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Everything posted by datacommando

  1. Fantastic - I was unaware of that one. Good call.
  2. It's mostly harmless but, it has a tendency to jump on the more common cuss words and terminology by substituting the word "lollipop". It can come up with some quite humorous results as in the example above. It's very easy to bypass the censorship if you feel it necessary.
  3. Hahaha - simply tools to do the job, can't manage without 'em
  4. I noticed the theme name changed to 2017 and the oddball PREV page thing earlier today but, everything else seems to be working fine. It's not FUBAR over here. It all appears to be functioning O.K. on my iPad and the iPhone is on the mobile version. I will have to check how it looks on the MacBookPro and the big 5k Retina down in the studio. Guess they are working on it in the background.
  5. Organised mayhem! Excellent stuff. Rather put me in mind of Sex and Religion era, Steve Vai. Plus, got to concur with the previous post above from "benifin", something of the Frank Zappa school going on in there. Hot Rats!
  6. Dunno? What kind of mess do you have? "The electrical things have their lives too, paltry as those lives are".
  7. Philip K Dick Absolute classic! Real world example of a filter bot at work Why, that's just crazy. Surely they would fall asleep! And remember guys - you're never alone with a clone ( it's grim enough to make a robot cry!)
  8. Do androids dream of electric sheep?
  9. Not sure about that specific bacon tone (needs the smell also), but a guy on TGP posted this comment a while back: "I have a tube amp that sounds like "eggs frying in a skillet" when it is on. This is with or without guitar plugged in. Gets louder sometimes too..." Synchronicity? 😎
  10. Nope! But the road crew used to play "hide the sausage" with the groupies!😜
  11. That reminds me, years back, I used to work with a guy named Dave Savage who had a band called "The Savages". I do recall them being once billed as "Dave & The Sausages" Found this on UChoob.
  12. IIRC, in the original recording of "Bacon in a Bottle" by the Pigs, there is supposed to be a secret message hidden under the smoking solo at 3:18. Has anyone ever been able to reveal this by playing the thing backwards. All I ever get is strange squealing noises. Could someone please post a perfect example of the sound. Erm, I think I may be drunk!
  13. Spikey - no! It's "BACON IN A BOTTLE" - get the message! 😜
  14. Cool. You got one from me also - as opposed to the troll who started this thread who is currently running at -78. Such a shame - more to be pitied than scolded.
  15. Smoke gets in your eyes! Damn, got to get me a bottle of that!
  16. Would the use of bacon be helpful to players who have a "Grease Bucket" tone circuit fitted?
  17. datacommando

    DAW latency

    The comment from "amsdenj" in post #6 above seems to be most relevant to your situation. Have you tried switching to Logic's low latency mode, as suggested? Otherwise, my guess is that you will be stuck with the problem as long as you want to keep using the DAW's au plugins alongside Helix. Out of interest, what plugins are you using that seem to be so essential? It must be something unavailable in the Helix? Maybe it could be requested on ideascale as a future addition to the firmware?
  18. Well, as long as it all works, that will be just fine. Although, I think the real reason for the delay is that Line 6 are working on perfecting that elusive Andy Summers "MIB" tone, for that lunatic who keeps posting about it. Oh, yeah - and a tuner in the editor for Spikey! 😜
  19. Well remembered, that would be the Gibson Grabber, late 1973. Even earlier example from Framus,
  20. Only if it's a knucklehead 😎 (Cheap humour, cheap sunglasses)
  21. As I recall, way back in the early seventies, Keef Richards used a single pickup guitar for a while. The novelty was that the single pickup was on some sort of rail that allowed it to slide to various points on the body between neck and bridge positions. I think it was designed/made by Dan Armstrong (Ampeg?) but never really caught on. Looked a bit like an LP Junior. Additional info: Dan Armstrong, Model 341 "London Woody", 1974 Fast forward to present day... There is a guy on Kickstarter trying to get his slider idea going - Check him out. Oh, yeah. Didn't Westone also do something similar with a bass guitar?
  22. Takes one to know one. Simply by following that logic, it means you have to be useless for me to be useless, therefore - if you're not useless, that proves I'm not useless. And since "it takes one to know one" is a scientific fact, you can't deny it. I win! And I'm not angry. Unless you're angry too, because it takes one to know one, so you would have to be angry yourself to know if I'm angry. I don't exactly know what your problem is called, but I would guess it's difficult to pronounce and has it's own dedicated support group.
  23. Snapshots are the solution to your problem - see pages 34 to 39 of the owners manual for full explanation.
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