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Everything posted by aleclee

  1. Celestion has some nice focused sets. The way I finally worked through my RedWirez set years after I bought it was to figure out what my preferred mic was for my favorite real world speaker. I then selected my favorite mic position with that mic. After that, I went through the different speakers focusing on that mic / position combination.
  2. The company I'm thinking of too the clone thing to the max. IIRC, they ended up getting sued by Boss because their copies extended all the way to the (trademarked?) colors of the cloned pedals. At least most of the booteek clones try to add their own thing to the pedal (same but better). On the other hand, some clones are so blatant, they rip off the PCB traces and that is an actual copyright violation.
  3. So it's not enough that other folks share the presets that they spent their time creating because of the inconvenience ofdownloading and auditioning a preset to decide if it's good? You must be very busy! Not saying the info wouldn't be useful but that's a pretty strong attitude about contributions from folks like us who are just sharing their efforts. If you're talking about the 256 presets that come from the factory and don't have 10 seconds to spend auditioning each one, you must be VERY busy to get so worked up over the 45 minutes it would take (including bass presets).
  4. There's a mega-thread on TGP about it. TL;DR: Tech-wise, it's 11R in a floorboard with IRs & touchscreen Two IRs pretty much max out DSP Looper UI is super slick Three physical knobs means lots of scrolling to get through params. This is somewhat mitigated by the lack of deep editing options. Aside from the scrolling, UI is pretty easy IR loading is very simple Tones are what you'd expect with 11R + IRs, though some have complained about apparent aliasing artifacts Software was not up to snuff at launch. There were some super-annoying bugs and no editor/drivers available. Two firmware updates since launch have addressed the most facepalm-inducing oversights. For those not familiar with the parent company, InMusic owns a number of brands: Akai Alesis Alto Denon M-Audio Numark and a few others You may have noticed that none of those brands is a "guitarist's brand". They do a ton of pro audio and DJ stuff but they've never really done a guitar product. Ever since they launched, it's been misstep after misstep from ignoring social media to horrid promo demos to firmware that would never work for a guitarist on a gig. My experience trying to include it in my NAMM coverage last January was comical in how poorly they treated a guy who was trying to help promote their product. My take is that it might end up being a decent product if they can survive the comedy of errors that was the initial launch. The touchscreen UI is a significant differentiator (even if it's not significantly more efficient to use than HX for a familiar user) and the 11R engine is good if not cutting edge. The question is if (and it's a big "if") the HR product management team that was absent at NAMM can continue to come up with updates that move the product forward. Where L6 has clearly figured that out, the Head Rush team has no track record and made a cruddy first impression with their poor handling of things between announcement and initial launch.
  5. Get a G70 and it'll switch for you. ;)
  6. Nothing sucks, but for my use the biggest irritants are: Pitch shifting. I'm not so hot for polyphony but I don't like how it handles formants and subtle detunes sound more like chorus than a straight detune. Upgrade process. I don't like having to reload presets and reloading IRs is an even bigger PITA. High Cut Slope. Should be steeper or, better yet, adjustable.
  7. aleclee

    Where is Native?

    Frank indicated the other day (either here or TGP) that it was still on track for a "spring" release.
  8. Discounts have been published for Helix and Helix LT owners. There's been discussion of discounts for Pod Farm Platinum owners but I haven't see anything else on the table.
  9. While HX doesn't have X/Y, snapshot controllers allow for parameter changes just like X/Y, just not FX model changes. On the plus side, snapshot controllers allow for R/S/T/U/V/W/X/Y functions (one per snapshot). :) Also, since IR selection is handled as a parameter rather than a "model", snapshot parameters do allow for different IRs per snapshot within a single IR block.
  10. Stereo IRs can be super tricky. I remember beta testing the singtall presets for Amplifire and they all used stereo IRs. Every single one of them had nasty comb filtering issues when summed to mono. Wouldn't you know it: the final release of those presets all used mono IRs. :o
  11. Check back in 24 days
  12. Why did you install an old beta version? Try using the latest version of the OS X driver Get Download
  13. As a guitar player, which matters more to you? The guitar's setup conforms to factory spec The guitar plays the way you prefer Personally, I don't give a toss about how the factory thinks the guitar should be set up. It's not their guitar anymore. ;) There's no objective "right" answer with guitar setups the way there is in adjusting ignition timing to maximize an engine's peak HP. If you're determined to pursue adherence to a factory spec, by all means have at it but most folks seem happier when they adjust the instrument to accommodate their personal style. YMMV.
  14. TBH, I think you're thinking too much like an engineer. ;) Where there's certainly a standard set of parameters for factory setup, I'd consider them nominal settings to be optimized by the owner based on playing style and other personal preferences. They might offer a starting point for adjustment but I think it's a mistake to consider them a goal state. Maybe I haven't been paying attention but I'm not aware of other manufacturers publishing their factory setup parameters. I'm aware of some that get passed around but I don't know that you could go to and get the setup specs for an American Standard Strat.
  15. Nobody who knows has provided a firm date but those who do know have repeatedly stated it's on track for release "before summer" with summer starting 6/21. I'd take that to mean somewhere between June 15th-20th.
  16. Are you measuring relief or string height? .008" sounds more like relief than height. Typically, if you're fretting at first/last fret, you'd check relief more around the 9th than the 7th, particularly on a 24 fret instrument. Dunno what the spec is but .008" is a pretty good place to start. From there, I tend to play up and down the neck and then adjust the relief based on feel rather than measurement. At the end of the day, you want to maximize the way it feels, not conformance to a spec. I tend to do something similar with string height. Keep lowering it until it buzzes with my playing style and then back it off a bit. I haven't actually measured string height in probably 15 years.
  17. Lovely. PRS makes a great guitar! I've owned a bunch over the years.
  18. I dig my Vertigo bag as well. I don't like it quite as much as the now-discontinued InCase bag but it's hard to go wrong with anything from MONO. As for VDI cables, any Cat5 or Cat6 Ethercon will do. I'd probably go with one from .
  19. aleclee

    Helix case/bag

    Looks really cool! I think the weight would be a deal breaker for me, personally. 25 lbs empty is really more than I care to tote, especially since I don't tend to take more than 1 guitar.
  20. I have mixed feelings about the flat response thing for monitoring. On the one hand, I've invested in a couple of K8's as well as a CLR so the stuff I own is pretty flat. On the other hand, I'm a lazy SOB so when I was gigging, more often than not I left my speakers in the car and monitored through the house wedges to ease setup and breakdown. I think my ambivalence around stage monitoring comes largely from my days trying to manage stage volume with a tube amp. Keeping volume down with a cabinet facing at the back of my knees, I became pretty accustomed to not hearing myself well and having my ears well outside my cab's sweet spot. :unsure: Hearing myself through any decent house wedge is gonna give me a better experience than I generally had with my old analog rig while still minimizing stage volume. I do have some nice custom IEMs for those rare opportunities where that's an option.
  21. Don't just talk about it, vote it up! :)
  22. Those who know are probably bound to an NDA
  23. aleclee

    Helix case/bag

    Back when my live rig was based around an Amplifire, I got a PT-1 with MONO case. The MONO case fits the Helix quite nicely.
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