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Hi everyone, I've created the attached PDF file with all the models (Amps, Cabs and Pedals) of the Pod Go 2.5. I've done it just for me but I thought it can be useful to anyone if you want to keep it at hand. Still a very long document (60 pages) but save it in your phone for quick access! I've used the information from this page: but I've done some modifications. First of all the lists are sorted alphabetically and I got rid of the "Initial Appearance" column as I do not really care at this point. Anyway, I hope this is useful!! Cheers! POD Go 2.5.pdf
What’s the deal with POD Go? POD Go is Line 6’s all new next generation POD, built to toss into your backpack or carry-on and take anywhere. Oh, and it’s incredibly easy to use—might be the easiest POD since the original POD in 1999. How much can you run simultaneously? Each preset in POD Go includes the following blocks: Input with Noise Gate Amp or Preamp (all HX models) Hybrid Cab from Helix—OR—1x Impulse Response (up to 128 user IRs can be loaded into POD Go via the Mac/PC editor) Preset EQ (any HX type) Wah (any HX type) Up to 4 additional effects (any HX type), with the following caveats: Three HX effects models have been omitted due to their size (Tone Sovereign, Clawthorn Drive, and Cosmos Echo) All Distortions, Dynamics, and Pitch/Synth blocks are mono only All other effects are stereo only Volume Pedal FX Loop (mono or stereo) Output with Volume and Pan The FX Loop and Preset EQ blocks are automatically assigned to stomp switches, and adding any additional effects automatically assigns them to the remaining stomp switches. Press and hold any two stomp switches to swap them. If it has nearly all models from HX and Helix products, why call this a POD at all? The original POD set the standard for ease-of-use in digital guitar and bass products. We wanted POD Go to be ridiculously easy-to-use, which meant purposefully omitting some power user features one would expect to find in HX or Helix-branded products. And not putting the best modeling possible in a box just because it happens to be less expensive—or have a different name—is weak sauce. Why didn’t you put VDI, L6 LINK, AES/EBU, S/PDIF, MIDI, parallel paths, dual DSPs, cap-sense switches, scribble strips, blah blah blah?! Because POD shouldn’t cost what Helix costs. What about some of the cooler Helix features like Snapshots, color switch rings, block copy/paste, 3-second footswitch assignment, 3-second controller assignment, multichannel USB audio, and re-amping? POD Go has all of these. So can you use this on professional gigs? Of course. The main outputs on POD Go are balanced/unbalanced and with TRS 1/4” to XLR M cables, can feed the front-of-house mixer—in stereo—without additional DI boxes. Then the 1/4” AMP OUT can be sent to your amp onstage (either echoing the Main Outs or tapped off before the Cab/IR block). The routable stereo send/return jacks can be used for 4-Cable Method. Is there a Mac/PC editor? Yes. POD Go Edit is available now. Does POD Go have an audio interface? Yes. POD Go has a 4-in/4-out audio/MIDI interface with re-amping built in. What kind of build material is used in the POD Go chassis? The top panel is folded steel, the treadle is cast aluminum, and the underside is sturdy ABS polycarbonate, to lower the weight and provide a convenient carrying handle. How do you reset the POD Go? Hold buttons C + D while powering on. What are the POD Go headphone specs? Headphone signal to noise ratio is 108dB. The headphone output impedance is 63 ohms. POD Go Input/Output Impedance Chart: Does POD Go convert IR files to certain specs? POD Go converts all IRs to 16-bit/48kHz/Mono. Why is there no audio when the FX Loop is turned on? If the FX Loop block is turn on and there is nothing actually in the loop, POD Go will mute. This is normal behavior when using the FX Loop block. Simply bypass the FX Loop block, and audio will come back. Dimensions/weight? Is it smaller than POD HD500X? 14.1”w x 9.1”d x 3.5”h; 5.2lbs It’s way smaller and lighter than POD HD500X. Fits inside pretty much any backpack or carry-on. What’s the price? POD Go sells for $449.99 US street. When is POD Go shipping? April 2020
I dropped my phone over the Line 6 POD GO as I was playing and it just shut off. Will not come on under any circumstance. First I thought that the phone falling on it must have pressed some random knobs that turned it off. But after countless tries at re-starting, rebooting and resetting, I have nothing. Won't pop up on the computer either as the product does not seem to take in any power. Tinkered around with it to see if I could fix it but realized the main board is stuck on there pretty well so couldn't remove it to investigate further since I didn't want to break anything. Not just the display gone out, but the entire device has no power. Has anyone else encountered this? Please help me I don't want to spend money to fix this when I don't have any.
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I'm having an issue with the G10TII that was sent with my unit. It's seemingly bricked itself during firmware update. I'm working with Support to get it working (or replaced), but in the meantime I have things to do. I have an existing wireless setup I'd like to use, but it doesn't seem to work. However, this doesn't seem to work. I'm wondering if the charging circuit for the G10TII transmitter is messing with the operation of this wireless receiver. It seems like if the intent that the "Guitar In" port works like a normal guitar input when not using a G10TII, then it should accept things like this that a normal guitar input would accept. Thanks, Scott
Installed 2.50 last night on my Pod Go (including the required Pod Go Edit update). I ran into some trouble with the unit getting hung up on "Updating" but I followed the procedure to use Line 6 Updater to fix it, and sure enough, it worked. Everything so far about the release seems fine, except that I get no sound from the 4x10 US Super cab model. I can use the Super Amp model with other Cabs just fine. But that 4x10 produces no sound at all. I did attempt to change the mic setup (model, placement) with no difference. Has anyone else experienced this problem?
Since the last month, the POD Go cannot be used as an interface in DAWs like Cubase because the ASIO Pod Go no longer shows up in Cubase. Some other software such as Amp sims like Hellbeast and Neural DSP show the ASIO but when you try to load it, it says it cannot connect to the device. I think it may be linked to the new update which is supposed to fix the memory intergrity compatibility, but now you cant record with the ASIO
Hi everyone, this ticket refers to the ducked delay in pod go. I know that there has been a request similar to this one but the answer in the other request was not to change all paremters at once. But even if I only change one relvant parameter I cannot see any effect: When I put the ducking parameter in ducked delay to "0" there is no delay at all (delay time: 800ms) - instead of a delay that should have no damping or muting at all. When I put the ducking parameter to 100% I can hear a delay also while playing continously - although the delay is supposed to start, when I stop playing. I have watched some video tutorials on ducked delay for the Helix pedalboard and it worked fine in the video. But even when I take the same parameters I dont get the effect seen in the tuturial in my pod go. I tried with different attack and release times but still no ducking effect. Do you have the same experience with your pod go or did you manage to get a ducking effect in the pod go? If so: Do you have any hint for me to fix it? If it is a bug: Is there any timeplan for a bugfix release that will also solve this problem? Thanks a lot, Anil
I tried to use in my pod go the Ducked Delay, but it seems have some problem because even if I pump up the ducking I dont have "ducking effect".
Hello Guys, greetings from Brasil. So I bought a Pod Go some months ago, I'm a professional musician and I'm using it for work. I love the tones and the easiness that it brought to me, so straight forward and well built. But I'm struggling with it something. I realized when I'm using it with my stage monitor (I have a JBL IRX108) the AMP out source is sending less volume compared to the Main Out, even when I set the volume knob to control both outputs. I tested today with my stage monitor here and is obviously sending less output. But I need those outputs to be matched because my monitor needs lots of input to operate well. I tried on the manual and couldn't find nothing about it, it actually says that the two outputs (amp out and master out) should be sending the same amount of volume. Other question is, is there someway that I can use the L and R master outputs one for the FOH and other for Monitoring as if they were two MONO outputs? Because I don't want my effects to be divided wrongly, with one side sent to the FOH and other just to my monitors
First off - yes, this topic was mentioned earlier, yes - I did everything others recommended, yet the problem still remaines. EXP1 can switch between VOL and WAH, but moving the pedal doesn't do anything. I have the latest version (2.01), I tried to clear it completly and import the backup - the problem still remains. If anyone had similar or exactly the same problem please respond, I'm losing my mind and have a gig in 2 weeks.
Simple preset in pedal mode. Delay and Reverb are always on. 2 switches control parameter changes 1 for Delay and 1 for Reverb. More and less mix, decay, etc. When I first start on Snapshot 1 the lights on switches are off indicating less reverb and delay When switching to another snapshot suddenly one of the switches is on (reverb) but the values are still for low. So turning the switch off actually turns more reverb on. When switching to Snapshot 1 again, now the delay button has same issue. Anyone knows what this is about?
I'm using a Helix for all my live sounds and I've recently started experimenting with setting up my pan in the Helix itself so I don't have to rely on the sound guys to do it. I'm using two cabinets on all my presets and I pan them hard left and right and then I use the output block for my overall panning. So based on parts of the songs, I've got my main output from the Helix going either fully to the right for harmony & doubled parts, dead center for lead, and hard left-right for when I'm the rhythm guitar and the other guy is doin lead. Is there a way to achieve this on the other guitarist's rig? He uses a POD Go and I've been able to set up the centered lead and the full left for harmony and doubled parts, but I can't figure out if it's possible to split his signal left-right the way I do with the Helix? On my rig it's different from keeping both cabs centered and lowering the volume, since if they're hard left-right they don't mix together, but since he has only one cab would a centered sound with a volume cut be the way to go? Ideally I want to be able to push his sound very wide and in the background so there is space for it but it doesn't fight with my lead in the center.
Hey hey! I was looking through some presets for my Pod GO here, but I saw that it didn't really have any Black Keys stuff, except Lonely Boy. If you have some good setup or preset, mind telling under here Thx!
Hello, I new here and a new owner of the POD Go. So as the title says, I'm trying to figure out the best setup for my patches. I'm coming from a very old Korg AX-1000G from high school days. It was super simple to use so I'm learning as fast as I can on the POD Go since I've been out of the game for a while. I've downloaded some settings from Marketplace and CustomTone to see how others set things up. Here's my setup: ESP Ltd EC-256 --> POD Go input --> Amp Out (pre cab/IR turned off in global settings) --> FX Loop Return (Randall RG200 G2 series, solid state [manual attached]) One of my main questions is should I use the Amp models or should I use the Preamp models? So far the preamps are all over the place as far as output and it seems like I can't really get them all on the same page as far as volume goes. I know it makes more sense in theory to only use the Preamps since I'm using my real amp for the power output but I feel like the overall sound and volume is more consistent with the Amp models. I've moved my cabs to the end of the chain in case I ever want to record through my PC, I won't have to go back and turn the cabs back on adn I still get any effects to work through the Amp Out that would normally be after the Cab. Also, I have level knobs for my FX loop send and return on my Randall amp and I can't really find any definitive info on how I should set the Return level for my setup. I'm getting some breakup on some patches when there shouldn't be, but it could just be me not understanding the POD GO well enough yet too. RG75G2_RG200G2_RH100G2_RH200G2_Manual.pdf
Pod Go Wah jumps to full volume even if exp 2 is turned down.
keithmarriott posted a topic in POD Go
Hi folks, hoping someone can help. I don't like using the onboard pedal for Wah and volume because you have to turn the volume up to full before you can press the tow switch to activate the Wah (so no funky rhythm playing). So I'm using an external volume (expression) pedal on exp 2. This works great as the external pedal as a minimum volume so I can set rhythm and lead levels. However, moving the onboard pedal doesn't do anything until I activate the tow switch and the Wah is activated: but.... As soon as I activate the Wah the setting for the external pedal is bypassed and the volume jumps to full. So basically I have the same issue that I can't play funky rhythm with the Wah on as the volume goes to full. Any idea how I can stop that happening? -
Just bought the Pod Go. I have three X3 Live units. Will the X3 power supplies work with the Go?
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I am experiencing lots of crashes with the POD Go ASIO driver in Windows using Ableton Live 11. Recording goes fine until you switch off the power of the POD Go. That will almost always result in a fatal blue screen of death. So I'm suspecting a driver fault. Does anyone else have similar problems?
Just got a pod go recently and noticed that when I turn the unit off and then sometime later turn on it go use it my customers presets are gone. I have noticed that upon power up it says demo mode active, will reset all. I have searched everywhere and can not find anything on how to turn this demo mode off. Anyone else run into this issue?
Help! What do I do? My POD Go does not continue its update and is showing this error while updating. "Failed to get impulse names. Service is not online. [Code 8207]"
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After waiting a VERY long time we finally have an update to Pod Go, which is extremely welcome! However, the one key feature I was really hoping for (and with all the hints around a re-written cab engine, we had good reason for hope) is still missing - no stereo cab block! This means that the Pod Go can't be used for stereo effects into the PA if you still want to hear those effects on-stage - the pre-cab tap point for on-stage monitor would be really useful, but all stereo capable effects have to be placed AFTER the cab block, so you can't hear them on stage!! - this is a huge limitation of the Pod Go and should have been fixed in 2.0, with the re-written cab engine - is there any hope at all that this feature will come soon in an update?
The power cord for the Pod Go is not really road worthy - as well, I like to have both a back up cord: a cord I leave at my studio at home as well as one in my Gig back. Besides being back ordered, they are also very expensive. Does any have suggestions on options other then buying a direct replacement (which can't be done right now)? Also, the DC-3h unit is 9V 3A - is it ok to use one with higher amps (ie: 9V 4A)? How about one with fewer amps - 9V 2A? Is there a range that will work 3A +/- 14% or some other Percentage? Right now playing with just one cord and that is risky............. Any help/advice is greatly appreciated.
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I just got my Pod Go a few days ago. It was a Friday, so I had over the weekend to play it before I had to go back to work. (Got a new Marshall DSL100HR too though, so the Pod Go had to share the stage. It got more than enough play though considering I can't play the marshall through haedphones without connecting up a bunch of other gear I don't feel like messing with when I now have Pod Go right here) Anyway.... I do quite a bit of recording with Reaper, and part of the reason the Pod Go appealed to me was the fact that it can be used as an audio interface. Infact, that was one of the main reasons. I wanted something to help me simplify my workflow when tracking, but that would not be a compromise on tone. Seeing as how Pod Go uses the same HX series effects processor as Helix and HX family of products.... Enter Pod Go.... Now, I like this thing alot. However, I have yet to be able to use it for what I bought it to use it for, which is recording. It needs ASOI drivers in order to be used an an A.I. correct? I've got it plugged up tp my PC, and my studio monitors, and I get sound, and the unit sounds good through the monitors, but can I just use it as is in Reaper? Or do I need the ASIO drivers? The info on the Line 6 site says I need the ASIO driver, but the only downloads I can find anywhere for Pod Go on the Line 6 website are the firmware updates, and updates for Pod Go Edit. Both of which are up to date at 1.30. Is it possible that I missed something, and the ASIO drivers are part of that download? Or is it something else all together? And if it is something different, where do I find it. I have to say, the way it was explained to me, this thing was supposed to be a great tool for me to use for recording, but as of right now, I have to say that the difficulty I am experiencing in trying to find out something/find something which should be right there out front and easy for anyone to find, it is making me a little worried that maybe I jumped the gun spending this money, and perhaps I should have just stuck with playing my tube amps through my Captor 16 and CAB M+..... If anyone else knows where I can find this, I would greatly appreciate it if you could fill me in as I'd love to become privy to such knowledge. If there is maybe a link that someone could share to the web page where the download is located, that would be even better! Thanks in advance for any assistance anyone out there may be able to offer.
How can I disable (or delete) the volume block on the Pod Go so that I can only use the pedal as a wah pedal?
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Hi all, I recently bought the Pod Go and quite happy with it. But i've encountered with weird behaviour of "Deez One Vintage" distortion model (Boss DS-1) which I placed in front of US Double Nrm amp model (Fender Twin). It seems that at the moment of string attack a compressor is triggered. It's like "Deez One Vintage" uses a compression pedal inside. What interesting is that only "Deez One Vintage" and may be "Deez One Mod" has that problem. Any other distortion models (Hedgehog D9, Compulsive Drive, etc.) works good. Moreover I've tried a Helix Native plugin and DS-1 inside of it works well without any artificial compression. Has anyone encountered anything like this?
Hello! I recently bought a POD GO and have been using it at home with either headphones or directly out of my Yorkville YSM8 studio monitors with great results. The other purpose for me buying this unit is to use it in a live scenario in my classic rock band which I went to test today and I have questions. I am going Line out -> Amp FX Return ( Old 80's Marshall Mosfet lead 100 solid state head ) and obviously guitar ( Fender Tele ) in the input. The amp is plugged into a V30 equipped 4x12. I am using preamps of the POD GO only with the cab block disabled. My question is that when going through the preamps one by one just starting at the 100 who watt preamp and going down the list turning the knob I noticed something strange. The first like 20 amps are all clean and sound the same just dull with no character at all. When I got home I tested the amp vs preamp for every model and all the amps excluding a few sounded amazing with the built in power section and what was more surprising is they almost all had natural grit / gain to them. A quick example of what I mean if you want to reproduce it would be the amp " derailed Ingrid ". The amp sounds really really good nice gain but then switch over to the preamp version and it becomes a lifeless clean channel. This is how the preamp sounds coming out of my 4x12 at my jam space.... Am I doing something wrong? Did I connect something wrong? Is my signal path / blocks wrong? I have the most simple path ever just volume pedal -> preamp and nothing else on just for testing purpose. Thank you!