isn't moving from zero to full and you are only getting a narrow band of the wah. I can tell you that I initially found the wah's unusable until I tried Glen Delaunes tip of dialling back the MIX to around 55% - and that tamed them all for me and so I usually put one in my fx string just so it's always there if I want to wah-wah my sound. Good luck - hope you find the solution.
  22. Also set the mix value for the chosen WAH to around 50-60% - it will sound far more natural. I do this for any WAH pedal now and it sounds so much better and like a real WAH. Adjust the mix to taste - but do not leave it at the default 100% as it does sound too shrill at toe down and too muddy with toe up!
  23. Yes I am using a pick - and I am trying to strum lightly. It doesn't appear to be related to the strength of the picking. It just pops up (pardon the pun) every now and then. It is like a static electricity pop and doesn't seem directly related to the note, string or pick action occurring at the time. I don't think it can be EQ'd out - your original patch settings are good for the Banjo sound. This popping seems to be a fundamental characteristic of the model. I will try picking lightly with my fingers to see if it disappears. Thanks again.
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