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Found 15 results

  1. Hello guys, I have a hybrid setup with an HX Stomp acting as the core of it. The signal flows in this way: GTR ->Pedal Pawn Fuzz -> Crybaby->Vertex Effects Buffer Interface-> Hx stomp Input I have some ODs in the LEFT effect loop Right effect loop is used when I want to use a real amp with 4CM Left output goes to Amp return when using 4CM, L/R outputs go to FOH otherwise. I built the pedalboard to have the maximum flexibility in terms of routing. Now, when using the Stomp with amp sims I noticed a high pitched feedback/squeal (like a microphonic pickup type of squeal), the only fact is that I was playing with headphones so any microphonic pickup issue should be off the table, I also tried to switch guitars and to my surprise nothing changed. I went through the troubleshooting and I plugged the guitar directly intop the Stomp and I could go with the highest of the gains without problems, I also plugged into the PP Fuzz and the Wah bypassing the buffer interface and I came to the conclusion that the "problem" is the buffer interface. Do you have any explanation for that? That interface cost me a lot and I would not like to sell it or to put it off the board. Thank you in advance for the answers.
  2. Hi everybody ! I am using currently HX Stomp and I really love how simple and dual pitch blocks sound ( which may be strange to some people ). The reason is that they have no noticable latency or pre-delay. I recently compared it to Micro Pog and the Pog had a noticable lag ( compareable to Dual Pitch set with delay option to 20ms). I know that polyphonic pitch shifters is all about latency vs preciseness and I love that not really precise ( when playing chords ) but very fast sound of HX Stomp pitch shifters. I use them only for octaves and only in monophonic way. To the point - I look for a pedal for one of my pedalboards which would be very close to what HX Stomp Dual/Simple pitch sound like. Unfortunaetly I cannot put HX Stomp on my pedalboard due to the space limitations. Do you maybe know what pedal was those pitch shifters based on ? What pedal would be the closest ? I will be really grateful for help because I would die to get that tone on my pedalboard in one single pedal.
  3. JTV-69 Tremolo arm Diameter: 5.5mm JTV-69 Tremolo arm thread pitch: M4-.07 Applicable replacements: Gotoh A7: Wilkinson / Gotoh VS-100: Variax Standard Tremolo arm Diameter: 5.5mm Variax Standard Tremolo arm thread pitch: M5-.08
  4. Hi folks! Just arrived my hd500x 2 days ago. Got a fresh pack of EB regular slinky (. 10 /. 46) to replace in my RR1. Soooo..... Question is (never tryed pitch glide or D tunning): Op A) Tune std E and down to whatever with pitch glide. Op B) Take advantage of the high tensión in this pack (tunning to std E requires 5 springs set in my schaller double locking trem). Tune D and use pitch glide for std tunnig and even lower (C, B) The op B came while thinking 5 springs means there's a lot of tension in that pack. Trem, action & relief adjust is no issue, just pain in the axe. I read U. Thanks.
  5. Can someone explain me how all the parameters of the autofilter work? or any page where i can read it would be good too
  6. I have a 9 string, and I’ve been wanting to replace it with a variax for my projects I have. I tune to standard, but in 432, not 440. Standard is C# F# B E A D G B E, but I’d like to go lower if possible I was looking to buy a new variax, but wanted to make sure I can recreate everything the same as I have with my 9 string. I bought a used shurkien a few months ago, but it had issues, so I returned it. I do like the new JTV-89F because of the ebony and Floyd, but the shuriken has the longer scale. Any help is appreciated.
  7. Hey guys, As guitarists, we often go through phases.. we often go back and listen to some music that we haven't listened to in a while.. I just started listening to Pantera again (for the 55th time) and I still get blown away by Dime's unmatched playing style. Some might argue that his tone wasn't great (I thought it suited their music just perfectly), however his use of FX is simply on point. I would love to know if anyone has come across or made up any delays/verbs/pitch etc that resemble his leads and solos? Not to be album or song specific, but some of the delays and verbs on songs like Mouth For War, A New Level, Walk, I'm Broken etc etc are the standouts to me. If anyone has any settings/links/patches they'd like to share or sell, feel free to hit me up. Cheers
  8. Hi there! Here's what I'm trying to do: 1) Create a clean signal that will play straight through, center pan. Easy. 2) Take the same signal and run it panned hard left through a delay and pitch transposer where the wet only signal plays 260ms AFTER the original signal, dropped -7th via pitch but no original note, only the -7th, panned hard left. 3) Using the same original signal, run it panned hard right through a delay and pitch transposer where the wet only signal plays 520ms AFTER the original signal, raised +5th via pitch but neither the original signal nor the left dropped 7th coming through. Center, then hard left dropped a 7th, then hard right raised a 5th. Three notes, not overlapped. Center, left, right. This is day one with my new POD HD PRO X. Thank you!
  9. How can I create a harmony preset with the AMPLIFI 150? I can see the synth effects, but there is no harmony presest. The harmony synth is horrible. That can't tbe the only means for creating harmony. I own a POD HD500X and the harmony efffect is awesome. The AMPLIFI 150 shoudl have a harmony effect.
  10. Hi, I am rather new to Line 6 products, but I have a specific need and I want to figure out if Line 6 has a solution for this. If you look at EHX Pitch Fork pedal - that is about as close as it gets to what I want. I don't know if FBV3 will work for this. Any suggestions?
  11. Hallo miteinander, ich habe folgendes Problem mit meinem POD HD400: wenn ich ein Delay im "Control" Modus habe, kann ich ja mit dem TAP Schalter das Tempo "tappen". Wenn ich während des "tappens" spiele und sich die Geschwindigkeit erhöht/verringert, resultiert das in sehr komischen "Pitch"-Effekten. Der POD nimmt also die vor der Tempoänderung eingespielten Signale und modelliert diese während der Tempoänderung mit einer Tonhöhenveränderung in die neue Geschwindigkeit. Dass es anders auch geht zeigt mir das M5 Effektpedal. Hier kann ich problemlos das Tempo während des Spielens neu "eintappen" und dieser "Pitch"-Effekt passiert nicht. Sämtliche Versuche wie PRE/POST schalten und verschiedene Delay's ausprobieren (bei allen tritt dieser Effekt auf) fielen bislang leider negativ aus... ich schaff es nicht diesen "Pitch"-Effekt wegzubekommen. Kann mir jemand helfen? :-) Wäre sehr dankbar. Der HD400 wäre mir noch halb so viel wert wenn dieses Problem nicht behoben werden kann.... Viele Grüße und danke, Marc
  12. Has anybody discovered a clever way of changing the harmonizer key for a given preset on the fly? When I'm playing live and the patch I'm using has the harmonizer set to Em but we're playing a song in F minor, how can I change the Harmonizer setting without going into the edit menu? It would suck to have to create like 8 identical patches with a different harmony key for each patch just to accomplish this. Anybody find a better way?
  13. Hi guys I have a Spider IV and I like to play the bass, I had to sell it and I'm using the FX Pitch Glide to become my guitar into a bass, so do you guys think that my amp can be decomposed by using it as bass guitar?
  14. Hi, One other minor thing I notice with my HD500 is when I have a high pitch shift (More than +12.0), I notice if I play a single not it sounds fine, but if I combine notes together or have one ringing then pluck another one or play a whole chord, sometimes it tends to make the sound "pixelated or digital." I don't know if the example of the sound I provide makes sense. Basically if I have a high octave setting and play more than one note, it tends to sound bad haha. Like I said, minor problem, not a big deal. Thank you, Marty PS) You guys are the best!! Thanks for all the help!
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