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Everything posted by Lachdanan0121

  1. I keep hearing the newest one is the best. I will have to give it a go. I must admit I have never been drawn to any Marshall amp model, in any modeler to be fair. Much like I don't gravitate towards "fuzz" style drives in the past either. Its Just not a sound I shoot for. (generally) I agree we don't need anymore Marshalls for at least for quite some time. Though I don't begrudge this new one if it is so good. :P
  2. I'd like the Helix to eventually get one. But I am fine with plugin versions at the moment. I would rather Helix get more Bass/Guitar stuff (as well as features/improvements) first. Once more of that is fleshed out then perhaps something like a Vocoder could be cool!
  3. Sorry I haven't upgraded yet, I am busy finishing mixing till the end of the year. Helix is basically just my audio interface in the mean time. Hopefully you can get more credible answers from some who have upgraded.
  4. I want to say that there was another thread created here recently after this update asking the same question. Even stated they thought that some of the fizz/harshness is gone.
  5. Hmm Perhaps L6 could chime in on this Tomorrow.
  6. Upgrade if you want man, you don't have to. I haven't yet, but I am not even using the Helix except for an audio interface atm. Unless I come across a track I am mixing that needs the guitars ReAmped I won't even use the Helix (for anything other than an audio interface) until perhaps the end of the year. I already got all the guitar recorded, and ReAmped for the album. Some of us just don't have a need for the newest additions at the exact moment that they come out. Nothing wrong with it.
  7. Oh yes!! I completely agree. I would never be able to afford a unique amp like that. But being able to get a model of it that is within even 90% + of accuracy makes me very happy!
  8. I would start here as well. If your pad is on, then what you could do is put a volume block at the beginning and lower the volume until the distortion you are hearing fades away at the desired aggression of your playing.
  9. I was curious about this as well. I mean I still plan on upgrading to the new FW that just released, I just haven't got around to it. Not playing guitar/recording right now, or ReAmping. Just finishing up the mixing on my album.
  10. I do not see AXE FX as faster to set up. Matter of fact one of the main complaints against AXE FX is the time consumption of setting up tones, the on board UI is awful in comparison.
  11. That is great. Even though I want more High gain amps, I also want some amps that cover territory that isn't as covered. I am actually interested in trying those 3.
  12. That's how I feel about more, and more Marshals. We have enough of them. There is also plenty covering the mid-gain area now especially with this newest update. The next focus will hopefully be on more high gain. People that cared just for mid-gainers just got theirs in this update. Bass was in the last big update. More High gain flavors are welcome. Not all of us limit ourselves to only rockabilly, blues, and "praise." That said I am very appreciative of this update. Especially the under the hood improvements. I just hope the next one has more high gain additions. I do read that the Cartographer AMP (from the newest update) can be pretty good for high gain stuff. So there is that at least! I would like to see some HX cabinets added that don't rely on a new amp model added. Or hell, some Line 6 original HX cabinets. I would like to see a little more of the creative additions, than replications of existing hardware.
  13. Thanks FlyingsCool. I did not know that. I was thinking it was yet another mid gain amp. I will definitely have to try that amp model out then.
  14. Some of us modern metal players actually play a wide variety of music. Some of us just want more flavors for high gain. Nothing at all wrong with that 😉 However this get back to your roots comment... Like saying you should get back to acoustic guitar, or back to playing Rock, Bach, etc.. Most of the time are nothing more than substance-less attempts at jabs from the older crowd.
  15. I agree with the "yet another Marshall Amp" comment. There are plenty of those now, we really don't need more. I make all styles of music, but I am a metal guy as well. More high gain flavors would be preferred.
  16. Yes, hopefully the next update will include some good high gain amps. I love new flavors though, some of these I have never even heard of. They might even become some of my favs. That said I am intrigued by some of the FX models. The doubler, and space echo in particular. I am happy about the HX Native plugin being re-sizable.
  17. Oh, its beyond fantastic! Its the only DAW that gives me the flexibility to work within my workflow whether its direct/focused, or experimentation... whether its linear, or not! The devs are constantly improving it. It also has some pretty grand trajectories planned for its next release FLS 20! All for free to us registered users. ;) To the OP: Studio One, and Cubase are great in their ways too. Honestly those are the only other 2 premium DAWs that I would consider other than FL. I have even demo'd a few of the other "popular" options as well. If your Devs are open to discussion on the forums of the Presonus site, you could bring this up to them. May end up helping them track something down. Though if I am being completely honest Louisiana boys are pretty stubborn to deal with. I know because I have lived here most of my life, (can't wait to get out) but this is also where Presonus is headquartered. I haven't dealt with them any, but hopefully they are more reasonable than most around these parts. lol :lol: Seriously it wouldn't hurt to bring it up on their forums as well.
  18. I just want to add that I have an I7 5820k (6 cores OC'd to 3.75ghz) - 16GB of DDR4 in quad channel - 1TB SSD. Windows 10 using the Helix rack as my audio interface. I built my PC myself so I did make sure to use quality parts! I run FL STudio as my DAW. In a full project that is almost done, I can use it multiple instances of Helix Native for both Left rhythm guitar, and Right rhythm guitar, Bass Guitar, and Lead Guitar. Four different instances on a full project, and it can keep my "cpu usage" in my DAW at around 30-65%. That same project without Helix Native at all took up around 25-50%. The actual CPU usage in the task manager will be even less still. What is reported inside the DAW (if it does have an internal "cpu meter" ) will usually be higher than the actual CPU usage in the task manager. Just wanted to throw that out there for context, for anyone else who might read this thread.
  19. I will point out that Fabfilter does in fact have an ongoing loyalty discount program. The more you have bought/registered on your account, the more of a discount you get, up to I think %45 before being stacked with any other sales/discounts they have at the time. Imageline also have free life time updates for registered users. Upgrading with FL Studio, each iteration for free, is more than tiny upgrades. Some are bringing huge upgrades like FLS 11 to FLS12. That was a major upgrade. FLS 20 (the next one, they are skipping 13 through 19) is going to be an even bigger jump. (they want to make this big for their 20th anniversary) Again for free to registered users. The only DAW company I know that does this. Both are software only though to be fair. They are the exception, not the rule. Just wanted to say there are a couple. That is unless I was miss understanding your post. That said I am completely happy with my Helix Native/cost, it was only $99 since I had my Helix Rack registered for 13 months, or so. Even without the discount Helix Native is a great value at $400 for the recording/mixing engineers.
  20. This is pretty much your answer. Though I will add if your playing at home, and still want a "real amp" then get one with lower wattage! No need to pay for extra wattage that you won't use. I personally do not play live, I am a studio only guy. I don't have any more guitar amps. I have Helix Rack, Control, Helix Native, and Event BAS 20/20 FRFR studio monitors. These monitors have more volume than any engineer, or guitarist would ever need in a studio, they are loud! Matter of fact way too loud for my room, I have them turned almost all the way down. However, I do plan on moving to Colorado (I have to get out of the bible-belt, and the concentrated South) within the next decade. I plan to have a larger space for my studio when I do, so the monitors (if they last that long, and they should) will fill out nicely in.
  21. You could always put it on a USB external HDD. A bit more reliable than the thumb drives. My point was is that the presets are so small in size you have multiple avenues of keeping libraries of them.
  22. lol, and showcased with focused bright lights! To the OP if I use it in a project then I keep it. You have virtually limitless storage of these things on any decent capacity thumb drive.
  23. No one in their right mind can discredit Jeff Loomis as a guitarist. He is one hell of a guitar player. Those trying to discredit high-gain shredders are also beyond tiresome... :rolleyes: I got to meet him one night in Houston during Nevermore's Obsidian Conspiracy tour, nice guy. I am curious to see what he adds to Arch Enemies next studio album. I am just not convinced that it is all that great of a styles mash up. Jeff tends to play quite differently than any of Arch Enemies guitarists. Though I wait for the next studio album to see if I am wrong on that. I liked his solo/colab work, but I miss him in Nevermore. I think Nevermore is where he really shined. EDIT: I see the new album has already released, and I just missed it, giving it a go now.
  24. Hey brue58ski, I think you read an old post by PeterHamm there. Not only that, it is a post that you have already quoted, and addressed before a few posts up on the same page. (post #83) You doing ok over there? BTW I like the pink noise generator idea. Even though I am a studio only guy... I can see how this could really help the LIVE musician.
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